Should TV show Writers/Creators apologize for spreading TDS?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Television Should TV show Writers/Creators apologize for spreading TDS?

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    <p style=”text-align: left;”>As you may or may not have known, TDS stands for “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” What is this phenomena? It’s basically when the human mind is flooded so deeply with misinformation and propaganda about our former President to the point that the people become inconsolable and quite literally ‘deranged’ by the mere idea of Donald J. Trump being the former President or being a good president in general.</p>

    We all saw what happened Hillary Clinton lying about the Steele Dossier, she had to pay a $100k fine, but saw no jail time or legal action for falsely claiming collision, we saw the J6 tapes, hearings, and testimony, all of which proved Trump supports at the rally were absolutely framed and the narrative was falsely driven. We even currently see lawsuits after lawsuits of false allegations after false allegations to make Trump appearing criminal, but only making him more relatable.

    But what does any of this have to do with Writers/Creators? Well in case you were tuning out mainstream media, we saw dozens of TV shows or animated series take shots at Donald Trump with only perpetuating the idea that Donald Trump was the most corrupt president when factually, he was the least corrupt. The TV show writers and creators allowed this kind of propaganda to continue year after year and even after Trump’s presidency was over, we still see shows like family guy attacking Trump supporters and even going as far as to ignore the criminal behaviors of Biden, Obama, George Bush, and the Clinton’s after they’ve been exposed.

    I’m not saying we all cannot take a joke, in fact, I find it completely funny that they still the out of touch liberal hollywood writers think Trump or his supporters are dumb or naive when that is more often their own party.

    Although, it’s not a shock that they HAVE ALWAYS made fun of republicans, however, it’s never been pushed or mean spirited to the point of creating/reinforcing false narratives or propaganda in actual society.


    Ultimately, I feel it’s important for these creators to ultimately apologize and say ” we were wrong.”

    Now I know that they never willingly admit they’re wrong or apologize, but I feel it’s important, as American’s and consumers to hold the creators responsible and demand apology for spreading this misinformation and negative propaganda which ultimately hurt our country.

    Sure, we don’t really deserve an apology, it was their freedom of speech that allows them to make these shows, but satire or not, I feel that they are morally responsible for pushing this in their shows all the same.

    I would forgive these content creators if they simply admitted they were wrong, but sadly we never will, we can only laugh at their dismay when they fall.

    You know Seth MacFarlane once commented on the family guy star wars blue harvest festival DVD commentary (first family guy star wars movie)- “Rush Limbaugh was a nice guy, but I simply dont agree with his politics.”

    A clear reminder that even some liberals can be or at least used to be sensible, but also a reminder of what liberals are forbidden to say in these times. Should creators like Seth MacFarlane apologize! I personally think so, on a moral level purely.




    They absolutely should. Furthermore, I’ll have you know, that I think they should also apologize for the woke agenda. Unless they do so and make it felt, there’s nothing in me that has any shred of supportive will towards them. I get no indication that they care about Americans. I do not think the strike is going to work out, do you? It might be over for a lot of actors and writers. If it is, one would hope they would start taking it out on the industry and start whistle-blowing on Hollywood insiders.


    @comicsgate I think Hollywood is disintegrating and honestly while they might still survive, it will never recover from where it was 10 years ago. Now that all the dirty laundry is getting aired out, movies are bombing left and right, this could all be a process of eliminating employees to move directly to AI because they won’t have to manage people or agents anymore. They’ll probably g directly to 90% AI generated content and keep a minimum crew to work on the content.

    I absolutely think the strike is going to fail and undercut the industry with AI and I hope it does because these actors and writers are terrible at their job and AI could do their job less time and less effort. Will that content be worth anything? Maybe if AI makes a few developmental steps from where it is now, sure, but the creative types who ruined the industry in the ground? They’re going to be blacklisted or at the very least, discredited from working on anything in the parallel entertainment economy.

