SILENT HILL 2 Remake or Reimagining

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    I am a massive Silent Hill fan. The first Silent Hill I played was Silent Hill 2, then 3, 4,1 , Homecoming, Book Of Memories, Origins, Downpour. So yes all of them lol.
    For 20 years we have loved the series & F*ck Konami (Yes that is the actual name of the company it’s F*ck Konami) they loved it as well but with each new  game, they loved it less & disbanded the team further & further until the final nail in the coffin Silent Hill Homecoming, when they said F you team Silent, we will silence you now & give the franchise to the Americans.
    I did not hate Homecoming, it was a decent action horror game, anything after sucked, especially the lame Downpour. We kept asking for more, another Silent Hill & F*ck Konami was pissed that we would not leave it alone. They said NO!
    They hated Silent Hill so much, not because the game would not sell, they knew it would sell, but Japanese business is very different from American Business practices. They wanted us to move on & play their new games & if we would not, they would bury their company. You see, Japanese business is alot like the Samurai. Moving forward & sticking to their Vows & their code at all costs & if they could not satisfy their honor, they would end themselves to spare humiliation. That’s pretty much how it is in Corporate Japan. What did they do? They cut off their arm, Hideo Kojima, the one man that was keeping the old game spirit alive. They destroyed Silent Hill PT. They sued anybody that made home brews of the game. They further punished Kojima by trying to remove him from Metal Gear memory (little known fact, the radio we hear in Silent Hill PT, also plays in 1 particular tent in Metal Gear The Phantom Pain) Kojima planted his seeds deep, I’m telling you. Python Selkan did a deep dive regarding the connection between Silent Hill & Metal Gear, I believe they are parallel worlds.
    Then F*ck Konami announced a new Silent Hill game, a pachinko game just to rub the dirt in our eyes. This is important to keep in mind. Then a couple of years later the Silent Hill IP was up for renewal & F*ck Konami repurchased their license. We got hope again that something would come out since they renewed it. Then with a big grin F*ck Konami announced Metal Gear Survive & we all know how that turned out. They acted upset that the game failed & abused the terribleness of the game to say the fans no longer want Metal Gear, we tried. Meanwhile they laughed. Then we had silence for a few years. Until late 2022 when F*ck Konami announced Ok gamBers, we heard you & we will reward you with a bunch of new Silent Hill products including Silent Hill 2 Remake! We collectively lost our sh*t & tuned in for the live broadcast. I could honestly say, as hyped as I was, I kept in mind that I know F*ck Konami hates Silent Hill & I asked myself why now & what aren’t they telling us.
    I smiled as I saw the trailer for Silent Hill 2 remake but it felt very Off. The energy was completely off & then they showed Pyramid Head & I said, he looks terrible! Why does he look Soft? (Why soft? I don’t know that is the best way I could describe the way he looks) For some reason I was more excited about Silent Hill Fi, I still am.
    But an alarm sounded pretty loudly in my head, TEAM BLOOBER (oh NO!)
    Now fast  forward to last week & there was an interview with Chief Marketing Officer Anna Jasińska. I’ll link the article. I can honestly same after reading the article, I have no interest in the Silent Hill remake because it’s not just a Remake, it’s kind of a reimagining of the game. here are some “GREAT” quotes that should kill any interest you might have: (Konami approached them in 2019)
    “Longtime fans shouldn’t worry about us ‘missing the point’ while we’re livening up the title. We faithfully stick to the traditional story canon while remaking the gameplay and updating the graphics from the ground up,” she said.
    Why do they need to LIVEN the game? It’s a survival horror, not an action game. Ok, so here is a doozy & you better be sitting down if you are expecting a return to childhood horror memories:
    ““As you see, we are not straying away from the original concept of making this cult classic; we just have some ideas on how to make the peculiar scare factors more appealing to the contemporary audience.”  God damn CONTEMPORARY AUDIENCE.  God F*cking Damn it!  Are you still interested? Maybe? Ok, here is another gem of a quote:
    “When it comes to story elements, Jasińska wouldn’t say as they still remain secret details, like the famous Pyramid Head kitchen scene. Though she does say Bloober Team are taking a “safe approach to any changes” and that they’ll apply adjustments to certain areas that “need modernizing due to the passage of time”.
    F*ck Team Bloober & of course f*ck F*ck Konami.
    F*ck Konami could have given the IP to a good horror company but instead they gave it to a team that is focused on female trauma (don’t get me wrong, I am not belittling the real life trauma that women have gone through) but the game will be another SJW, woke dumpster fire. People didn’t like Pyramid Head for what he did, we liked him for the fear that we all have when we are overwhelmed & hurt & feeling like we are kids that cannot fight back against the big mean man. If you take that threat away, he will just be a generic bad guy & that is why they softened him up. Look at the goof, he looks like he’s wearing a plastic helmet & latex gloves.
    F*ck Konami finally madeus think they cared & heard us but instead they decided to give us the shaft yet again. Guys, give up the Hope, that is what Silent Hill is eternal hope. Hope that we will one day get what we want or deserve & every time F*ck Konami shoves their big sword right through us.
    I’m going to replay Silent Hill 2 instead. I hope I am wrong but I don’t think I am.
    Lastly, I praised Bloober for Silent Hill Fi, that still stands because that is a NEW game, still part of the Silent Hill series but it is a NEW story so on that, they can go any direction with it & I’ll judge it on it’s merits. I know it’s going to be a game focused on female trauma & alienation & if they make it as good if not better than The Medium, I’ll get it. But not Silent Hill 2, that game needs to be put to rest so we can begin our Mourning.

    What are your guys thoughts? Sorry for the long Kotaku style article but I want to be a gamBes urinalist… I mean A Games Journalist lol. Hire me Jeremy lol.
    (here is the article I was quoting from)

    and soft Pyramid Head


    Now instead of monsters you will have Biology books, a nuclear family, priests and a church chore as the monsters so they can scare the low IQ leftists.


    It’s all so stupid. These people are completely out of touch with reality.  We want to play video games to have fun & forget our problems, we don’t want to experience  YOUR traumas anymore.
    Leftists: “We remade the game they wanted in the way we wanted it to be & they hated it. THEY are wrong! The Customer is wrong, they are liking things the wrong way! Those Bigits!”  lol


    “Exciting buzz surrounding the Silent Hill 2 remake/reimagining” We want updated looks and to the gameplay, but we need to keep the original’s creepy vibe. Fingers crossed for a well-balanced blend of nostalgia and innovation. “I can’t wait to return to the foggy nightmares and unravel the enigmatic story.

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