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So apparently The Last of Us Part 2 broke sales records. If you bought this game at full price and are against woke trash then shame on you. Everyone knew it was woke.. Don’t give them your money. Vote with your wallet..
As Jeremy said, most folks don’t follow the gaming media so they weren’t aware of the controversy surrounding the title, it was always going to sell well initially.
Thats crazy man. I don’t understand how that happens. If I buy a game for full price I do my research first. Yet people just bought it because they liked the first game..
One doesn’t always know they bought trash until the get it home and open the box. This game might have done well with initial sales, but I imagine that sales will drop considerably over the next few months. The main thing is, this game will encourage players to NOT buy anything from Naughty Dog or Druckman in the future.
Buying blind has consequences. Some will learn and be more cautions next time (once burned twice shy); and some are just too lazy to research, no matter how many times they are burned.
I think a lot of people, particularly fans of the first game, bought the game with eyes open, but they couldn’t resist the curiosity.
Normies who don’t watch Youtube and shit will carry this game, it has extreme mainstream appeal.
I got friends who defended TLOU2 they’re normies but also toy collectors, pretty much they’re not well informed on the situation and don’t care, now they regret it.
We can’t trust all those numbers thou lol I already saw many tlou2 giveaways… I saw many influencers with a lot of copies making giveaways (not sure how they got it). Also many shops didn’t accept refunds.
it’s just like captain marvel… after they add up the china numbers it also broke many records xD
But we also have to take into consideration many people are stuck at home without any new games, movies or shows to watch so a new game still a new game and they buy it right away. Also, TLOU has a really big community because of the success of the first one. And with all the talk (bad or good, it still is a great marketing plan), of course people wanted to play and share it on social media. So it would be a surprise if the numbers weren’t high.
But I agree, we should not buy woke games. And believe me, this is just the beginning. Much more woke games are coming after this one. This is the Captain Marvel of gaming. It all started here. =(
Yeah we all knew it was going to be big on sales.
Just take a look at Game of Thrones season 8. That broke lots of records.
At the end of the day The Last Jedi of Us is going to be known for its failures. Much like Game of Thrones will be remembered.
I will personally vet any game I plan on making a purchase on.
Never will I blindly buy a game thanks to the current agenda pushing and injection taking place.
This is all about being a common sense consumer. As these people who do this know they can take something big that everyone in general loves and can stand the test of time turn it around and place their own agenda’s within an IP.
It is not subtle either. As I can enjoy lots of titles with subtle hints and nods of agenda pushing. The difference is the games that do that, tend to add both sides of the agendas being pushed. Now we only get one side and don’t hear anything about the other side.
For me that is when I draw the line. If you going to slap that crap in there, at the very least offer both sides to the equation.
The only headlines I’m seeing on sales records is specifically for the UK. These articles also look like they’re milking each other for clicks.
Thumbs up ;) well said
Unfortunately, this is the only way we’re going to get people to wake up: they have to experience what we’re dealing with while we preach boycotts. People have to experience the suck before hand like Jeremy who was defending TLJ. Then you can educate them on how Soyny is very hypocritical with censorship and sex, or how they tried to attack people in and out of social media. GoT and Star Wars are dead with Star Trek and Dr. Who no matter how much the Left will spin things around. Generic sjw-soyboy/feminist posts don’t mean shit when you have normies upset with the product, and refuse to put more money on future products. Doesn’t mean you still try to get the word out before it’s released, but sometimes you have to let hard-knock lessons teach someone.
Even if LoU2 is DA BESTEST SALE EVA, it’s not legit like Captain Sjwmarvel’s sales, which were all artificial. They prevented returns to boost that big number. We can’t take anything from mainstream companies seriously anymore. Who gives a shit about 40k 9th Edition if Games Workshop won’t even let you talk about it without an undeserving asspat, and criticizing changes triggers the sjw snowflakes working at GW?
Pretty easy to do knowing there was no competition, and Soyny did everything to rig the numbers. Heavy Rain was one of David Cage’s biggest selling games, but it’s one of the cringiest, most pretentious games he ever made with some of the worst characters (cough Madison Page cough).
A lot of people have also just bad taste. If normies are only watching new movies and playing new games or just dont watch anything actually good then no wonder they eat all that up, their taste in has been destroyed. No critical thinking whatsoever and they dont do research, like none. Pretty much all new AAA games are woke, some are more, other less, so its like saying basically dont buy anything new which is a good strategy. Just wait, have patience, there is a ton of other games.