    Thanks for seeing my point of view, yeah they simply don’t understand that Americans are tired of their woke agenda BS and while family at least gave one good monologue to attack woke ideology, they still lead with just depicting Trump supporters as idiots which at this point, they’ve literally ignored every leftist agenda that completely ignored their own mirror.

    I’m fed up with them.

    BTW, are you just named comicsgate? Or do you worth with Ethan and everyone?


    @Salvince No. I am not Ethan and don’t work with anyone who orbits him. I just liked the name. I actually feel bad that I like the name and indie concept so much. I know Chuck Dixon does not like the term “Comicsgate,” but after GamerGate, and me growing up on some Marvel comics, I just took the name.

    Not affiliated with EVS at all. In fact, I hope what I say does not reflect poorly on comicsgate. I’m wondering if I should change the name or nuke the account?

    Your writing and thoughts on the industry are good. A.I. is really taking off. Look at Spiderverse or TMNT. The biggest collapse though has been the writing and the character of the actors. I won’t even miss it. I bailed on Hollywood over 10 years ago. I just liked some of Jeremy’s and Nerdrotic’s videos and was surprised anyone who flip the bird to the cosmopolitan class.


    I’m sure EVS and comicsgate would be happy to see you talking about this stuff. I like the name too because I feel it strongly reflects the parallel industry very well as the Leftist’s boogyman in the industry.

    So happy to see Chuck Dixon working with Eric July too. Just read the new Isom and it’s amazing.

    And if you nuke your account, who the hell will I talk to?!  Haha 😂.

    Gamergate was a joke, the real gamergate was Kotaku and other media companies trying to gatekeep the gaming community and failing hard at it.

    They don’t even know whether to hate gamers or take over our name. They’re nothing but disrespectful cretins who got too greedy and nukes their own industry into oblivion. Once the venture capital dries up, they were out of a job. Buzzfeed died, Kotaku is dying, and others are suffering into oblivion.

    All we have to worry about now is the big devs making woke garbage and after the Diablo 4 story debacle, it’s only a matter of time before the gamers stop playing that altogether too.




      AI is not going to take over writing.  Just because it can “compose” something does not mean it can make anything that makes sense much less is of quality or interest. And in my opinion it’s not writhing anything it’s essentially plagiarism via algorithmic paraphrasing.

      Hollywood will shrink financially but they won’t fail.  But you have to understand they know that.  They are not writing garbage by accident.  They know you don’t like it but they do not care because it’s the propaganda they want to put out.  This is not at all new, they have been making propaganda since the 50’s.  They have always been aware of the power of their influence and had a pledge against undue influence early on.

      Hollywood has survived a number of radical market shifts over the years like the advent of Television and Streaming.  It will continue to roll on more than likely.

      I am not saying Hollywood is anything good, worthy or of value.  But simply writing them off as hapless dingdongs severely underestimates their influence and market power.  This is a mistake.

      As far as TDS.  The lies and disinformation (intentional misinformation) are not really the root problem.  It’s a symptom of a corrupt system and a section of the population whom are happy to listen to that corrupt system because they believe it is responsible for their happiness or level of comfort.

      Dingdongs on the left are allowed to say stupid stuff just as are dingdongs on the right (there are dingdongs on all sides) are allowed too.  What we should shoot for is not silencing grifters and propagandists but educating a population.  And if you can do that successfully, even just a little bit, the problem pretty much solves itself.


      Well again, that’s where I’ll disagree because AI already writes and draws better than the grifters now, so what’s stopping them? Almost nothing.

      Hollywood knows what it’s doing, but hasnt done anything capable of changing their behaviors. Hollywood is a disintegrating industry and only the cheapest options will sustain them. AI engineers working on making entertainment will be the replacement regardless of the time it will take to make it happen.

      And we have been educating  Masses, the education has shown more people in support of Traditional ideologies and the diminishing of leftist ones. More countries right now are going back to traditionalism of their countries and ultimately ignoring the globalist agenda.

