So if everyone was vaccinated, how do you scare people then? Like this…

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Current Events So if everyone was vaccinated, how do you scare people then? Like this…

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      The media and the health care people (nurses and doctors) have been yelling about a FOURTH wave for over a month now.

      Get the jab, help prevent the fourth wave?

      Gess, I thought washing your hands, wearing a mask, only going out when you NEEDED to, etc, was going to stop the FIRST wave, the second wave.. yadda yadda.

      Oh look, the jab’s effectiveness goes down over time.  You need a booster shot, again and again!


      It is a broken record played again and again to see how gullible people are.  And what a bunch of germaphobes they are.



      The jab is part of the problem. It is a placebo.

      They need to stop lying about the numbers and shut the fuck up.


        I have friend that caught Covid on a cruise at the onset. He survived, then did EVERYTHING the Government an Physicians told him. He (these are his words) “I Washed my hands frequently, wiped the gas pump before use, shopped in the off hours, avoided crowds including not going to Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthdays and Sisters Wedding. I did not even go out to eat or a movie, walking the dog if I saw someone coming I avoided coming near them,I even got the vaccine both doses an wore mask everyplace changing it between stops.”

        Well Yesterday he was diagnosed with it again! I said so what you going to do now, his reply was. “I am going to go back to living my life the way I did before covid because nothing apparently works to keep you from getting it.”



          I think that’s the most logical thing to do. The more time that goes by the more I think the vaccine is nothing more than taking advantage of a crisis to make hundreds of billions worldwide. I do believe that is the reason for their haste because soon this will become clear to everyone who does not get their marching orders from the state. I am sure they already have contingency excuses ready for when it happens.



          The scary portion of it is that it means his natural immunity only lasted less than two years (Has it REALLY been going on this long?), while his supposed ‘vaccine immunity’ has lasted, what, months?

          It’s the former I’m worried about. There are sicknesses with shorter or longer ‘natural immunity’ lasting times after one goes through a sickness, but that’ll only pour more ammo into the big companies that produce vaccines, since it’s straightforward proof that if the cough hangs around for long, ‘Second jab series is justified’.


            Well, he ha the Rona, March of 2020…. this is now August 2021…. that means 17 months apart from infection to infection…. He was in line the first day like a good little sheep for the vaccine I believe it was May 26th for him, second stick two weeks later, this means he is roughly 6 weeks fully stuck and has it again!

            We were talking as I typed last night, He was getting madder an madder as we talked, why?

            His words to me “Your wife is a teacher you have posted an talked about how many kids an others she contacted daily, You never wore a mask, cannot get the vaccine and went and did things like it was any other day and neither of you got it or suffered like the rest of us.”

            I replied to him, Who is this “US” you are referring to, the people who lived in fear or the people who lived got sick and then kept going on with life because we know you have to Live? The only “US” there is, is create by politicians an media. You chose to fear and you can be pissed at only you for missing out on family events and living.

            He was pissed and hung up. I got a message this morning from him apologizing, he flat out said in it he was not mad at me but at himself an just took it out on me.

            So that all said:
            7.8 billion people on the planet
            200,413,577 infected
            That is .25% of the world population
            4,260,351 deaths with Covid present at time of death
            2.12% fatality rate with covid present
            CdC as well as other sources say Covid only no other cause is now about 4.8%
            that is 204480 Covid only deaths or .10%
            Take out the 83% of that for Nursing homes an persons over 70 = 34,762 deaths
            That is 0.017% chance you will die from covid if you get it.
            And the chance you will get it is <one quarter of one percent>

            So now, what is so scary about Covid?
            To me what is scary is the amount of people that will blindly follow government officials who are repeatedly “at best wrong about what to do, an worse out right lying to the people” That scars me more than Covid.
            Those same people will attack family, friends an Just random people for NOT believing the wrong information an lies. And Business’s that are forcing people to get a shot to keep their job in a time where we see on the news how hard it is for employers to find workers.
            What scares me is the LIES being told an when anyone questions them they are censored.

            The Fear, lies, censorship, divisions, treatment are Worse than the disease now. That is what scares me!


