Suing a goverment body. A win?

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      Politics aside, I see videos and stories like this all the time and always considering it a “win”.  Regardless of what “team” or “side” people might be on or their cause is seen a part of, to me, suing a governmental body for solely a sum of money is not a win.  Because at the end of the day all you have done is sued the tax payer.  You essentially sued yourself.

      If a law gets changed or a process is changed I can see the value in that but attaining a large sum of money from the tax payers which you are one of seems like a loss.  Because in the end your taxes will increase and you have not harmed that organization because it’s not their money and they don’t care.



      I used to think like this. However, I don’t think this is actually how things work anymore.  You’re not suing “The Taxpayer.”  The Taxpayer who will pay for any of this is now so far down the line, I literally do not believe the country you are suing in will even exist by the time the bill is due. With the debt in most “democracies” being what it currently is, if things were to stay stable, the debt, as it stands, will never be paid off. The long-term consequences of the current arrangement will be unavoidable bankruptcy or authoritarianism so bad debts will be the last concern on anyone’s mind.  Your grandkids are already on the hook all their lives for crumbling roads and unstaffed hospitals if everything goes amazingly “well.”  Suing evil people in the meantime will not make things worse.


        What you are stating is not incorrect but I believe that to only be the case with federal funds. Otherwise, I think you are conflating federal budgets with local or state ones.  Suing a school board or police department for example hits your local goverment not federal and this directly affects (or could) your local taxes.  When you take funds from the federal goverment that is a pot of all the tax payers in America.  When you take funds from your state or town that is a much much smaller pot you are taking from and thus affecting you far more directly and severely.   And those generally (to my knowledge) do not get to run into external deficit land like federal.


        Perhaps this is different in Canada than down your way.  The province of Ontario, for example, which runs most of the schools in Ontario, has the largest non-sovereign debt on the entire planet (it is $353 billion).

        If I were lucky enough to live somewhere where school was funded by my local town, I would never sue them. I would just get elected to the board or help someone good to do the same. Suing at the town level for anything other than personal damages seems counter-productive.



          My apologies, I made an assumption you were talking USA (where I am).

          Your point is clearly valid for your country.  And to be honest is it still valid for me here.  The federal debt thing for us is where it’s so ridiculous it will never be paid and they just keep spending. And that does effect some local stuff (say state level) because they will also get federal dollars for a number of things especially schools.

          Unfortunately both our countries are in dire straights and for the same reasons and probably due to the same puppet masters as I am sure whomever pulls Trudeau’s strings pulls Biden’s.


          Don’t apologize for thinking I’m American. I should be so lucky.

          I’m sure Trudeau and Biden have the same puppet masters; both directly, and at the level of principalities and powers as well.

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