Spitting image

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Television Spitting image

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  • #192019

    Looks like no one will be safe , There’s going to be a lot of jokes aimed at star wars 😂. Please let there be a Kathleen Kennedy puppet🤣. Get ready for the crazy woke bragade to completely lose their minds.


    The puppet needs to be able to speak pre-recorded sentences.

    The first one about how she was going to protect and preserve George Lucas’s universe.

    One about them having not source material to work from.

    One where she admits she fcuked up on star wars.



    I doubt there’ll be a Kathleen Kennedy puppet since many people who aren’t Star Wars fans don’t have a clue who she is.

    There had better be a Joe Biden puppet though. If the show is going to be like it was back in the 80s then there will be.


    While I never say the TV show “spitting image”, I only say them in that Genesis music video: Land of Confusion.


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