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God’s word alone is our sure source
For all he says to us
No other prophet, sage, or voice
Is worthy of such trust
By grace alone we have been saved
And redeemed from the fall
It is not wage, but holy gift
Wholly the work of God
Through faith alone is God well pleased
With any work we do
Without such faith our works are filth
Polluted through and through
In Christ alone and his gospel
God tells us to be believe
His sinless life, his sacrifice,
His rising from the grave
The glory of our God alone
Should be our highest goal
Our holy, holy, holy God
reigns supreme over all
Shall I
Shall I, the beggar, claim that I
Have put God in my debt?
Shall I forget that all my sins
Have earned me Hell and death?
Shall I, the helpless, hope that all
My works will make me clean?
Shall I forget that my best works
Are filthy with my sins?
Shall I, the rebel, brag that I
Am worthy of God’s love?
Shall I forget my sins make me
An object of his wrath?
So I, the sinner, only hope
In Christ, who died for sins
No faith I have in my own works
All faith I have in him
Good News
Hear good news, blessed news
News for Gentiles and Jews
God has promised, and did what he said
As the time when he spoke
To the serpent this curse
That the woman’s seed would crush his head
Abraham on the mount
Offered Isaac his son
But the boy was replaced by the ram
And the angel of death
Spared the first born when he
Saw the blood of the Passover lamb
Then the Son of God was
Virgin-born in this world
The Messiah who was prophesied
Like that lamb, he was slain
Like the ram, in our place
Jesus Christ, on the cross crucified
Hear good news, news divine
Though a rebel was I
Dead in sins, foe of God, and condemned
Yet did God sacrifice
His beloved Son’s life
Now this sinful man is saved in him
Music created using Sibelius.
Really is like reading verses out of the book itself. Makes me calm. You have a gift.
God be merciful to me
God be merciful to me
A weak and helpless man
For all my works I count as good
Are only filled with sin
But Christ, the sinless Son of Man
Fulfilled your laws’ demands
If I should trust in my own deeds
I’d only be condemned
God forgive me of my sins
They are too great to tell
If I should bear them long then they
Will drag me down to Hell
But Christ for sins was sacrificed
The Lamb of God was slain
For I have sinned, but now I beg
Please wash and make me clean
God please show your grace to me
My faith is small and frail
I know that you are faithful, yet
I still fear you will fail
But Christ is strong, and he is true
He will not lose his own
Your promises are sure, so I
Will trust in Christ alone
If you might think this song would be good for your church’s worship, here’s the deal: I don’t really care what changes you make to the music, but don’t change the lyrics.
Music created using Sibelius.
All the ways man has created
All the paths man has laid down
All the roads man has constructed
To raise himself up to God
Though the wise have shared their insights
Though the priests spoke for their gods
Still their efforts left man helpless
They could not complete the goal
If our works are only futile
If our efforts only vain
Then we are indeed but hopeless
We would remain lost in sin
If we cannot reach up to God
Then pray God reach down to us
If we cannot rescue ourselves
Then pray God to rescue us
Jesus Christ who suffered and died
Jesus Christ the crucified
This gospel the wise call foolish
Something they only deny
But it is the power of God
For his children’s salvation
Put no faith in your good deeds but
Put your faith in Christ alone
This one is a bit different from earlier songs. I don’t think it’s more “important”, but maybe “current” is a better word. It’s a song addressing the church itself, and it’s a rather negative song, too, though not without a measure of hope.
Gather, Saints
Gather, saints, gather, come repent and mourn
Gather, be sober of mind
Lay aside all of your garments of mirth
They are unfit for these times
Dark is the world as it revels in sin
Dark is the soul that rebels
Dark is the heart as it boasts in its shame
Calling good what is evil
Yet now the church craves the applause of men
They would serve two different lords
But they have turned their backs on their Savior
While they are wooing the world
Dark is the pulpit where Christ is not ignored
Where preaching is made a game
Dark is the church where the holy is mocked
And where the Word is profaned
Trust not in princes for they will but fail
Trust not in leaders who boast
Trust not in those who would flatter your ears
Feeding your pride and self-trust
Those who are friends with the world should not think
They are still friends of our God
Come, church, remember who is your true Lord
And return to your first love
Music created using Sibelius.