      What I think is that you are not seeing the long lasting effects the industry is suffering from and you aren’t giving conservative/traditionalism/True Republicans the credit they deserve.

      If the leftist ideology held perfect dominion, this country would have already been sold to China 100% by now. Even now, we states pushing away from leftism, tearing down these ideologies, and slowing driving a knife of American patriotism into the heart of the Marxist elitists.


      You say they aren’t dumb, but Soros put his millennial son in charge and now they’re facing a financial downfall.


      I respect that you don’t underestimate your enemies, but don’t sit there and ignore where we are striking and weakening the giant. The most fatal flaw in any battle is to assume you already won, you are showing that, but its also crucial to note that if you are too busy focusing on their power, you ignore their Achilles heel.

      Striking calmly in an effective area is the lynchpin to any victory. The first one to get excited, loses. I’m not excited, I am exactly where I need to be, effectively striking with assured victory and only remaining excited when its all over.


      • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Salvince.

        “AI already writes and draws better than the grifters now, so what’s stopping them? Almost nothing.”

        That’s really not saying a whole lot and I actually challenge that premise.  But let’s say you are correct that AI writes better than the stinky Hollywood writers.  The only people that hurts are the writers themselves.  The Hollywood machine will march on because it will just use AI and if it makes them more money and pushes their propaganda then all that happened is a lot of writers lost their jobs and Hollywood got to save a ton of cash on salaries, benefits and so on.

        “Hollywood knows what it’s doing, but hasnt done anything capable of changing their behaviors. Hollywood is a disintegrating industry”

        It is not disintegrating.  Taking in less money than usual, probably,  but falling apart no and that it is somewhat debatable if we take into account licensing agreements and worldwide intake.  Hollywood’s means of profit does not at all begin and end with ticket sales.

        “And we have been educating  Masses, the education has shown more people in support of Traditional ideologies and the diminishing of leftist ones. More countries right now are going back to traditionalism of their countries and ultimately ignoring the globalist agenda.”

        That is a very rosy outlook and as much as I want that to be true I am fairly confident that is a anecdotal observation by you and not based on a lot of concrete information.  You are entitled to your opinion,  as am I,  but I don’t represent my opinion as fact.

        “What I think is that you are not seeing the long lasting effects the industry is suffering from and you aren’t giving conservative/traditionalism/True Republicans the credit they deserve.”

        I have not pretended to know what you see or observe nor what angle, leaning or tribe you claim allegiance to so I am not sure why you are throwing that at me.  I see just fine.  Just because it’s not the same thing you might see does not invalidate it.  As far as giving those tribes “the credit they deserve”, I am not even sure how to respond because all I have gone on about is that Hollywood is not as week and feeble , in my opinion, as you seem to think it is.  I have mentioned many times on these forums that I believe culture is shifting and for once to the positive.  I have made entire threads about it so, again, not sure what you are referring to.

        “If the leftist ideology held perfect dominion,”

        I never said the leftists held perfect dominion, clearly that’s not the case, but right now they hold a lot of power.

        “this country would have already been sold to China 100% by now.”

        I have no idea what percentage it is at this point but it’s probably pretty damn high.

        “You say they aren’t dumb, but Soros put his millennial son in charge and now they’re facing a financial downfall.”

        I am not sure if I am just vague or over generalizing or what but you are conflating a number of things.  What does George Soros have to do with Hollywood? Who is facing a downfall?  I am not sure why you assume people whom essentially control large swaths of the world are entirely incompetent or unintelligent.  I am not saying they are evil geniuses but clearly they have developed ways to control entire countries while they sit atop of a pile of someone else’s money while demanding (and legislating)  everyone else do as they say.

        “I respect that you don’t underestimate your enemies, but don’t sit there and ignore where we are striking and weakening the giant. The most fatal flaw in any battle is to assume you already won, you are showing that, but its also crucial to note that if you are too busy focusing on their power, you ignore their Achilles heel.”

