Small Ontario council officially votes to only fly civic flags

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    Small Ontario council officially votes to only fly civic flags

    Politicians in the township of Norwich, Ont. voted to support a… bylaw forbidding non-civic flags, including Progress Pride flags, from being flown on municipal property Tuesday night.

    We need more of this common-sense bylaws.

    The bylaw states that the township has an obligation to maintain neutrality and that messages communicated on township property, including municipal buildings and streetlight poles, may be considered community messages.

    The only flags allowed to be flown under the new bylaw are the Canadian flag, the provincial flag of Ontario and Norwich’s municipal flag.

    As it should be everywhere.

    The motion was originally proposed in April by Coun. John Sholten who argued that allowing a diversity of flags, representing a particular group or ideology, only serves to divide people.

    Which is exactly what non-neutral flags cause.

    And then the haters come in.

    … a human rights complaint has been lodged and others have reaffirmed their commitment to Pride.

    So, does this mean that is the extremely toxic far-alt left can fly a gay flag, a heterosexual flag MUST be allowed to fly at the same location(s) for the exact same period of time (so ALL are included).

    So, does this mean that is the extremely toxic far-alt left can fly an anti-life flag, a PRO-LIFE flag MUST be allowed to fly at the same location(s) for the exact same period of time (so ALL are included).

    So, does this mean that is the extremely toxic far-alt left can fly a satanic or atheist flag, a Christian or Jewish or Muslim or Hindu flag MUST each be allowed to fly at the same location(s) for the exact same period of time (so ALL are included).

    Does then other division causing flags also be included?

    A marist’s blm flag and then to honor fallen police office with their “blue ribbon” flag.

    Of course, we know the answer will be NO.

    The best way to serve ALL people in the community is to have your city remain NEUTRAL.  That is a FACT!


    The state should always be neutral. Unfortunately, part of the raison d’etre of the state is to unify people.

    In simple terms: People won’t willingly give up their liberty, except if they are afraid for their safety. The only thing we have to fear (other than illness) is other humans. The state sows division, then presents itself as the only solution for fairness and peace. Marx and Lenin tried it with class warfare. That failed. So now the left moved on to race, religion and sexuality.


      “The state sows division, then presents itself as the only solution for fairness and peace. Marx and Lenin tried it with class warfare. That failed. So now the left moved on to race, religion and sexuality.”



      And another city has decided to do the same.

      City votes unanimously to ban Pride flag to “respect the religious rights of our citizens”

      A city near Detroit has banned Pride flags from flying on public property. The City Council of Hamtramck, Michigan voted unanimously against the Pride flag…


      We want to respect the religious rights of our citizens,” said Councilman Nayeem Choudhury. “You guys are welcome… [but] why do you have to have the flag shown on government property to be represented? You’re already represented. We already know who you are… By making this [about] bigotry… it’s making it like you want to hate us.”

      Cause they want special status ABOVE everyone else.  Why do you think only the pride can flag to displayed while all others are quickly forced down by those same pride demanding lunatics.

      Mayor Amer Ghalib added, “We serve everybody equally with no discrimination but without favoritism.”

      And that is what they wanted.  Favoritism to ONLY have their symbol displayed.

      The resolution banning the Pride flag also banned flags with political or racist messaging.

      No favoritism.  No wonder those lunatics are so unset their messaging has been removed from flying on public property.



        “Mayor Amer Ghalib added, “We serve everybody equally with no discrimination but without favoritism.”

        This cannot be overstated.  Favoritism -IS- discrimination !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        Noice, Noice, Noice!!! It’s heartening to see people standing up for what is right!

        Continue the good fight and spread the word, it’s working!


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