Songs that move you

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Music Songs that move you

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  • #322569


    Song hits hard.
    Wish Wes could’ve been saved.


    The topic title says songs that move you,….well I challenge anyone not to listen to this song and at least jam a little bit. This is a perfect toe tapping tune.



    Song I wrote about that Movie IN TIME with Justin Timberlake. In the film, people died at 25, unless they were rich enough to afford time capsules. One part where he talks about capsules in his pocket, clutch them oh so tight. Reminds me a bit of Logan’s Run. Time is Money. There’s a guy I listen to who always says thanks for sharing your most precious asset with me and that is your time.

    Another song I wrote about a situation where the old and rich feed on the blood of the young by getting blood transfusions. The young blood is thought to make the older people feel more energy or more strength and vitality. This song came out very pretty like it could be on Muzack at the mall or as good as anything on radio. Makes me wonder if it was played there, if people would even know what they were listening to because it sounds as good as any pop music diva.
    Could also be interpreted as being about Adrenochrome.

    Both these songs move me and there’s the rub with Ai and why Ai might be more of a risk than you think. It can make a person feel talented or substantial and maybe create a dependency over time. Not sure.


    Power Ballads have a reputation for being most impactful in a visceral sort of way but many Power Pop songs can be equally so. Most people would probably cite Celine Dion as the foremost artiste of the genre but this in my opinion is the quintessential Power Pop song. And yes, those are sleigh bells…

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