        Um what?  I am showing an assumption of victory by saying don’t underestimate some of the enemy?  That is entirely contradictory.


        I am not trying to push an agenda or my way of thinking. I am not trying to force a way of life or a set of beliefs on anyone.  If we are in the business of doing that then you are the monster you are attempting to slay.

        I honestly don’t care who “wins”.  All I know is the tyrannical left, the world over, needs to lose.


        • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Vknid.

        Nah, you’re not even reading what I’m saying at this point and again, you’re definitely calling my stuff an “opinion” when we both can well confirm multiple cases of the left losing legal battles, ideological battles, political battles, and cultural battles.

        Recent studies show more and more ideology from the left is being forced out of multiple countries. You claim to say “the left is in control” but you are clearly failing to see that the left is LOSING that control and you aren’t acknowledging it. Yes, the left is in power, but you fail to see that THEYRE LOSING THAT POWER, RAPIDLY. Soros’ business slowly going bankrupt works in OUR FAVOR. It shows weakness in their ability to predict what the people are doing and the steps we are taking to run them out.

        And don’t sit here and say “you’re the same as the people I am pointing the finger at.” Last time I checked: The right side of the isle which at this point is anyone whose against the leftist ideology (including yourself) is against the gender ideology, CRT, the perverted grooming of kids, political corruption, reckless spending, removing personal freedoms of this Republic nation, and just about anyone who dislikes a functional economy to buy affordable gas, food, and other expenses. If you’re against anything the left brings to the table, you’re on the right side. That’s how they perceive us, that’s how we utilize our strengths. We find common ground and work together to bring down the leftist giants.

        We are on the same side, but you got to quit this “tribalism” argument because at the end of the day it’s global leftist elitism versus the the sanity of Americans.

        You contradicted yourself by saying “I don’t care who wins” and then say “The tyrannical left needs to lose” because that’s picking a side. The left, as a whole, is corrupt. It doesn’t matter if it’s a RINO Republican or a blue state Democrat, if you’re against the globalist elitist agenda, you’re on the right side now. There’s nothing to argue about, quit trying to segregate yourself as some morally superior individual, you’re just like us, fighting for what you’re against.

        Furthermore, I didn’t say you were assuming anything, you’re doing the exact opposite which is smart, but you also aren’t acknowledging where the enemy has lost and is losing.

        You’re focusing on the battle ahead, you need to focus on the fight that’s in front of you. This is why it’s hard to talk to you, you dissect every argument to try and invalidate everything I’m saying and it simply doesn’t work like that, you have more than enough anecdotal evidence to go on, maybe even more.

        Yes, I see where the left still has control, it’s a lot, but it’s not hidden anymore. The fact that is exposed for everyone to see and more Americans come to this agreement that it’s wrong, people are starting to see the reality of the issues.

        Regardless of how you feel, if you’re against the Marxist agendas, you’re on the same side as us. You can try and make the statement of a “free thinker” all day, but you aren’t helping the tyrannical left lose if you’re not working with everyone whose against it to achieve a goal.

        Look, I get it, you’re politically neutral. That’s cool, but if you vote libertarian when everyone needs to vote for Trump to get a corrupt puppet out of office, you’re weakening your statement about being against the tyrannical left Because you made a conscious choice to weaken the fight against the tyrannical left.

        The right thing to do is support those who have less power and become ideologically stronger. I’m not saying you need to hold allegiance to only right ideologies, but you also can’t shy away from a fight to take it against the leftist tyranny.

        You need to quit thinking about yourself so much and think about the best way to support a cause to destroy the tyrannical left. Whether that’s educating others or voting a certain way. I’m not saying you have to vote that way, think that way, or do exactly everything a conservative does or thinks. I’m saying if you aren’t willing to make a sacrifice to work together with people you don’t see eye to eye with to defeat the tyrannical left, then you are working for the tyrannical left.

