Terminator 2 Judgment Day

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    I know fans of Arnold would know this by heart and while the franchise was “terminated” by Dark Fate…I can’t help but reflect on the fact that next year, Judgment Day turns 30 since it was released in 1991.  I should bring up, however, that the first time I watched it…my dad got the special edition version of the LaserDisc of the film (which…may I remind people who are collectors…it was freaking pricey as hell back in the day).  I have been prepping to write a retrospective review of my own to put on here and I admit that there are some decent well-made review videos on YouTube (provided that the freaking company doesn’t take those down) although, at the moment, all I have is an outline.

    So…to all you Terminator fans, I have to ask a few questions.

    1.) What was your favorite one liner? (This might be a given for many including myself so I won’t be surprised if it’s the same for 90-99% of fans).

    2.) Favorite Chase Scene

    3.) Favorite special effects moment

    4.) What is the best moment that stood out for you in the entire movie?


    In my case, here are the answers for these 4 questions.


    1.) Favorite one liner: I admit that I am completely torn because of the darn script (it is THAT good) but…if I had to choose, I would say the moment when they’re at Cyberdyne and the T-800 goes to suppress the police without taking a life and John tells him “Wait…you swore!”.  Arnold turns and looks at John saying “Trust Me”.


    2.) Favorite chase scene: For me, it would have to be the LA River chase scene.  I think it was well coordinated and just seeing the T-1000 chase John down in that truck and seeing Arnold not too far behind getting John on the bike as the T-1000 gave chase as it was just inches away from them.


    3.) Favorite special effects moment: I would say that the one that stood out for me is the horrific nightmare sequence Sarah has.  While it does display and visually depict very well the after-effects of a nuclear bomb going off…the team that was doing this scene was excellent.


    4.) What is the best moment that stood out for you in the entire movie? This by no means was the one that gets me every time.  The termination at the steel mill when Arnold explains to John that “there’s one more chip and it must be destroyed also”.  Right when John is begging and pleading for him not to leave, Arnold looks at John and says “I know now why you cry, but it is something that I could never do”.  [Gets me every time, right up to the point of the Terminator giving them one last look before giving the thumbs up].





      1) I’ll be back

      2) It’s too hard to decide for me on that one

      3) the T-1000 going through the bars in the mental hospital!!  That was bitchin’

      4) poor Dyson holding the trigger long enough for them to get away

      The movie is great!  A must own!

      1. No problemo
      2. After they blew up the Cyberdyne Systems building and the T-1000 starts chasing them in the helicopter and later in the 18-wheeler
      3. When the T-1000 makes his arms into large knives
      4. The moment when Arnold shot the T-1000 with the grenade launcher and the T-1000 exploded and fell into the hot liquid metal

      Favourite one liner: Just after shooting the guard at the asylum after promising not to kill anyone – “He’ll live.”

      Favourite chase: On the motorbike using the lever action shotgun one handed.

      Best special effects: When the T-1000 forms up behind the asylum guard from the tiled floor and adopts the guard’s appearance.

      Best moment: I don’t think I have one.

      Although I think Terminator 2 is an excellent film (I’m not sure if I’d call it better than the original) I think that this is where the franchise started to go wrong. John Connor should have been killed at the end of this film. Earlier on we have a ‘flash forward’ to a future battlefield where General Connor is seen overseeing the fighting. I think this should have shown the command post from behind him, the camera moving round so we see his general’s bars and the name tag ‘CONNOR’ on his uniform but his face would remain unseen behind a set of binoculars. Then after John Connor is killed by the T-1000 and the T-101 destroys the T-1000 we get another of the voiceovers by Sarah Connor explaining how the future is not set and what looks like defeat can still lead to victory. We then see the same ‘flash forward’ again only this time it goes on long enough for General Connor to lower his binoculars and we see Arnold Schwarzenegger’s face with the flesh missing from around one eye while a red glow comes from the socket.

      This would explain a line from the first film where Reece says that Connor taught the resistance how to destroy the machines. How would the human John Connor have known this? On the other hand the T-101 could have been programmed with the specifications of all Skynet’s machines and would know their weak points.

      Also this would make the third film make more sense. If Skynet discovered at the last moment its enemy was one of its own creations then it would need the specialised anti-terminator machine to try and the T-101 while he is in the process of preparing for the war.

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