Silent Hill 2 Remake My 1st Hour Experience

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    Silent Hill 2 Remake Playthrough Part 1 Taking In The Sights.
    I have been a life long Silent Hill fan & I have played every single game that has ever come out, in my country at least. I was hyper critical of the game when they announced Bloober was making it. The more I saw how receptive they were to fan feedback & the more they changed, the more I liked the game. I was very excited to play this & I have not watched any gameplay, I wanted to go in blind & bro, this was so good. They 100% nailed the atmosphere & look of the game. This video was more of a let’s look around & take in all the sights but I do make it to the Radio pick up & first enemy battle. I instantly love the game.
    Thank you to  Bloober Team  for an excellent remake, I look forward to their next remake & whatever other game they might be working on. I am aware of certain things & rest assured I will make a video on it, but I just want to enjoy the game for the game for a bit.
    Thanks for watching & stay tuned for the next gameplay video. As always stay Stellar.


    The first video was more of taking in the world & it’s amazing atmosphere. But in this video, there is a lot more action so I could not afford the health to admire a lot of the city. We also pay a visit to my old shop in Silent Hill, GIGA COMPUTERS.
    I had to change my name to GiggaVega, so I could avoid the debt collectors of Silent Hill Tax Collections Agents. Now you know my dark secret. Blame CERN for tearing a hole in our worlds’ time space continuum as we slowly over flow your world with Silent Hill monsters…
    Thanks for watching & as always stay Stellar & stay tuned for part 3.


    I appreciate all you guys that go over to watch the videos, G&G is half my audience  for the series. Thank You ALL.

    Silent Hill 2 Remake Playthrough Part 3. So Much Tension, I had To Stop Playing!
    Every time I sit down to play Silent Hill 2 Remake , I am floored by how good & tense the game actually is. In this video, there is a lot of action, I almost died in an ambush by Hit Detection Acid Spewers & by the end, when I saw the storm waiting for me to get to the apartments, I said NOPE! That’s enough terror for me today. Wait till you see the next video.
    Thank you for watching & as always stay Stellar & stay tuned for more.


      This games looks the part. And it truly inspires anxiety and suspense.   This is how games used to be done.  Now most of them are “gay and retarded”.


      The game is EXCELLENT, the remake is very faithful, there is no Gay or Retarded  stuff in it because it was not made by a Western studio, it was made by a Polish developer. Their horror culture is better than American horror culture (example, go watch last year’s Netflix Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it was terrible)

      Now there are a couple of major issues with the game that NOBODY  is talking about, I will make a video on it but a word to the wise, Blooder/Konami did hire a consultation team called Hit Detection & when they are involved, they need to have their signature on it. I’ll explain in my video once I feel better. Maybe tomorrow.
      I feel terrible & have no idea what is wrong with me. Could be the days of 3-4hours of sleep I have been having.


      Silent Hill 2 playthrough pt4 : Do You Recognize This Dress & Apartment?
      Woodside Apartments. Man getting through that fog storm was so intense. Luckily I made my way through to the Woodside apartments. Each video going forward will be about 40 minutes because 60 minutes takes almost a day to render for some reason.

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