        You’re the one weakening what we all agree on by putting your individual identity before the fight we are in.

        It’s fine, call yourself a swiss cheese sandwich, that’s fine, but if you aren’t making the best choices to stop leftist tyranny, you are indirectly supporting  leftist tyranny.


        So make up your mind, do you want the woke leftists to win? Because this is how they’re winning right now. Are you going to work with everyone whose against globalist perversions or you’re going to sit on the side lines and “see how it plays out.”

        This division is how the leftists came to control everything. The division you have sewn into this conversation is exactly what they want.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Salvince.

          “Nah, you’re not even reading what I’m saying at this point”

          Given the hour I spent reading, quoting and replying to your last post I find that pretty insulting.

          “Recent studies show more and more ideology from the left is being forced out of multiple countries.”

          I am not sure what studies you are referring to, but clearly the major export of the USA at this point is leftist ideology.

          “And don’t sit here and say “you’re the same as the people I am pointing the finger at.”

          I will say it because it’s true.  If your goal or agenda is to force others to behave as wish or do as you want then your goal is the same as the tyrannical left’s with just different beliefs.   Saying certain things are wrong or immoral is not the same as the government compelling people to speak or act.  For example.  We can say that a person has the freedom to identify as they wish.  Call yourself a cat if you want.  But compelling others to play along is tyrannical. All allowing said cat person to dance naked in front of children is highly wrong and immoral and should be allowed as it such a thing is damaging to a child.

          ” If you’re against anything the left brings to the table, you’re on the right side. That’s how they perceive us,”

          True, this is a paradigm of their own making.  It’s an attempt to “other” people.  Either you are 100% onboard with the insanity or your are essentially considered subhuman.

          “We are on the same side, but you got to quit this “tribalism” argument because at the end of the day it’s global leftist elitism versus the the sanity of Americans.”

          It’s not an argument it’s an observation. Everyone is pushed into tribes via constant propaganda whom are then set against each other.   This is currently how the political elite is controlling society via divide and conquer.  This is the reason for things like CRT and all the other marxist tactics they use.  Realizing that, pointing it out and refusing to play that game is how you take away the power it has.

          “You contradicted yourself by saying “I don’t care who wins” and then say “The tyrannical left needs to lose” because that’s picking a side”

          No I actually did not.   It does not matter what political tribe comes out on top so long as it’s not the left.

          “There’s nothing to argue about, quit trying to segregate yourself as some morally superior individual, you’re just like us, fighting for what you’re against.”

          I am not sure what we are arguing about at this point vs. my belief Hollywood is not hurting as bad as you think it is.  I never once claimed to be morally superior or anything even close to it and I have zero clue why you are even claiming such a thing.

          “Furthermore, I didn’t say you were assuming anything, you’re doing the exact opposite which is smart, but you also aren’t acknowledging where the enemy has lost and is losing.”

          Well that side of it has not come up.  The whole conversation was the Hollywood thing.  But I clearly mentioned that their is a huge culture shift going on in the positive direction away from the left.  This is massively significant as I would argue this has not happened since the leftist slide that began probably in the 60’s and started to spread like wildfire from the 90’s on. But that shift won’t continue if we don’t keep pushing. And the point there is not that “the right” needs to take over and force everyone to act a certain way, it’s just that the marxists need to be removed from power and those feed off society and those that would corrupt our children need to be socially shunned for their behavior. “Make stigma great again”.

          “Yes, I see where the left still has control, it’s a lot, but it’s not hidden anymore. The fact that is exposed for everyone to see and more Americans come to this agreement that it’s wrong, people are starting to see the reality of the issues.”

          Absolutely agree 100%. I do believe this is one of the primary reasons for the culture shift I just spoke of.  And the interesting part there is we can thank Donald Trump for that.  One can argue about how effective he was politically but he clearly has had a major culture effect.  He has brought populism back and exposed the establishment as he forced their hand bringing it to the light of day.  This is why I think he is actually more effective as a culture leader than a political one.

