Terrorists Hamas launches war on Isreal

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    Ben Shapiro has a video on Rumble which includes footage of the carnage.

    It’s very disturbing.


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      The Ukraine situation is not the Israel situation.  One was prodded at by the West for over a decade and is essentially over nothing but profit off energy and military money laundering.   The other, yes has the west involved, but is based on thousands of years of conflict.  Putin has not been going around for hundreds of years saying he wishes to make sure the Ukrainians don’t exist.

      Both are horrific situations where life is being lost which is nothing but tragic.  But to pretend they are equal is silly. Russia and Ukraine are countries.  Hamas is not a country it is a terrorist organization. If you think Ukraine is to be defended because it was attacked then as Israel was attacked it too should be defended.

      I am more or less a non-interventionist.  In the case of Ukraine we have no business doing anything there.  Israel is an actual ally.  We give something like 3.5 billion a year to Israel, Ukraine (not an ally) has gotten well over 100 billion.  Realize that’s not the government’s money (they have none of their own) that’s YOUR money.

      The US being involved in either I do not agree with on the face of it, but leaving out the context that one is an ally and the other is not and to glance past the horrible atrocities going on against Israel is very one sided.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Vknid.

      Some are already calling for the millions in Gaza to be dumped in the West, on top of the ones they’ve already dropped.

      Some are warning that there will be attacks in the West soon. It’s already happening in Sweden and your occupied media says zilch.

      Ben Shapiro said he does not care about the Browning of America, so he does not care when this stuff happens to you.



      Some are already calling for the millions in Gaza to be dumped in the West, on top of the ones they’ve already dropped.

      You mean the invasion by millions of military aged men who have no intention of adapting to the language/culture of the nation they are illegally entering?

      The Ottoman Empire could not militarily take over Europe (and the West), but their evil agenda still lives on, and today it is being done by sending illegal migrants and take over from within being helped by those woke extremely toxic far alt left lunatics will.

      There are so many “no-go” zones, and they are getting more and bigger by the day.


      I know this is a complex issue which would normally warrant a balanced approach.

      But when you, in furtherance of your cause resort to murdering and beheading innocents, and not just innocents but babies – at that point I don’t give a f*(& what your motivations and justifications are, that is just downright evil.

      And that is the quickest way for you to lose any semblance of sympathy I may have had for your cause.


      What sickens me is that the media is clearly too scared to label Hamas a terrorist group. The BBC have already started calling them militants. This is why I’ve wondered what would’ve happened if 9/11 happened today. I’m pretty sure the media would’ve found it very hard to try and cover up the fact that it was a terror attack.







        “Both Muslims and Jews hate Christians”

        I would say present day a lot of Muslims do but I do not know to what extent that is outside of the Middle East.  There are many Muslims throughout the world.  As for the ones in the Middle East, I can see why they would be pissed at the US.  We have been dinking around in their affairs for decades if not outright waging war.

        Now Jews, I do not know of any Jews who hate or wish to kill me.  And I know a number of them and some of them are in Israel.

        I am not saying these things do no exist I am just not sure the claim they all hate us and want us dead is correct and not a large over simplification.

        And at this time these things are not a priority for us.  The things going on at home (US) are far far more a threat. The centralization of power, the unbalanced enforcement of law, political mayhem and a wide open border which will dilute America so that is no longer exists.  These are our primary concerns.


        “What sickens me is that the media is clearly too scared to label Hamas a terrorist group”

        They aren’t scared.  They don’t wish to because they agree and support Hamas.  That is part of the whole progressive thing, they hate Israel. Yet somehow they don’t label it antisemitism.

        For me this whole thing as it sits right now is simple.  Hamas committed atrocities and performed nothing strategic.  And an atrocity is not called for it is only committed out of hatred in an attempt to simply lash out and cause harm.  There is no call for that and anyone supporting it or cheering it on has hate in their heart.  PERIOD.  There is no way around that.

        If Hamas/Palestine had started some military offensive to retake land or something similarly strategic that did not involved killing/torturing/raping women and children it would be a different conversation but it is not.  And we do not have to sift through the long history of tit for tat between these 2 to figure out whether what happened is wrong. IT IS WRONG PERIOD.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Vknid.








          Clearly this is an incendiary topic.

          But, these are not the same thing.  Are their some similarities?  Sure, but that does not mean they are equal.

          We currently give Israel about 3.5 billion a year.  In 2022 we handed over 113 billion to Ukraine.

          Israel is an ally, Ukraine is not.

          Now do have we meddled in both?  Yup

          And have we done so for our own interests? Yup

          I might even go so far as to say we contributed to both happening.

          But Ukraine we had far more direct dealing with.  In my mind we essentially dared Putin to invade.

          Israel is doing their own thing here but in retaliation to something we indirectly contributed to.

          But I would say that Ukraine is more a money laundering event than anything at this point.  This is not the case with Israel in my opinion.  And yes Putin invaded but I think we encouraged that.  Hamas wants to kill everyone in Israel (minus the Muslims there) and committed horrible atrocities for the sole purpose of committing atrocities.

