Stellaris White Human Portraits Tokenized? Controversy!

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    New Member here! i had enjoyed the gaming part of Geeks & Gamers on YT enjoyed their content on YT.

    I  do think this topic and issue would be a interest to most on here.


    On Steam there are ongoing discussions on what happened with the Stellaris game and its Alien Portraits.

    Which that would be the human race

    According to the players it appears that human race had been tokenized, Race Swapped.

    In Stellaris you can no longer chose to play or have a White/Caucasian Portrait while you are choosing a Portrait.


    In the current updated Stellaris game you have only the option of a female as a leader of the United Nation Earth Federation in the game.

    You can still be white but not Caucasian/Male.

    As some on steam pointed the differences, the old versions didn’t look deformed, the current white and other racial of human models look deformed.


    Some said what they did is they mixed in the human race for the portraits for the human race.

    Other players had asked for the old portraits to be returned.



    If this is true, it doesn’t make any fucking sense for Paradox to do this.

    Anyone who has played Stellaris knows that as you go through the game and leaders become available, all colors, genders, and races just pass through you leader pool. I personally never give it a second glance, all I’m look at are skills. It was already naturally diverse within the game’s character generation algorithm. And when/if you allow alien races into your population, then they make their way into your leadership, making it even more unique.

    I haven’t turned the game on since before the newest update last week, since it will be a week or more for all my mods to catch up, but again, if this is true, so fucking stupid.

    I said it yesterday on stream, Western game devs are tripling down on this woke shit while JP devs are running away and getting back to the basics of making good games again.


    I agree with you, to make it look mostly innocent what Paradox by some Paradox supporters they are claiming  whats the big deal? well it is a problem for Paradox. They shouldnt have done this just to cave to some mob online on twitter.


    Who were likely whining about “Whites in a game”


    I had noticed that the same whiners/complainers about “Bad Whites in Games, Shouldn’t be as Default Race” had started to whine about Genshin again. I really wonder how many of those who are complaining race or whites in a video game, young characters arent really fans nor real video gamers.

    I am honestly getting tired of their whining on social media and dislike of a certain  race or people based on their color or ethnicity. Or whatever they whine/complain

    These whiners are starting to ruin the video games/entertainment out of them.




    @ShadowDrago95 None of this little bitches are gamers. I’ve put almost 650 hours into Stellaris in the past 3 years, almost 300 hours into Crusader Kings 3, and over 300 hours in Crusader Kings 2 (I was late to that party). I’m a fan of Paradox games. Some of the best grand strategy I’ve ever played.

    These fucks probably haven’t even put in 5 mins to these games or any other.

    Yet, the god damned Western Devs are still bending the knee to these bastards. This plus some other news today has really pissed me off. What the hell does any of this have to do with making a DAMN VIDEOGAME!!!!


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