Star Trek continues to be Trash

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Television Star Trek continues to be Trash

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  • #183607

    Just put up my review of Star Trek Lower Decks Episode 2.  I didn’t think that they could make the show any worse or have any more disrespect for fans, but they did it.  Mocking openly story lines from Original series and Next Generation episodes.   And they over the top continue to ridicule the Boimler character, obviously due to his race and gender.  and for it supposedly being a comedy I have yet to even snicker.   We need a Jon Favreau / Mandolorian like pairing to come in and save the show before it is completely destroyed.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by TomsTechShow.

    What do you mean by “Star Trek Continues to be…”


    Just like doc.WHO?, I do not consider lower trash to be Star Trek.

    Just like disney trilogy, I do not consider it part of canon.


    Ironically your title starts with “Star Trek Continues” which is IMO the best fan-made Trek ever made. In fact I’ll just say it – it’s the best Trek made in the last 25 years.

    Lower Decks is drek..

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