            It could easily be argued that part of the reason why his natural immunity lasted for a RELATIVELY short while (like I said, 17 months wouldn’t be unheard of) and his (supposed) ‘Vaccine immunity’ (do you know which one he got, out of curiosity?) lasted for a really short while is a result of being stuck doing all the shit that would technically weaken your natural immune response overtime (it’s being discussed now how lack of vitamin D and lack of practice with other pathogens might’ve weakened a lot of the full-blown stay-at-home people’s immune systems). It could also be considered that someone is fueling the panic and theory B about Covid’s origins is true (That being the relatively rare stance that while Covid-19 origins are ‘natural’, some of the variants currently going around are *not*).


            While there were some pretty disturbing rumours about Covid’s potential after-effects (mostly related to nervous system or respiratory system), the truth seems to lay closer to ‘Covid-19 is a respiratory disease close in severity to a flu amongst the relatively healthy 20-65 year olds, less severe than a flu for under-15 year olds, and somewhat more dangerous than a flu when you’re old or at least somewhat old especially with pre-existing sicknesses’ (As in, the combo of Covid+Sickness+Age actually *is* more dangerous than combo of Flu+Sickness+Age). And I say that as someone who *really* disliked flu comparisons for Covid-19 before, and someone whose brother and cousin both got through it.


              Yes he recieved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

              As to his health/activity. He takes more Vitamins an Minerals than I actually think can be found on the planet, and is an avid exercise enthusiast. He walks his dog an by walk he goes on 5 mile hikes, he also loves riding his bike and has a nice home gym. Picture a 50 Year old yuppie health freak, Guy refuses to shop at anything but a (organic market) to which I tease him often about paying 30% more an you cannot prove its organic.

              Just found out another friend was diagnosed with it today, only reason he ha the test was work required, he said he feels fine and can even taste the whiskey and Steak he was consuming 2 hours ago… He as well ha Pfizer jab….

              I lost my personal Physician as one of the first in the state, He was 83, with multiple underlying conditions from my understandings. He took Every precaution and still got it an died, I had seen him the week before, was there the day P-O was there as I was contacted about it. Walked past her coughing horribly without a mask on. I am fine. This is still killing some and not even phasing others… I wish the world (the people) would tell the governments to fuck-off and return to normal life… The FEAR of this is more dangerous an deadly than the virus. I mean that as I have only known 1 person to die from it, but know of 9 suicides in the last 17 months, and multiple divorces.


                ” but know of 9 suicides in the last 17 months, and multiple divorces.”

                Damn, that is just awful I am sorry to hear that. This BS takes a toll on people. The problem is the government does not care in the least. They just want to impose their will.


                  I posted this last night on my Facistbook

                  So let me get this right.

                  Even fully vaccinated people can transmit the Latest greatest Variant of the Chinese Virus.

                  So we are basically no better off now than on day 1.
                  All the fighting, arguing an hatred toward your fellow mankind over distancing, vaccinations, and opinions have been made moot. Except that you have far fewer friends, missed time with family, friends and special events.
                  Maybe on this new day 1, you might want to call those people and apologize, maybe say screw the government an go to events, see friends an family and remember to LIVE Life instead of fearing the inevitable.

                  I had a friend who stopped talking to me see it, through a mutual friend. He sent me a message saying “Your a fool, you need to still follow the guidance and do what the Government tells you or people will die”

                  This was my reply back:

                  You mean like these people did,



                  “Yes he recieved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.” I’m not going to enter another “mRNA vaccines are the worst of the vaccine lottery” rant, but imagine my surprise (sarcasm).


                  Truth is excess restrictions would’ve impaired everyone’s immune systems in the long run. I don’t know your friend but from what you’ve mentioned he did apply those, so even if he does take his vitamins and supplements frequently that’s just one side of the coin.


                  I myself have been fairly accurate to restrictions for a longer while but eventually got pissed off with the government, who in our case over here basically patted themselves on the back multiple times about having overcome the pandemic (so it was waves of being lax and being paranoid, as opposed to what’s been going on in the US). Part of the reason was when I caught an illness that almost certainly *wasn’t* Covid-19 (I didn’t get most of the most common symptoms, so I haven’t tested and merely stayed at home cause I could afford to) and I felt, on multiple levels, more sick than ever. When I was researching which vaccine to take would’ve been the safest and most likely to get people off my back (having the benefit of a biotech education as I did) I eventually encountered the information about both the Moderna and Pfizer money/mRNA tech-pushing situation and other numerous ‘scandals’ regarding the vaccines released, some open to the public, some not at all (i.e. Astra-Zeneca blood clotting situations are relatively well-known and documented and people are on J&J’s ass about both the sources of tissue used in lab work and potential ‘theft’/plagiarism from Sputnik, but the early waves of people dying after Pfizer’s vaccine was completely swept under the rug in public media), and my attitude’s been mostly turning towards “Fuck it” ever since. Doubly so since my government won’t actually *let* me choose the vaccine I would be willing to take, and are themselves spreading misinformation of ‘They’re all totally good, whichever ones we approve, then buy and you take are okay’.

