Star Wars Hates Women!

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  • #185208

      Should i try to explain the concept of “war” to the crazy SJWs? … 😂😂😂 Fuck it, i can’t… i almost choked on my food laughing at how ridiculous shit’s getting 🤣🤣🤣


      Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.


      War is the struggle to get the items at a store, be it on sale or toilet paper, from their point of view.

      War is the fight to get their woke message forced onto fans.

      War is the backlash and resentment they feel for the masses rejecting their woke agenda.

      War is a word they never looked for a dictionary definition for, as it would go against their agenda/story.

      War is something they have never experience (unless they served in the military, but then they would realize what BS their woke agenda is).


      War = Woman Against Reality.  Something I see SJW’s and the woke agenda are guilty of.


        🤣🤣🤣 toilet paper 🤣🤣🤣


        thats why i stoped consume anything from wokehollywood. specialy from darth kennedy and soy writters. John favro and filloni side is only good thing from all this mess. I rather watch something from japan,like anime or drama and thank god for manga. at least we got Gundam as somethign similiar to star wars.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Darkjan230. Reason: forgot

        I agree and I would do the same thing you do. @Darkjan230


          I wish, because then we wouldn’t have Marey Sue.

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