Stop fighting over Israel and or Palestine

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      In Gaza, Rachel Corrie stood in front of a bulldozer and they ran over her and killed her.

      Communist China was more compassionate than Israel. Communist China was more humanitarian than Israel.

      China more compassionate than Israel?  That is absolute nonsense.  You have allowed you hate for Israel to entirely cloud your thinking.

      I am not an expert on Rachel Corrie but comparing her to the man run over by a tank is somewhat a false comparison in my opinion.  The tank man was from China, demonstrating against his own authoritarian government.  Rachel Corrie was an American activist who went to Palestine to protest the bulldozing of houses in creation of a buffer between Palestine and Israel.   I cannot really seem to find an unbiased account of that incident being 2 decades ago.  And while you speak of the tank guy to some degree being propaganda if you think pro Palestine activists have not probably done the same here then I think you are wrong.

      Last time I looked, in China, Muslims (and really probably anyone openly practicing religion) are essentially in gulags.  Israel is 20% Palestinian.  I am not going to tell you anything about that, you hate who you want but those are some facts.  Take from them what you will.

      At the end of the day this is none of our beeswax.  You or I can have an opinion but it matters zero because we don’t fully understand what goes on there nor do we have to live with the consequences of it.  Hate who you want but in this case it’s a misplaced waste of effort.  Your own country is “bulldozing” your freedoms and money while you rant about a place more than an ocean away.



      Americans should be encouraged to vocalize their opinions much more and the reason is that Americans cannot go to any political function without the speakers kissing the tuckus of Israel. Americans show up for their rights and freedoms and immediately, the politician brings on Israel and prioritizes Israel. Some people must be paid to stick Israel in your senses, while dual-citizens refuse to secure the borders, as well as rights and freedoms. Furthermore, what are IDF members doing on city councils in the suburbs? Isn’t that suspicious to anyone when you go to a city council meeting and the guy is talking about his service in the IDF? What makes that even more insulting is that the IDF actually seems to defend Israel, but is incapable here in the west.

      The west talks about rights and freedoms and then, tell you to keep your mouth shut. We have heard this double think and double speak for our entire lives. On one hand, it’s said to be an individual, but if you don’t go along with narratives and actually think, there is an accusation of being disinformation or conspiracy theorist.

      In about 5 years, maybe after the staged cyberattack, you can almost see how the internet is going to be. Do you support Israel, yes or no? If no, you are full of hate and cannot go online. This is how the GOP already operates in the USA. The thing is, I grew up on comic books, so I used to laugh at all the slick propaganda in X-men and I loved it, but now, it’s like really clumsy propaganda.




        Americans should be encouraged to vocalize their opinions much more and the reason is that Americans cannot go to any political function without the speakers kissing the tuckus of Israel. Americans show up for their rights and freedoms and immediately, the politician brings on Israel and prioritizes Israel.

        Americans have no rights nor freedoms as it relates to Israel.  It’s a different country far away and what it does or does not do in no way affects you directly. Your over fascination with it is misguided and takes away focus from the actual villains directly harming you in your own country.  The bad people running much of this country absolutely want you to worry about other things that are not them.  You are not rebelling against the powers that be, you are doing EXACTLY as they wish you to.

        The US government is far more pro-division than it is pro-Israel.  I personally suspect , at this point, the US is only behind Israel because the warmongers make a good profit on a regular basis.

        Your level of concern for shenanigans is on point.  However the places where you are looking for shenanigans is way off.

        Even if Israel was actually committing genocide (it’s not) it’s still none of our business.  The US can be a stabilizing force in the world without trying to directly control it and police it.  That has to stop.


        I guess this war will be forgotten anyway, no one really cares about it. Seemingly Iran or Turkey are shouting something there, but the world is so tense now that no one wants to come out in front, because there is no telling where a new armed conflict will occur.