          “Regardless of how you feel, if you’re against the Marxist agendas, you’re on the same side as us. You can try and make the statement of a “free thinker” all day,”

          I am not sure who “us” is, but obviously I am against the Marxists.  I have never said the words “free thinker”.  I would hope everyone is a free thinker and acts on their own behalf and in their own interests vs. clinging to the tenants of a tribe. Which essentially describes the left at this point.

          “Look, I get it, you’re politically neutral. That’s cool, but if you vote libertarian when everyone needs to vote for Trump to get a corrupt puppet out of office”

          I never said I was politically neutral, nor claimed it, nor even described that.  Simply because I refuse to hold to the tenants of a political party does not mean I don’t choose sides. I have never voted libertarian in my life nor am I a libertarian. Assuming things about a person you don’t know beyond a couple of forum posts is silly.

          “The right thing to do is support those who have less power and become ideologically stronger. I’m not saying you need to hold allegiance to only right ideologies, but you also can’t shy away from a fight to take it against the leftist tyranny.”

          Shy away?  I have made hundreds of posts on this forum against leftist ideologies so that falls flat in my opinion.

          “You need to quit thinking about yourself so much and think about the best way to support a cause to destroy the tyrannical left. Whether that’s educating others or voting a certain way. I’m not saying you have to vote that way, think that way, or do exactly everything a conservative does or thinks.”

          Thinking about myself?  How do you figure that one?  I am a conservative.

          “You’re the one weakening what we all agree on by putting your individual identity before the fight we are in.”

          Who is “we”?  My individual identity?  I have no idea what you are talking about at this point or how you pull that from a disagreement about Hollywood financial state.

          “So make up your mind, do you want the woke leftists to win? Because this is how they’re winning right now. Are you going to work with everyone whose against globalist perversions or you’re going to sit on the side lines and “see how it plays out.”

          This division is how the leftists came to control everything. The division you have sewn into this conversation is exactly what they want.”

          What division have I sewn?  Is disagreement sewing division?  Do you really expect to agree with anyone 100% on anything?  That is an expectation not tethered to reality.   And again, in the context of this forum, my many posts against the tyrannical Marxists speaks for itself so how you arrive at this conclusion of what I am, that I somehow stand against you or that I am politically neutral is absolute unfounded nonsense.



          Yeah, you can read requote my entire response, but you still clearly don’t understand what I’m saying. You’re not reading what I am writing to the point where you can understand what I’m saying which it shows.

          First, I am not FORCING morality on ANYONE, you claimed I am forcing morality when there’s no evidence of it. My only argument about morality is drawing lines in the sand clearly stating the leftist ideology is WRONG and harmful to society. That’s it, that’s my line. Maybe you think sterilizing children is morally sound? I think it’s absolutely horrendous and sick to morally justify that behavior and thinks anyone who supports that thinking should be in prison. Is that moral enforcement wrong? Harming the innocent is my line in the sand and fighting against that thinking is morally justified.


          When I said “us” I mean everyone whose against leftist ideology. Quit making false assumptions that I’m asking for the same corruption but on the opposite side. You can’t win a war if you are acting by yourself and can’t drain the swamp if you don’t have the support of the true Conservatives who want to drain it.

          And yes, you are trying to drive this self morality idea that if I want to “work together” with my fellow conservatives to get rid of the ideological poison that is leftism from society: I must be as bad as the leftists, the guys who are mutilating children. How does that make sense? Please tell me where defending MY RIGHTS AS AN AMERICAN, PROTECTING MY FAMILY, AND WORKING WITH PEOPLE WHO WANT THE SAME OUTCOME, Is the same tactics and morality enforcement as Leftist elitism?

