Silent Hill 2 remake was set up to fail. Thanks Konami

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube Silent Hill 2 remake was set up to fail. Thanks Konami

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    The more I think about this video, Konami & Team Bloober the  more I hate the situation.
    I strongly believe that Konami chose Bloober knowing they could not handle the IP & pressure involved with making Silent Hill 2 a success. The moment I heard Bloober was the team chosen to remake the game was the moment I realized that it was going to fail…& then I saw their version of the opening scene where James touched his face…God Damn it! Bloober does not understand the game or the Silent Hill spirit. The thumbnail of the video is what I am talking about.
    James does not simply touch his cheek, he goes into character in the original scene. The motion OG James touches his face is what classical actors refer to as getting into character. That is what James does. He goes into a character that “Forgot” what he did & acts like he is innocent not knowing what he actually did. I won’t spoil it in case you want to go into the new game fresh.
    Then there is the Pyramid Head character…I don’t know how Konami saw what they did & said, “Yup, looks good guys!”
    Keep in mind, Bloober is a Polish developer & they are on record as saying their team is a group of broken people living with traumas & that’s why they believed they were the perfect team for the job. Why would you subject your team to more trauma & pressures instead of focusing on getting them help to overcome their traumas (is my wide statement) but also, I have played their games…trauma is very different than psychological horror. Their characters are characters with trauma. Silent Hill deals with the Psychology of the characters & the world but also pays attention to what the player does, for example, when you encounter Maria, the game pays attention to where the camera idles (do you focus on her cleavage? If so, you lose connection with your wife Mary. Subtle things like that.
    Silent Hill is not Trauma, it is a world of Crime & Punishment. There are generally no good people in the world. Everybody did something to make their way into Silent Hill & everybody pays the price of their actions. It’s like Limbo in a sense. Even if you are a victim, if you took actions against your captor such as killed the man that abused you. You would end up in Silent Hill so you can understand the breadth of your actions.
    Lastly. WHY would Konami choose another non Japanese studio? Every single game that came out after Silent Hill 4 was a failure. Homecoming was decent if you pretended it was not a Silent Hill game. Downpour was terrible outside the story (the story was decent, the game itself was bad) Book of Memories was a Diablo like game that does not play well for a horror game. Why didn’t they give it to a Japanese studio? Look at Silent Hill F, that looks great & you can feel the Silent Hill influence in the game & you can just tell it will be great AND it’s made by a Japanese studio. Guys, watch the Silent Hill Ascension trailer & you will see how little western studios understand Silent Hill or Psychological horror in general. I mean their tag line is “Face your trauma together” lol sounds like something your typical Always online twitter twatter would salivate over.
    I can’t wait for Silent Hill F.
    (sorry guys but there are some errors in the video, I tried to correct them in the captions. I don’t know why I kept calling James, Harry & I reversed the names of Mary & Maria)
    Thanks  for Reading & Thanks for Watching.


      “Keep in mind, Bloober is a Polish developer & they are on record as saying their team is a group of broken people living with traumas ”

      That’s called the human condition and we all suffer from it.  I am not sure who it is whom people think they know that lead perfect lives without suffering, pain or loss but that is not something that exists.  So the whole “I take pride in my faults and trauma” is the absolute dumbest thing I have ever heard of bar none.  Having points in your life where you are sad, broken, dysfunctional or not where you wish to be is called life.

      We should not celebrate being down, we should celebrate getting back up.

      PS – We get sh!t games because we keep buying them.  If you want low effort garbage to stop then stop buying.


      “So the whole “I take pride in my faults and trauma” is the absolute dumbest thing I have ever heard of bar none.”
      lol this is so true. These people have no idea what normal is & they think there is something virtuous in forever suffering (you’d think they were practicing to go to Sainthood or something as the longer & more you suffer, the more Pious you are lol)
      The unfortunate thing about all this is that these companies create a system of enablement. Where instead of encouraging the employees to seek help they work around the employees needs, like they are in day care or something. This is pure Arrested Development.

      About buying Sh*+ games, I stopped buying  games. I only purchased 3 games in 2023: Diablo 4, Hogwarts Legacy & Dead Space. Sure it was due to my financial situation but now I actually don’t have the need to buy the next & coolest game like Dead Island 2, even if it would be for good content. Western Developers suck.



        “The unfortunate thing about all this is that these companies create a system of enablement. Where instead of encouraging the employees to seek help they work around the employees needs, like they are in day care or something. This is pure Arrested Development.”

        This is an excellent point.

        And to extrapolate that even further it seems to me the entire tyrannical leftist mindset that has spread like wildfire is very prominently about this. They applaud and excuse being “fallen” and never encourage you to get back up while telling you that you can’t get up and that is because some other group is keeping you down. This mindset is not just oppressive but it is dangerous as it removes hope and purpose from a person and humans require both.

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