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Tagged: StevenCrowder
Hey guys, so I want to make a video about all this BS that has surfaced about Steven Crowder & how the world is reacting to it.
I wanted to test the waters with you guys here first. What are your thoughts? Are you surprised? Were you & are you still a fan of Steven Crowder?
I’ll say a few things without spoiling my full take in the video…I have to have some secrets left for the video to get you guys to watch lol.
I am a Greek Canadian living in Montreal Quebec. Steven was also a Montrealer & I am pretty certain I came across him at some point in my real life, Montreal is huge, but you will run into everybody at some point.
I have been a very big fan of his for a long time & I think the show hit it’s peak when Dave Landau joined the team. Steven is Funny but on the matter of fact type of way, commentary. Dave is HILARIOUS on a cellular level. He became my top 10 comedians of all time.
How shocked were you when you saw him air the recorded call & found out he recorded people in general? How did you feel about what Dave said about Steven? Did you believe everything he said? What about his treatment of his wife in that video from 2021?
I know these are a lot of questions. Lastly, do you think he is a Monster or a victim of circumstance OR, did he fight monsters for such a longtime that he became one himself?
I am currently downloading the video from the LEGENDARY Mark Dice (Jeremy should have a sit down with him…but that’s another topic) Mark is the only one that used the video in it’s entirety & did not put his logo over it because he knew people will want a clean copy. See Good Guy Mark. But I will put my logo & interject my thoughts…because I am a struggling Youtuber trying to make a name with my honest takes & reality. I’d like Youtube to become a source of actual income because I have been doing this for 4yrs & love it despite not making 200$ in the 2yrs that I’ve been monetized lol.
So Go ahead, fire your thoughts about Steven Crowder Below.
Thanks for reading :)
I was considering posting about this but I left it alone because I dislike and do not care about the infighting and or contract disputes.
As I see it his divorce is a super personal thing I have no business knowing anything about. The fact Candance is all up in that shows she sometimes acts like a mean girl from highschool. I still like her content and her takes but she IS sometimes mean and petulant.
His contract stuff with the DailyWire and Dave are also personal business I have no business knowing much about nor do I care.
I find the fact that Candance showed that video very disgusting. That is none of her business to do such a thing or play sides between Crowder and his wife.
Everyone is judging Crowder based on a 2min private video taken at his home. We have no context, don’t know what’s going on or what lead up to that. But everyone is rushing to call Crowder a monster. Really? Are we all so pure and perfect where we have never been a jackass?
I find the fact that this is a thing in the public far more gross then I find the “evidence”.
Crowder still does good work and has an entertaining show regardless of what contract disputes he has or the details of a nasty support divorce with his wife.
I agree mostly. Good & sound take on the situation.
The thing about Candace Owens, I like her but I trust her the least out of all of them. She was a very leftist person, from what she said, she was DEEP & far left. That brainwashing & personality is very hard to control & keep down. I say that because she does go off the rails sometimes & I see the crazy Leftist in her coming out for Revenge on anybody that angers her.
Again, I like her but her foundation is very shaky. Look at Gothix, she was also leftist as was Salty Cracker. I like all of them, but you always see the little mania in them come out. They might not be attacking us anymore, but they use that same energy to attack the party they used to keep with.
I hate how they obsess about the things & people they hate, they spend days, weeks, months researching the person they want to expose & when you think about it, it’s the exact same thing they did when they were on the other side.
Also, you never know when they could crack & fall back to their old crowd. I stopped watching them by 60% because it is very stressing to watch so many hours worth of people making this content. That is why I seldom ever make these videos, but I feel I can offer something in my video that many haven’t considered.
So, first it was 1/4 Black Garret leaving, which may or may not have anything to do with how Crowder treats people. Then the Daily Wire drama, which I was not impressed with him on. Then the Dave Landau conversation with him exposing how he was treated by Crowder. There have also been tid bits of him being mention negatively in the past few months by Lauren Chen and others. Suffice to say, I think he has some serious problems and needs to re-evaluate himself. Pretty much everyone has said he is a control freak, and this leaked video kind of proves that.
It’s a horrendous video. The video shows clear acts of abuse, among other things, in my opinion. “Context” to this video is irrelevant at this point imo. What she did before or after or whatever is irrelevant to me. It’s wrong no matter what. You do NOT speak that way to a mate or a loved one, especially one who is pregnant. If it has escalated to that being about to happen, then you need to take a break from any conversation, separate for a time, and come back later to talk. You don’t have a right to tell your Wife where she can or can’t go and stop her from using the car. Getting married does not mean you own the person as property or a slave and can control what they do or do not do.
I was married once, it was not a good marriage, I was abused by my wife and there was many arguments. It taught me many things, and what I see in this video should be a lesson in what NOT to do.
In the end, this is none of our business and should not have been leaked.
there is no abuse in that video. It was two adults bickering about chores and the struggles of being a one car family. It is clearly an edited video that doesnt show any context to what happen before hand. His contract disputes with employees and his divorce are two very different things. However funny how both things involve people clearly lying.
On Malices show Dave says he wasnt allowed to promote his show. This was a clear lie, i watched every episode of LWC and i am a mug club member. i always knew where dave was. His shows were shouted out every damn episode. Also dave toured over the weekend many many times. So dave had to walk that statement back on twitter and say he had to fight to include it, not that he wasnt allowed.
In this “video” it has an over lay that says crowder swore at his wife. its not in the video. Crowder is blocked by a GAG order from a court from defending him self. Hilary was under the same order but chose instead of leaving it as. “There was no abuse, no cheating, my wife did nothing wrong, i made the mistake and i love her now and forever.” Which was the agreed statement they chose in court. She decided to be vindictive and leak an edited video. That tells you everything you need to know about her. When one party is allowed to smear the other, and say what ever they want. While legally silencing the other party. I instantly want to hear from the silenced person, and anyone that uses the court as a shield while they fling mud and knows they are protected from mud coming back is a lesser human being.