          Please explain because again, you are creating this division that if we work together to uproot a dangerous control on our country, I’m somehow as bad as the leftists who are already in control? That doesn’t make sense because if and when we “the people against leftist elitism” regain control of this country, our goals wont be to enforce another tyrannical ideology or culture. We want it to go back to: you mind your business, we mind our own.

          I’m not saying you lose your freedoms when you fight for them, I’m saying you keep your individual freedoms. Hollywood doesn’t want that, but we all do. That’s what I am fighting for, that’s what conservatives are fighting for, but working together to achieve this goal makes us no better than leftists? Nope to you, that’s factually wrong.

          Look, I get it, you don’t want another ideology running over the American people’s rights and creating this tribalism of morality to be enforced in the opposite direction, but you are claiming that’s what’s going to happen before its even happened. You don’t even know what I want because you can’t even understand what I’m saying.

          Don’t sit here and tell me you’re a conservative, show me you want the leftist ideology to be done. We, the conservatives, need to make sure we are fighting for the right goals, but if Dailywire and Crowder and Trump and anyone else whose against the woke narrative want to win, we gotta work together to achieve it. Im not saying blindly support them, I’m saying work together to end leftist global elitism. That’s it.




          @Vknid  you also appear to be trying to twist my words to undermine my speech and the idea of team work equates to leftist totalitarianism, that’s entirely false.

          I’ve never stated we should be moral enforcement and to declare that I want to behave the same way as the leftist ideology is nothing short of despicable language twisting which is what leftists are doing.

          You’re clearly not ready to have this conversation because you’re already declaring I want to be the enforcement on other people which is absolutely false.

          You are creating division of two conservatives RIGHT NOW. I want people to make their own choices and then you here demonizing me when I say working together to stop leftist ideology is bad.

          You are the one whose declaring I’m wanting some moral enforcement on the opposite side, that’syou making a false statement.

          That’s you twisting what I’m saying to fit your narrative, just like a leftist.

          You also did contradict yourself, you clearly do care who wins and if you’re conservative then why were you berating my argument in the first place?

          You also contradicted yourself AGAIN when you said: creating division is how leftists came to power, but then you’re saying conservatives working together will create the same problems? 🤔 well which is it? You don’t even know. You’re contradicting yourself time and time again. We can’t have a serious conversation if you’re making false assumptions.
          <p style=”text-align: left;”>Here’s your problem: no matter how much I agree on the same side as you, you’ll twist what Im saying to disagree with me.</p>
          You clearly aren’t a conservative if you’re so ready to twist what I’m saying to fit your arguments. Leftists do that crap all day and it’s not going to work here.




          <p style=”text-align: left;”>@Vknid, look I don’t know what you’re arguing with me about and maybe youre trying to twist my words or you’re not understanding what I’m saying, you’ve done this on two forums now, so let’s just settle this in a direction one on one conversation. My phone number is in my profile.</p>
          If you wanna have a direct one on one conversation today after I get of work, so we can get to the bottom of our disagreement, let’s do so. I’m fine if we don’t agree 100%. But don’t sit there and make arbitrary statements about what I am advocating for. I know what I’m advocating for. The restoration of our Constitutional republic rights and the downfall of a twisted ideology bent on harming the Innocent and destroying our freedoms of choice.

          I know what I’m fighting for and working with my fellow conservatives/traditionalists/anti leftists is what I aim to do to achieve it. I hope you can see what I am advocating for as a positive l, but don’t ever compare me to someone who wants to hold enforcement over others. That’s corruption you are implying I want.


          Yes they should! It’s because of this that we’re getting needless reboots like the ‘Harry Potter’, ‘Lord of the Rings’ and ‘Twilight’ franchises (although to be fair, I think ‘Twilight’ could benefit more from a reboot than the other two. It’s one of the few cases in which I think the books were better than the films) as well as the string of Disney live action “remakes” (I’m a Disney fan and even I think they need to STOP WITH THE REMAKES as well as this awful agender that they’re pushing🤬!).


          @DragonLady right there with you :)

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