Who Can Save Me?
Oh wretched man that I am
Oh sinful man that I am
Who can save me?
Who can save me?
I am filled with pride and envy
And my heart is dark and selfish
Who can save me?
Who can save me?
All of my good deeds are
Filthy in my sins
If God judged be works I’d
Stand lost and condemned
Jesus Christ, who suffered and died
The Lamb of God was sacrificed
He can save me
He can save me
Set aside your pride and doubting
Come repenting and believe
Christ can save you
Christ can save you
If you might think this song would be good for your church’s worship, here’s the deal: I don’t really care what changes you make to the music, but don’t change the lyrics.
Music created using Sibelius.
Holy, holy, holy Lord
God is most holy
Nothing evil, nothing vile
Can be found in Him
God is perfect, wholly pure
He stands above all
Angels ever sing His praise
Men before Him fall
God is holy and demands
We must be like Him
“Be holy” and “Be perfect”
Are His great commands
Man in Eden was perfect
And God walked with them
But such fellowship was lost
When man fell in sin
God is holy in justice
His degrees are good
He has given us His rules
And obey we should
But we have broken His laws
Since Adam’s great fall
Justice demands punishment
Death and Hell for all
God is holy in mercy
Showing grace to all
Sin demands full payment and
God had paid in full
The wages of sin is death
Hell is what we’ve earned
But God has so loved the world
That He gave His Son
God is holy in His love
Holy in His grace
Justice will be satisfied
Mercy free to save
Jesus Christ who bore our sins
And was crucified
Freely offers forgiveness
And eternal life
This one was a bit trick. Guess I was trying to say a lot in a limited amount of words. I hope it came out well, and says what needed to be said.
Do not be conformed
To this world’s vain measures
Do not set your heart
On this world’s vain treasures
All the world’s rewards
All are vain and worthless
Death will come for us
And they will be useless
We were of this world
Chasing vain achievements
All our life was spent
Craving vain amusements
Selfish and evil
Slaves of lust and passions
Hurrying to death
Hell our destination
Christ has made us new
God’s children, no longer
Live as slaves to sin
To vain lusts and passions
Be people of grace
Generous and humble
Pure in all our ways
Self-controlled and truthful
Love it. Anyone who keeps the faith these days is a strong person. I like the form and structure of the lyrical messages.
He did not come to condemn the world
But that the world might be saved
He did not come to bring fire and wrath
No, Jesus came to save sinners
He came because God so loved the world
He came to seek and to save
He came because we like sheep had strayed
Yes, Jesus came to save sinners
He came to make us clean from our sins
He came to be crucified
He came to die as a sacrifice
Yes, Jesus came to save sinners
Soon He’ll return as the Lord of Lords
He’ll return to judge the world
So now repent and believe God’s Son
For Jesus came to save sinners
Jesus reigns above the heavens
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Very God, Lord of Creation
Ruler over all the world
Yet He has come down to this earth
Taking on the flesh of man
Walked among us as a servant
Fully man, but without sin
Jesus by His words created
Earth and sun and all that is
They were made for His good pleasure
And by right they are all His
Yet for man, who chose to rebel,
Jesus came to bleed and die
He, the Lamb of God, became the
Willing, divine sacrifice
Jesus is holy and perfect
Worthy of worship and praise
Worthy of our highest service
And submission all our days
Yet He came and suffered torments
Mocked and scourged and crucified
As a lamb is led to slaughter
By His Father’s will He died
Jesus sits as judge of all men
All our deeds are known to him
All mankind has broken God’s laws
And we are justly condemned
Yet He is the friend of sinners
He died for His enemies
Grace and salvation He offers
To sinners who will believe
Something new, with a more modern feel to it.