This is Amber heard 2.0 everyone is running to the womens side in the divorce with zero proof. Again the video is two married adults, one going through pregnancy, and one under the stress of his wifes pregnancy during covid, being stressed out at work, dealing with youtube strikes and censorships, being in crazy amount of pain and needing life saving surgery. You put any two people with that stress, and they will snap at each other over who didnt take the trash out two weeks prior.
As far as the car issue. I have told my partners they couldnt just take my car and go where ever they wanted. Im not going to be stranded at home all day. She couldnt even give him a time she would be back. With out context it looks like she has a habit of “going shopping” all day. Its not abuse, its also not abuse to ask your partner to help with chores. 8 months pregnant is a fun excuse to not do something she doesnt want to. When he offers to going shopping instead then she was able to do that. walking all day on her feet, to get a grill and wood pellets, but shes unable to put some cream on a dog?
If you watch a 3 minute edited video and it “changed your mind” about steven crowder you are lying. You had that opinion of him before hand and are using it as an excuse to justify your feelings.
I’ve always seen Crowder as more of a bro-y bro. Like maybe a cool guy to go to a ball game every now and again with, but I wouldn’t trust him with my friends when I’m not around–that type of guy. So the video doesn’t really surprise me. And I like Candace, but she’s known for being dramatic. So that doesn’t surprise me either, I guess.
Divorce is none of anyones business and people commenting on it in video’s need to stop. No one has the full story except the two getting the divorce and maybe their lawyers. Dont get mud on your face by speaking to that which you do not know.
As to divorce itself, been there done that got the pain and heartache to prove it, and this is the advice I give and tell people going through it.
1. Keep your mouth shut.
2. Life will be better after, for both of you.
3. Put you shoes on and get on with living.
4. I was your friend before will be after, but I will not take sides (if i was friends with both)
5. Again keep your mouth shut to friends, family and anyone who can be called to testify.
6. FINALLY AND BIGGEST, Do not fight or argue in front of the kids no matter the age and remember you two are done but you will have them forever and neither of you needs to look any worse than you already do in their eyes. This is not their fault do not make them feel that way or any more emotionally hurt than they already do.
Juvenile nonsense…
I saw a Ben Shapiro video on the Crowder situation some time ago, and the Candace videos pop up in my YT feed, and a lot of people seem to agree that conservatives shouldn’t be fighting amongst themselves because that’s how the left could win.
there is no abuse in that video.
Totally agree with this, @BeardedMountain. Seems like just a spat between two people in a relationship to me. Definitely doesn’t seem as big of a deal as Candace (and co.) make it out to be.
I created a separate topic for the video since this topic was just about getting a feel for your guys thoughts. @Mustangride1 I agree & disagree, people can give their opinions about any topic including divorces. Condemning & fabricating is another matter so is trying to push 1 side against the other. I’m still going to support Steven because we need a voice as the counter culture to the more insane Left. I would never want to be in a position like that, I mean my Anti Pedosexual stance is controversial enough (for some ass backwards reason people hate me for that) but on the political side it is far more venomous & they will eat you alive.
@BeardedMountain I agree that there is no abuse in the video, people think calling a trans the wrong pronoun or name is illega (and it is in my country, Canada) but we live in such a reactionary society that people just want to be angry & have things to hold over other people’s heads. I would even argue that he didn’t even yell at his wife like some people claim he is. He did berate her & bully her by trying to assert his dominance which some would argue is abuse.
@trekz yup, he is a great guy to meet but you would not want to be friends with a guy like him. I know this because I made friends with guys like him. Why wouldn’t you trust him with your friends when you aren’t around? That is an odd thing to say lol. Steven is not the type of guy that would care about you or your friends & wouldn’t do anything to control or poison them against you…unless they were people under his control, like employees, then you would have reason not to trust him. I know his type of character.
Please go check the topic bellow with my video. Share your thoughts after watching since I provided a different perspective on the whole Steven VS The World!
I’m even against women’s equality, and even I was appalled by his behavior. He is loud, vulgar, threatening and worst of all stupid. What kind of an asshole wouldn’t let him 8 month pregnant wife take a car (or even send her to do chores at all) because he wants to have the option of going to the gym or seeing his buddies? Can he not take an uber? Do his idiot friends don’t have cars?
He talked d0wn to people during his “change my mind” videos, he was absolutely horrible about the whole Daily Wire thing (Daily Wire are probably very thankful right now for dodging that bullet). He’s an asshole. He’s always been an asshole. Unlike people like Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson etc, he was never motivated by a genuine care for other people. He’s a typical dudebro shithead who drinks too much beer and then looks for fights.
Honestly, even after seeing the video, I’m still confused on what they were actually arguing about. It seemed very trivial, but we don’t know what happened before, after, or what led up to it. It’s part of why I don’t pass judgment on things like this that are out of context. Especially when none of us were there or are in their relationship to know exactly all the details.
Opinion is one thing, if we had the facts and truth. But there is way to many things not adding up here. Opinion should be based around factual evidence and the video in question, is highly questionable as its clearly edited.
My words of warning stand. Which is people need to stop commenting or they may well get mud on their face. The Clicks and Views are not worth it in this case as you and others might end up looking very bad in the end. All the warning flags are there, Video is edited no doubt and last I heard there is a Gag-order in place so the parties involved cannot comment.
This aint Depp v Turd where we had a bunch if info to draw from. This stinks and I will hate to see people get the stink all over them because they put views and clicks over truth.