          I guess this war will be forgotten anyway

          By people who don’t have to live it beyond forming an opinion on it watching news from half a world away.    I am quite certain people living in Israel or Palestine can’t forget it for some time.  And this is why what people in the US think about this means almost nothing.  It’s not our business, we should not be involved in it and the Israeli or Palestinian who fears for their lives does not give a microsecond of thought to what you might think, because it does affect their reality in the least.


          Strider really likes this guy.






          Indeed. They are too busy fighting their own war, they aren’t worrying about ours. We should do the same.



            Are you intentionally posting misleading things or are you just repeating some nonsense someone else said and because you agree with it you did not even bother to check it?

            Now clearly DHS probably does squat for the border beyond making sure to hold the door open.  That seems to functionally be the case with the entire Federal government at this time.   One of the few jobs the feds are supposed to do and they in fact do the opposite actively.

            But your post there makes it seem as if Jewish NGO’s get some huge large portion of 100 billion.  Well, I went and read that article in the screenshot.  Did you?  If that’s your screen snip then the answer is you did not because it’s paywalled and your screencap shows the paywall limitation.  The article is 12yrs old.

            The article is referring to about 10 million in total.  You may consider that too much and that’s fine but displaying that as if it’s a large portion of 100 billion is a lie.  Maybe it’s not your lie, but it is someone’s lie you reposted.

            Spend all your time hating Jews.  That’s entirely up to you.  Just please stop pretending you are helping the US by doing so.  You are only taking focus away from the actual problems.  The Jews are not your problem, the folks in DC are.

            You are being “the boy who cried Jew” while a pack of wolves decimates your flock.


            Is there anything more misleading or sheer disinformation than accusing someone of being a “jew hater” when they point out a Jeffrey Esptein, a Harvey Weinstein, a Ghislaine Maxwell, an Anthony Blinken, or a George Soros?

            Yesterday, Harrison Smith said that subscriber counts are going up while engagement is going down on any accounts that may criticize Israel, even in the slightest. So, this is something this site might have to consider, which is, nuke accounts that bring up certain things because it might affect traffic or rank or whatever. Nobody will blame the fence-sitters for wanting their social media Big Tech success, but just realize that you are not really free.









            Is there anything more misleading or sheer disinformation than accusing someone of being a “jew hater” when they point out a Jeffrey Esptein, a Harvey Weinstein, a Ghislaine Maxwell, an Anthony Blinken, or a George Soros?

            It depends, if you criticize them for being a jew as like that is what is leading their motives then it is antisemitism. Do you believe the names mentioned act like they do because they are jews? Extrapolating their motives by being jewish can well be turned around and say well they are all white, they are all straight etc., but these are not driving factors for their actions, like how being jewish isn’t.


            Do  Barbara Lerner Spectre and other NGOs target western nations for replacement and dilution because they are white or Christian? Are gentiles targeted in industry or other careers for Cancel Culture because they are not in some kind of fraternal organization? What is the motivation for targeting Elon Musk in media?  Why is posting news clips with names and faces called “antisemitic” when it just is what it is? It’s objective. It’s factual. Can people understand that that accusation of “antisemitism” always comes from the ones in authority with powerful banking and media positions? They are the ones with the power to oppress and not any other people. Isn’t anti-gentilism the real issue here?

            Regarding the white or straight comment, what is up with Dr. Rachel Levine as Assistant Secretary for Health? Is it healthy to see people dropping dead of heart attacks, strokes and cancers at higher and higher rates? Wouldn’t this be considered failure for any other person? You could say the very same about Alejandro Mayorkas,   Secretary of Homeland Security. The USA is being flooded with refugees and he is failing completely.  E. Michael Jones said the other day that people like Blinken or Mayorkas bring up the Holocaust whenever they are asked about there dereliction of duty on job performance, so in those cases, the claim of “antisemitism” is a cloak or shield and completely off-topic with the points raised in hearings.

            Who on this site thinks that this promoted operation is healthy? Does it look healthy?