                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Venithil.

                  The CDC has no idea what it’s talking about

                  If we’ve learned one thing about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention over the past almost year and a half, it’s that much of what it considers to be hard scientific evidence is … not that.

                  Hard science?  See, here is a HARD copy of the “science” = hard science? ! ?

                  The agency updated its mask guidance last week because of new data suggesting that fully vaccinated adults carry higher viral loads than unvaccinated adults when they catch the coronavirus. This would mean that vaccinated adults are just as likely to transmit the virus as unvaccinated adults, which would lead to an increase in breakthrough infections among the vaccinated and regular infections among the unvaccinated. (Even though this study suggests vaccinated and unvaccinated adults have a similar chance of transmitting the delta variant…)

                  So a vax’d person can create a super spreader event because they can still carry the virus.

                  However, it turns out that the study upon which the CDC based its guidance was incomplete and misleading.

                  So long as they can push their agenda, then why would they care?

                  It only took about a week for additional studies to prove that the Provincetown study was being wrongly applied. One study from the United Kingdom, this one conducted via random sampling with a much larger sample size, revealed that fully vaccinated adults actually have lower viral loads than unvaccinated or partially vaccinated adults. This indicates that vaccinated adults have a substantially lower risk of passing on infection, the study states.

                  DEBUNKED!  But the CDC and the media will NEVER report that.  The fear is what they want.  To control people is what they want!

                  So, the next time the CDC claims it’s acting in the name of science, remember: The CDC has no idea what it’s talking about, and its bureaucrats think we’re too stupid to figure that out.



                    The CDC is nothing more than a bunch of statisticians, period.

                    They keep track of numbers, thats about all they do and have one for years. But until all data is in an final on a given “subject” they cannot predict or quantify anything.

                    Let me show you what they do. They keep track of deaths in the USA and have monthly reports based off preliminary numbers and cause. But if you wait 2 years for the amended final paper it is always vastly different than the predictions an prelim release. You can check that yourself.

                    In 2020, approximately 3,358,814 deaths occurred in the United States
                    In 2019, approximately 2,854,838 deaths occurred in the United States
                    in 2018, Final death data 2,839,205 deaths occurred in the United States

                    Pay attention to the Bold letters… Only in 2018 is the word FINAL used. all three were taken from the CdC Moraltiy website. Only 503, 976 more people died in 2020 that 2020… BTW, the average age of death in the US is for age group born 1940 to 1950’s is 71-73 years of age… Guess how old people born in 1947 to 1949 is? 71 to 73.  You know the BABY BOOMER years. The Mortality climb is to be expected with that little facto added in.


                    Will FDA Approval Convince More People To Get Vaccinated?

                    Due to the numerous COVID-19 variants that are believed to be more resistant to vaccines, and an alarming rise in COVID cases and hospitalizations, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) is accelerating their vaccine approval process for the two-shot Pfizer vaccine.

                    And in the last two days, I heard the names Delta Plus and the Lambda variant being spoken of.  (“Lambda has now gone globetrotting. According to a recent World Health Organization (WHO) report, it has been found in 29 countries.”)

                    A recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll found that three out of every 10 people who have yet to receive their first dose of a vaccine said they would be more likely to get a shot if the vaccines were fully approved, which is why the FDA is hoping to speed up the process. In a written statement, FDA leaders “recognized that approval might inspire more public confidence and had taken an all-hands-on-deck approach” to the work…

                    And the other 7 of 10?  Even the fast approval will still not convince them it seems.

                    Once the Pfizer vaccine is fully approved, the FDA will likely fully approve the additional available vaccines as well, making it that much easier for businesses, federal government agencies, and other institutions to mandate employees and patrons be fully vaccinated —

                    OH!  So that is the reason!  To FORCE everyone to get the JAB!  or you will be a second class citizen in your own country!  That is not reassuring at all!



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