Hi, I’m Martin from Yucatán, México, so excuse me for my english :P
I bring to you some draws that I do, not nearly perfect but…. :P I don’t post it for the likes, but as a way to share my love for Star Wars, and definitly want to see yours my fellow Star Wars fans :)
![Father and Son](https://scontent-qro1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/48275711_10215811029982373_6074027378038800384_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&_nc_sid=0debeb&_nc_eui2=AeFny7Rpyd0U1Z4iRnJpSeUjN7s24ZYdZ_U3uzbhlh1n9X1lyWSs7hfssYC5JkOfNWw&_nc_ohc=ZKC_dyQwwNcAX-RcgZ2&_nc_ht=scontent-qro1-1.xx&oh=77c83cc702346e523431a583a68664da&oe=5F0818BD)