Smollett out of jail

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      I was sure this would happen.  There IS privilege in this country but its the money kind.  If you or I did that we would have been in jail for years.


      The judge who released this criminal said that due to the time it takes to process the appeals, his jail sentence would have already finished.

      Tell that to all the people still held behind bars for the Jan.6th rally.

      This IS, as @Vknid stated, PRIVILEGE!

      Rules for thee, not for ME!



        There was a time where calling this stuff out publicly was enough.  But I think that time has passed.  Probably decades ago.  Unless “We The People” actively fight against this type of 2 tiered system it will only get worse before it gets much worse.


        Money’s a part of it, no doubt, but there’s more to it nowadays, too; after all, Trump is very wealthy, and we can remember the lies told about him. A big part of it nowadays is ideology, as well as representation. Smollett is on the “politically correct” side of social and political issues, and he’s “politically correct” in his lifestyle choices. He made up the story of him being attacked so it could be used to smear Trump, thus in some people’s eyes he is a kind of hero, he contributed to the victory they wanted in 2020; thus, he gets a “get out of jail free” card.

        • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Audie.

          The thing is I am not sure how you combat an agenda where hypocrisy is fine and the ends justifies the means. I personally would call that evil.

          The radical left offers things to people to make them feel better about themselves.  But it is really just a long term recipe for unhappiness because the feelings of belonging, being special and having a purpose are hollow and short-lived.

          Those types of needs are things we all have but they must be fulfilled in the right way.  Many have those needs properly met through things like family, religion and community (or a mix thereof). But since those are all things the left despises people who belong to their cult are lost, they just don’t know it.  Hence the hatred, self-hatred and anger.


          Another day, another debunked hate crime claim

          An investigation into claims that a high school football team was harassed and called anti-black racial slurs didn’t find any evidence it ever occurred.

          Yet another fake hate crime.

          Important details of the incident were disputed right from the start, Rantz asserted. And, perhaps most importantly, actual video footage of the game appeared to show that no racial slurs were ever used, the Jason Rantz Show reported. It appears if not for the diligent work of Rantz, the results of the investigation into the supposed hate crime would have never been reported. This is in stark contrast to the initial reports of the incident.

          Of course, it is just the words of a few people who WANTED a hate crime, were hoping the media ran with it, and ignore facts that it never happened.

          Moreover, the results of the investigation were particularly damning. The lack of evidence was on par with the Jussie Smollett hoax.  Steve Jansen, the game’s head referee, told the Jason Rantz Show that neither he nor any others who refereed the game ever heard any slurs. Additionally, he said that not one player or coach ever reported such an incident happened. Moreover, Lakes High School’s athletic director also said he didn’t hear any slurs and that no one reported anything to him.

          So, after an investigation, it was found no hate crime ever happened.

          This hoax is eerily similar to another incident from August, in which a fan at a women’s volleyball match between Brigham Young University and Duke University was accused of using racial slurs at a black player on Duke’s team. Duke’s player claimed, “She and her African American teammates had been heckled over their race.” However, after an investigation, just like the incident at Lakes High School, there wasn’t any evidence that any racial slurs were ever used.

          Because of the need to be a victim, even a fake victim.

          Any person who uses racial slurs should be held accountable for his or her abhorrent actions. However, so should those who make false accusations of people using racial slurs. Democrats frequently like to declare how racist the country is. However, over the last few years, there have been numerous reports of such hate crime hoaxes. These despicable acts raise the question, if people continually have to fake hate crimes, then how racist could this country actually be?

          And the few that were found to be true, it was mainly done by members of the same community who was targeted.

          But until there is real accountability for people making false accusations of hate crimes, given the anti-white political climate that dominates our society, these kinds of incidents will continue to happen.

          Just like the story of the boy crying wolf for so long, that people stopped believing him, so that when a wolf does show up, no one will believed him.

          That is what all these fake hate crimes are doing.  This is what the metoo has also done.  So many fake accusation that we cannot believe any claim to be true.

          This need to be a victim, even a fake victim, has real live consequences to the innocent and falsely accused.  aka JD.

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