            One other thing is that there are different opinions on what is considered fighting. Some think talking online is fighting. Some think tweets is fighting. Some thinkboxing or MMA is fighting, like Mike Tyson, for example. Others I have spoken to say that real fighting does not start until 20mm cannons come out, and at that point, I kind of exit the room.

            It’s been obnoxious for a long time now that even the most basic questions cannot be asked without being accused of fighting or antisemitism. To accuse any American or antisemitism is ridiculous and comical. We grew up on TV entertainment and media. Personally, my tastes were Benny Goodman, Donald Fagen and Billy Joel. All jewish. Don’t know what it is like for others, but would think the rank and file would obviously say that we’ve seen and heard the world through a certain filter for the entirety of life.  When simple worldview changes lead to different opinions and that is immediately and hysterically decried as “antisemitism” by the most shrill voices like Levin and Shapiro, it  provokes laughter at the realization of the control and fear that westerners live under.





            <p>Why is posting news clips with names and faces called “antisemitic” when it just is what it is? It’s objective. It’s factual.<br /><br /></p>

            <p>The faces are also white, they are straight, they are cisgendered, they are this and that. It is factual and objective.</p><p>Like I just said, it is true the people you demonize are jewish. But the question we have to ask is do they act like this because they are jewish? Do jews have a preset gene to be some evil wealthy schemers from children’s cartoons, or is it taught to jews, or do they just happen to be jewish? Because when I say they are white and straight, you handwave it like it’s a coincidence. But when they are jewish, you need a whole ass investigation.</p><p>A lot of the antisemitic rhetoric about ”omg a lot of people on the top of Hollywood are jewish, it’s a conspiracy!” could easily be dialed back by taking 15 minutes of your time to read about the history of Hollywood and jewish immigrants. <br /><br /></p>

            <p>Can people understand that that accusation of “antisemitism” always comes from the ones in authority with powerful banking and media positions?</p>

            <p>Like during the holocaust?</p><p> </p><p>I’m sorry, but 90% of the time I have no idea about what you are trying to say. You keep jumping from point to point without defending anything you say, rather just coming up with new statements and derail any conversation</p>


              The faces are also white, they are straight, they are cisgendered, they are this and that.

              This sort of language annoys me.  Why?  It’s divisive. Meaning the entire point of that language is to divide.  It’s no different than hating on Jewish folks for being Jewish in religion or ethnicity.

              White, what does that mean?  It means nothing.  You could be from many places and from many cultures.  Reference to a skin tone such as that is no different than saying every Bird that is colored red is the same no matter what continent they come from or what environment they live.  It refers to nothing beyond a skin tone.

              Straight?  How many decades have we been thumped with the idea that “orientation” does not matter.  Well it seems it does but only if you are like most folks.  Call it normal or call it whatever.  But if the majority should extend tolerance to the minority then if the minority does not extend the same tolerance it is simply hypocrisy and a power grab.

              “cisgendered”, made up word.  What does it mean?  Nothing.  It’s conjured simply as way to divide.  99%+ of the people in the world are not trans.  Just like 99%+ of the people in the world are not albinos.  Do you consider yourself “cisalbino”?

              If you want to rail against senseless division then great!  I agree with that 100%!  But one type of division is the same as another type of division.


              Some people do not want you talking about anything at all. They want you Politically Correct.

              They don’t want you even thinking. After a while, if you do start to go to more sources for information, the paradox is that one loses the ability to speak to Normies and NPCs. These people Zonk out to the TV and can’t understand other information outside of like Rachel Maddow or Joy Reid or any number of bizarre lisping twinks.

              You can’t really reach everyone about who is in control. They have too much conditioning and brainwashing. I remember one time I went off on Justin Raimondo from because I was not able to process his point-of-view. He’s dead now, but he was totally calm and reasonable in his responses to my neocon rage, as I was protecting the very people who control our politics and media.





                Yeah so if you are trying to convince folks you are not crazy and lead them to the thought process that much of what they see is not true, I would not show them those images.  They will assume you are a psycho.

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