Super Mario 3D All-Stars

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    This just dropped: Super Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy are coming to the Nintendo Switch in a limited-edition collection called Super Mario 3D All-Stars! This is just an amazing announcement, and thanks to Nintendo for pleasing the fans once again! In my opinion, I’m excited for Galaxy the most. It’s gonna be great.


    I know Nintendo always sells things like they are at a premium but $59.99 is a bit steep especially for a digital only version of 3 games that are at least almost 15 years old…I’m interested in the physical version but even than I think that price is a bit much…$39.99 would have been reasonable. I’ll be keeping an eye on this. With the limited release I can see the scalpers stalking the hell out of this game.


    I have a gut feeling this is but an appetizer and the main course is yet to come ,Super Mario Oddysey 2 , But what an appetizer.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Blaze2000.

      hype as hell


      Ether Super Mario Odyssey 2 or a remake of Galaxy 2 (which, could lead into Galaxy 3 in 2021??).


      Disagree with Jeremy’s take on folks being ticked the collection is limited edition, I can totally understand their annoyance. I haven’t bought a Switch yet, so I’m probably gonna have to buy it long before I own a means to play it. But then again…with Mario 64 not being remastered (what a load of horseshit) and me already owning Sunshine and Galaxy, the only real draw is playing two of three in HD. Maybe I don’t need it that much after all. Will say this though, this a much better deal than the 25th Anniversary disc which should’ve included the NES versions of the trilogy, SMW, even the first two Mario Lands.


      Already have it preordered.  I cannot freaking wait.


      I’m pretty stoked for this. I’m also not a fan of this being a limited thing, because I don’t think Mario 64 should be limited on the Switch. It’s bad enough we don’t have any N64 games yet and now Super Mario 64 will be a limited time release? I love Nintendo, but they make some dumb headed decisions sometimes. It’s like they’re in touch with the community and out of touch at the same time.

      What puzzles me the most is the absence of Mario Galaxy 2. Why? 3D All Stars just feels incomplete without it. Nintendo is almost always deliberate, so they have to be planning something with it. Could be a secret 4th game that isn’t advertised, who knows.


      I’ve never played Galaxy or Sunshine so i’m pretty excited to try it out!


      Sounds cool, I guess. Not sure I’ll actually get this though, given the price. That, and I already have SM64DS, which has additional content from the original 64 versiom, remastered graphics, and is also portable.

      I mean, having Sunshine and Galaxy being portable too sounds nice, but I’ve already played the latter.

      I won’t dismiss it altogether yet, but at the moment, I can’t get all that hyped over this.


      SM64DS is pretty awful in terms of control and actually has worse graphics than the original with its PS1-like textures. I don’t think the set is worth $60 or should be limited edition, but when comparing that particular game to the DS release, it’s a step up…even if you’re missing out on the extra content.


        Pre-ordered it last night. Looking forward to galaxy as I could not play it on the wii,( hated the wii motes). I am hopeing in the future Nintendo release galaxy 2 in the future.

        It was priced £42.85 from shopto uk. About $54 .


        Galaxy still has motion control, I forgot to mention above it’s not really portable as there was a notice folks spotted on the back of the box mentioning you need joy cons to play that one.


        Oh your gonna have one hell of a time if you haven’t played Sunshine or Galaxy


          I have not played any of the games. not sure if I will buy this or not.

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