Starfield, my first impressions after 10hrs

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube Starfield, my first impressions after 10hrs

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    What could Starfield Learn from Mass Effect?
    These are My First impressions:
    If Starfield has been in development for over 7 years & worked on for MANY more years…how did we end up with a Just Good Game? How could a games like the Mass Effect series that came out 16 years ago, do better & give us options for space exploration that made it feel so much more engaging & fun?
    I very much like Starfield so far, regardless of my harsh criticism, but I do not feel this was the end product they wanted to give us. The world looks great but jarring at the same time. You will see noticeable low resolution assets, especially in the plant life & some textures. I have walked up to cave walls & saw high polished textures next to low quality textures. Then you have the Fugly NPCs that populate the worlds…NO! This is NOT acceptable in a modern game. The acting generally is great & I have not been annoyed by any of the characters so far. I like the ability to fast travel from almost anywhere in the game, especially if you want a fast experience, but then you also have the strange way in how you travel & scan the planets. Mass Effect was great in this regard. You discovered the new Galaxy, you scanned for hidden planets, discovered them & then scanned the planets for resources. But not in starfield. The planets are laid out for you & with a simple button press you discover all the resources. I’ve now played almost 10hrs & my rating still stands at 7/10.
    I will always give a balanced & honest review of games & movies & sometimes social commentary, we need this today.
    I watched some videos before I did my first impressions & I have to say, if a guy cannot find anything to criticize or call the game a Masterpiece, that is a shill. If the reviewer sounds like he is trying to SELL you the game, he was  either paid or wants to be an in the pocket reviewer above all.
    Next video, I will discuss my favorite feature, Photo Mode. Man it is sooo good. Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoyed it  & stay tuned.


    I’m surprised you didn’t lay into them about pronoun pushing. Heelsvsbabyface gave the best response to the woke BS in the game. The NPCs are one thing, but pronouns pushing is another and it needs to go.

    What doesn’t make sense is that if you’re trying to be immersive, why would you make pronouns and option? A current modern day political agenda goes on a game about space travel? Please tell me if an alien species cares you use plural pronouns? They don’t.

    Starfield feels like game that was going to be good, but then they put in identity politics because the times changed.

    The lousy graphics are unacceptable and honestly I’m glad they’re getting this backlash. I honestly had hope they wouldn’t have pushed identity politics but we all know how developers try to modernize video games to fit their agenda.

    I’m simply not going to play it until the option to remove pronouns in a mod becomes guaranteed or if the devs do it. Push identity politics, expect a real world response.


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