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So Chris Pratt asked people to vote for Onward in the People’s Choice Awards and SJW’s got upset about it. It was because he was mocking celebrities who constantly tell you to vote and how if you don’t vote the world will fall into nuclear war. And we can’t have that! I’m so done with these people
I’m not the biggest Chris Pratt fan, but this SJW mockery is comedy gold 🤣
I watched Onward, and was very surprised by how good it was, it’s one of the few movies that managed to make me cry
Both Pratt and Tom Holland were great in it
Are you guys watching the freak show on twitter over the avengers cast?
How can we describe these lefties no life parasites pieces of shit?
I can accept people having a different opinion about Christians, but what those people are saying is simply sick, I really think lefties have dementia and should be hospitalized.
But this is the result of cnn and all the mainstream media that daily brainwash dumb people telling them that all conservatives are racists and evil.
Anyway… I was happy to see Iron-man coming to the rescue… it was nice. Although he was attacked by the sick mob right away.
I don’t care about mark rufallo or wtv his name is, because he’s partially to blame for this crazyness going on. And the mob also attacked him lmao
I really don’t know when is this going to end.Oh, and yeah, all the twitter idiots insulting them and telling them to die and stuff, they didn’t get banned whatsoever, twitter allow attacks towards “conservative” people. But don’t you dare to call a biological man, man! banned for life! :D
What’s the story behind this? Never heard of it, I’m curious
Apparently something to to with his social media bio ??? Can’t tell which one, i watched Jeremy’s video, and there’s tons more to watch, looks like i’ll be binging some youtube today 💻💻💻💻💻💻💻💻
It seems most of the avengers cast organized a fundraiser for Biden, and Chris Pratt didn’t go. Then someone made a viral post asking which Chris from the avengers is the worst one, and the sjw mob went heavy on Chris Pratt accusing him of being racist, white supremecist, trump supporter, Christian anti-lgbtqz, etc. The usual crazy stuff.
The SJWs attack Pratt over being a married straight white man with kids.
The rest of the planet look on and laugh at the retarded fucks for not realizing that most of the loudest are white ‘males’.
Get fucked you soi based sacks of shit. You are not men.
And yet, a good number of the cast of the Avenger’s movie did not go either, like RDJ.
But the SJW/twitter mob does not go after him or the rest that did not go, only the white Christian male.
Ultra cringe. They should get a job.
The rabbit hole goes deeper:
good lord
Chris Pratt's MCU co-stars are defending him from the cancel mob. They're now being bullied & harassed too.
Zoe Saldana is getting the worst with racist slurs like "coon."
Marvel panders to these woke ideologues who are now attacking them for defending a "cis white man."
— Dataracer (@Dataracer117) October 21, 2020
I will admit, i’m quite surprised by Ruffalo’s tweet, hey, if he’s capable of respecting someone’s choice of not being overly political, then he’s free to go as crazy as he wants with his own opinions, now the next step would be to respect someone’s choice to have the opposite political opinion 😁 He’s on the right track at least
The whole argument that one HAS TO state their opinion, that no one is allowed to be silent, is BS, IMO.
The you verses everyone else… stupid mentality.
They desperately needs people to like/agree with them so they can “FEEL” wanted. That they can “FEEL” they are right, when they are wrong.
It was cool to see his fellow co-stars stand up for him. It sounds like they genuinely like him.
It was especially tasty to see the salty tears of the SJWs screeching how Brie Larson doesn’t get the same treatment from her co-stars.
Maybe they don’t like her?
That is not a maybe.
Even in the interviews they had with her before “end game”, it looked like most would rather be getting a root canal than sit a moment longer with her.