Soft Language and mental illness

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      I saw this video about an old Carlin bit that I think is especially relevant today.  It is essentially Carlin mocking how over time we soften language to try to not hurt feelings.  He uses as one example how “shell shocked” went through many iterations and pretty changed  after each war we had.

      I bring this up because there is a comment on this video saying “shell shocked” changed not to soften it but because we just understand such psychological issues much better now. My answer to that is do we?  Do we really understand these things better and treat them better now?  What’s the evidence for that because as far as I know there is a massive mental health crisis going on.

      I assert that while we might think we understand psychological issues so much better now that clearly we do not.  I further assert that the medicines we have now in many cases do not help or make things worse.

      There is a history to psychology that dates back to the 60’s if I recall correctly from a couple of documentaries I saw.  They state that during that time period the entire psychiatric industry was under fire post a few studies that were done which showed that they helped very little if at all.  But at the same time new medicines were coming out that showed some promise for mental illness.  So that industry basically latched on to these treatments and aligned with the drug companies in a bid to save it’s credibility.  And so in the following decades mental health care began to very heavily depend on big pharma and massive changes occurred like the closing of asylums.

      I am sure some would disagree with that historical view of that industry and that is fine, but what you cannot disagree with is the results of it or the lack thereof.



        saying “shell shocked” changed not to soften it but because we just understand such psychological issues much better now

        One question… what the fuck does changing words have to do with understanding psychological issues??

        Shell shocked is a term used to refer to post-traumatic stress caused by war (cause post-traumatic stress can be caused by other things too), yes the word was used way before people understood how the psychology behind it worked, but it still has the same fucking meaning!


        God I love that guy 😂😂 who is he? He’s fucking hilarious!

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by DigiCat.

          “One question… what the fuck does changing words have to do with understanding psychological issues??”

          Well that is my point and why I mocked that comment.  I fully believe the entire purpose of word manipulation is to massage society in the direction where the elites want it to go.

          “yes the word was used way before people understood how the psychology behind it ”

          Do we really understand it now?  If we did why do so many people have it?

          The guy talking is an old comedian (he has passed now just due to age) named George Carlin.  He was fantastic because he would call out society’s BS on all sides.


            Do we really understand it now?  If we did why do so many people have it?

            Well, understanding how something works doesn’t mean no one will suffer of that thing 😅

            Think if it this way, we know how the flu works, but there’ll still always be people who get the flu


              “Think if it this way, we know how the flu works, but there’ll still always be people who get the flu”

              I think that is true but also not true.  In other words people get the flu now,  but there are no longer epidemics where people are killed in large swaths in the west by it.  As we have claimed to understand PTSD as time has gone on it has only grown more rampant and pervasive.  I think we do well in understanding the body but we still struggle in understanding the mind. Modern humans tend to believe we have a handle on our world, our bodies and even the cosmos.  The reality is we don’t know sh!t.

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