Super interesting podcast with Tim Pool and Emma Vigelund (leftist)

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube Super interesting podcast with Tim Pool and Emma Vigelund (leftist)

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      I think this happened last Friday but I watched it last night.  This was a super informative podcast.  This was the radical leftist agenda on full display in an environment where it was challenged which you do not get to see often.

      Overall it went how you might expect.  Miss Vigelund would make an assertion and attempt to back it up ever so slightly with often times questionable info.  When she was called on this or was faced with opposing info from Tim or the other guy there she would shift topic and subject.  This got so bad at one point it was hard to watch as the conversation shifted like quick sand for long stretches.

      At one point Tim just summarily dismantled one argument after another at which point she pulled the “Nazi” card on him.  And he stopped being cordial at that point until she came down off that assertion.  After that they had more decent conversation.

      Now she was using many weasel words and was tough to pin down like a wet bar of soap but did admit she is fine with the books in schools that showed and described explicit sex acts and she was behind child transitions.

      I honestly don’t think she was there to convince anyone or to actually put forth her arguments in logical anyway.  The way she stated a number of things that were not appropriate for the conversation at the time made it pretty apparent she was there to ask questions to get Tim to say things for her to later clip for her podcast show.

      And sure enough, if you go on YouTube and search “Tim Pool Emma Vigelund” you actually don’t see Tim’s video but a great number of clips from her show she made after.

      Finally, I want to add this.  In my opinion Tim made this lady look like a spiteful lunatic.  This should be kept in the proper frame of reference.  Tim is a smart guy and wicked good at what he does.  However, he is not a Jordan Peterson or say James Lindsay.  If she was placed in front of someone of that caliber the things she said and the idea she put forth would have been decimated so badly it would have actually harm the leftist movement which is why they don’t agree to such debates.  I am surprised this one happened.


      • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Vknid.

      The Left loves to sling labels while ignoring functionality, and I find the case of “Nazi” especially ironic. The Nazis exploited the human tendency to blindly obey those who have credentials, authorization, and approval of authority, and that’s exactly how the Left is trying to manipulate the population:

      “We have the credentials and authority to teach the children, we’re the professionals, not you, and you should trust the science and not question us. And if you do, we’ll take your kids.”

      In this case, the Leftist Nazis are pitting the human tendency to follow authority against the primal parental instinct to protect children from predators.

      There’s no guarantee, however, that the Left will succeed in that ploy, and the evidence is increasing that it’s failing. The Left is thus risking the violation of a fundamental principle of authority: never give an order you know won’t be obeyed. If the population rejects the Leftist manipulation, all of the authority and credibility and political capital the Left has staked on that manipulation will shatter.

      (The Left may still attempt increasingly violent means to force compliance, but that’s not the same thing as manipulating compliance via the grandeur of authority and credentials.)



        I agree with what you are saying.  If you watch any of Emma Vigelund in that podcast you will notice a frequent use of weasel words (words that have baked in assumptions), constant appeal to authority and frequent citations of studies we know come from leftist organizations.  Tim did a good job in pointing all that out.  And while she was combative and snide the entire time (it’s some leftist thing where they have to laugh at your statements to try to invalidate them) the only time Tim lost his cool a little was when she asked him why his show appeals to Nazi’s.  I wish he would have just continued to throttle her logically and calmly at that point but I understand his anger.  She even apologized for “triggering him” but that too was snide and meant to say “sorry you don’t like being called a Nazi you Nazi”.  She took it down several notches after that and I don’t know if it’s because she got the rage clip she wanted or because she was scared he might stand up and pimp slap her.

        The video is really the radical leftist laid bare for all to see, everyone should watch it.


        That was actually a good lesson in how to handle these lunatics.

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