Strippers & Democratic Politics

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    I was watching a video recently from The Amazing Lucas & he was reacting to a video from this channel called “Go Vote” the video was a bunch of Strippers twerking & pole dancing called “Get Your Booty to the Poll” So I made my own video out of it.
    So now the Democrats are using Strippers as part of their Arsenal.
    Two things that strike me as MOST curious:
    1: Just a month ago Joe Biden sat down to interview the Queen of the Stripper Thieves, Cardi B.
    2: Now we have Strippers Campaigning for the Democrats….
    What the hell is going on here? Are they really REALLY that desperate for a Win?
    Anyways, here is the link, let me know what you guys think


    Of course they are disparate.

    They can’t win an election fairly.

    They have to scare people into voting for them or else.

    Like they said;

    Vote for us (dems) or there will not be peace.

    Vote for us (dems) or there WILL be more riots.

    And the hypocrisy of claiming not to treat female like sex objects, yet will go do the “sex sells” when they need to, objectifying females.

    Their public verses private policies.

    Don’t vote for the nazis of america.

    Don’t vote for the democrats.


    I’d vote for the strippers before I’d vote for pretty much anyone in the Democratic party.


    Compared to the seeming total lack of morality displayed by senior Democrats I think actual strippers are a step upwards from them.

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