Sonic 2

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    The second movie isn’t even out yet and they’ve already announced a third one, in addition to a live-action TV series.

    Wasting no time setting up a Sonic cinematic universe, from the sounds of it. I’ll certainly be keeping my eye on it.


    New theatrical poster:


    Amazed at the level of attention of detail they paid to the aesthetic of the games, when it could’ve been easy for them to ignore it.





    They actually did it. The absolute madmen.


    Screenshot 2022-03-16 at 22-24-48 Sammy Tighe on Twitter

    Screenshot 2022-03-16 at 22-25-24 Ethan! on Twitter







    So no-one’s going to talk about the movie…?

    Personally I enjoyed it a lot. It practically blew the first film out the water. The fact that it was basically a loose adaptation of both Sonic 2 & 3 gave me very strong nostalgic vibes of other adaptations from that era – Sonic and Tails’ brotherly bond, Knuckles initially teaming up with Eggman and being portrayed as a proud warrior whose naivete and inexperience could easily be conflated with him being stupid – It’s refreshing to see them nail these characters while still adding bit of their own spice to differentiate them from their video game counterparts (Sonic is still this hyperactive kid compared the more laid-back cool customer that he normally is, but it works for the purposes of the story they’re trying to tell).

    Also, this movie been out for like, a month, so are we free to talk spoilers?

    That mid-credits scene? Woo, did not expect that.




    In case you’re not getting the hint stop reading if you don’t want to be spoiled.




    …What are you still doing here? Okay, fine don’t say I didn’t warn you.

    Fucking hype.

    Personally, I think it might be way too soon to bring Shadow into movieverse. I was hoping they would stick with the classic era for now, possibly adapt Sonic CD, introduce Amy and Metal Sonic (I mean, come on, this version of Robotnik creating a robotic doppelganger of his arch-enemy would be completely within his character and good way to cap off a trilogy arc, given how obsessed he is with Sonic and his abilities). Shadow is a very dynamic and versatile character, and when he shows up, he tends to overshadow everyone else. Even if they’re not going to directly adapt Sonic Adventure 2, you would still need to devote a significant chunk of the film to his backstory just to properly explain him to audiences who haven’t played the games (and then there’s the fact Jim Carrey announced he might be stepping down from acting. I don’t think he will quit playing Robotnik so soon when he’s clearly having the time of his life acting the role, but considering that Robotnik’s grandfather created Shadow, it’d be weird as hell for the story to not have Robotnik present).

    But, hey, I can understand the decision to pick Shadow – He’s one of the most popular and easily recognizable characters after the golden trio and there’s definitely more to work with his character and how that parallels with Sonic. They’ve done a good job so far so I trust that they know what they’re doing.



      @FallenOmegaStar, NO YOU ARE NOT FREE TO TALK SPOILERS!! 😝

      I’ll be (hopefully) watching it in the next few days, cinemas just opened up restriction free today where i am

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by DigiCat.

        Finally watched Sonic 2… and it’s freaking AMAZING!!


        This was much better than the first move. However, like in the first film, whenever the human characters are on screen, the movie just loses steam. The decision to have this play in the real world was probably one of the biggest mistakes in the franchise. This would have worked much better as an animated film with the exception of maybe Eggman traveling to that dimension from Earth to enslave critters and find the emeralds.

        The film is incedibly safe and predictable, but kids will definitely get a kick out of it, and the portrayal of the 4 central characters was excellent.

        Eggman can return for part 3 and close out the human / earth story before they take the franchise full animated movie with a second trilogy, introducing Shadow and the other characters.

        Also Sonichu. This needs a Sonichu cameo.


        Speaking to “Access Hollywood” … (Jim) Carrey said he is planning to retire from acting following his reprisal of the villainous Robotnik in the upcoming “Sonic” sequel. How serious is Carrey about leaving acting behind? “Fairly serious,” he said.

        “Well, I’m retiring. Yeah, probably. I’m being fairly serious,” Carrey said. “It depends. If the angels bring some sort of script that’s written in gold ink that says to me that it’s going to be really important for people to see, I might continue down the road, but I’m taking a break.”

        Only time will tell if we get Jim Carrey to return as Doctor Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik.

        For some reason, after Jim Carrey does a role, I find it hard to picture anyone else doing the same role without it looking cheap/second class.

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