Soma for All!

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  • #182646

    I came across this article this morning from The Futurist. Apparently a growing amount of Doctors in the science community are proposing the adding of Lithium into the water supply in order to “stabilize” the mental activity of the masses and curb the suicide rates. Lithium is given to  mostly to Bipolar patients that have erratic emotional responses in order to curb those responses and bring them to a normal level. Of course anyone whose read Brave New World know of the liquid everyone was made to drink to control their emotional outbursts keeping them “peaceful and happy” and prevent the reactions that can lead to uprising called “Soma“…well this is pretty much the same thing…unreal the things that are coming down the pipe…seems like these books are jumping off the pages into reality and all the people that point them out get mocked and ridiculed as crazy…unreal….the article is linked below.

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