          We can say they are the same things like you would say water in a glass is the same as a water tower/tank of water.


          @Vknid I come from the right. There was a time when I would have sounded just like Nikki Haley or Lindsay Graham and sang Bomb Iran and kill them all and glass parking lot and things like that. I used to think like that until the NGOs and Corporate America turned on the west and decided to go with woke over Americans, English, Swedes, Serbs, Irish, etc.

          Fine, they made their choice.

          Also, just FYI, see that comic strip that Legatus posted? That is real in my life. It happened to a friend of a relative of mine who decided to backpack across the Arab world. She was a New Age hippy religious type who thought that her frequency and vibration and love energy would always come back to her. Well, she got her head cut off. That comic strip is truth. It’s real.

          The Ivy League brought in the woke crowd. Bill Ackman only has himself and his own colleagues to blame. Same with Larry Fink. It’s too late. I will NEVER stand with those types. Let me know if you’d like more names. They chose invaders. They chose woke. Now, they are threatening us with terrorist cells, but who brought them here? Americans never voted for it. They had generations to do the right thing and they betrayed the west.

          Dr. Ron Paul talked about how a chemical weapon was used to assassinate Arafat and that Hamas was a construct, much like a propped up warlord. I never cared about the situation in Gaza until I saw power consolidated in tribal form in the west. Free speech freedoms are being curtailed by Elon and X as we speak.  In the EU, they will imprison old folks in their 90s over their opinions on history. That alone shows you there is a fraud and a cover-up.  The Palestinians have been slaughtered for generations, just like Rachel Corrie was run over by a bulldozer. At the time, I was a monster. I was like, good, run that bitch over. I was wrong then and wrong now. The same thing happening to them has happened to westerners in their own cities. Again, I’ll never ever support the warmongers who had one job. Secure their own borders. They chose not to do that. WE do Not owe them any loyalty for such utter, dismal failure.

          One a side note, Owen Shroyer made a great point today about how you should be taking notes on who thinks a situation thousands of miles away is more important than your own government  in your own backyard doing the right thing for the people. Take note of people who have more loyalty to a country overseas than the country they reside in.





            So I agree with most everything in that post to one degree or another.  I would take some of your assertions a step farther actually. But I will get to that in a second.

            None of your post there has much to do with the point I was making.  Simply, you cannot equate Ukraine to Hamas/Israel.  Beyond that I picked no sides, I made no claims of whom was right or wrong and I never denied anything you are explaining.


            We have been messing around in Israel since it was formed.  And not just us, the UK and others in the west as well.  Why?  Oil.  Initially anyway.

            And if you keep in mind of how the US participated in that and also played a heavy hand whipping up Ukraine and other things we now know about like Iraq, Iran, Syria and Libya then you begin to get this picture that some of the anger other countries have towards us is warranted.  And now we are exporting social and moral decay to places as far flung as countries in Africa.   The elites/globalists/WEF or whatever you want to call them are using the West and particularly the United Stated as a launch pad for their agenda in one of the most ironic moments in history.

            This woke stuff is not new.  This is just the latest form of the same stuff going on since the 60’s. I don’t think it was always steered by elites in power but at some point they certainly took advantage of it and used it.  And people need to understand how much damage this has done.  Moral decay, rampant crime, bad schools, sexual chaos, confused and hopeless people and kids who cannot come up with any reasons to be on this planet, populations who cannot and or don’t contribute to society.  These things will dissolve the west from within.  That process is already well underway.  There is no getting back what we had.  That version of the west and America are dead.  The best we can do now is rally, pick-up the pieces and fashion something new that resembles what was in hopes to recapture the spirit we once had.

            Now, you mention free speech.  Massive problem I agree. It’s the next domino to fall in the west.  But Elon Musk is not your problem.  All he has done is helped.  I am not saying he is perfect on it but you need to understand the weapon Twitter was for those in power.  It was by far their best propaganda weapon.  Now it’s not.  And that’s why Musk has the IRS and FTC crawling up his rear.  Online social media does present an issue with censorship and it’s a little complicated but it can be boiled down to remove it if illegal and let it stand if not.  This is what GAB does.  But then people use that against you saying you allow hate and misinformation.  My answer is, so?  Don’t look at it and people do not need to let a government tell them what’s true or not, you could not possibly put yourself in a more precarious situation if you tried.  Adults need to adult and learn to discern things for themselves. That’s a far better option than a government or a company regulating truth.

            The issue with big tech however is not so much censorship.  They are private companies they can do whatever they want.  What they should not do that they do all the time is squash competition and do so in a coordinated manner.  New companies coming up would easily pick up that free speech slack and you would have other options to choose from.  So the censorship is not the root issue, the monopolistic behavior is.  In fact the censorship is a symptom of the monopolistic behavior.

            Back to this Israel and Hamas/Palestine thing.  I choose no sides.  Everyone involved has blood on their hands.  We cannot pick through history and make some atrocity scoreboard to see who is more right or wrong and then figure out who belongs there.  We cannot change history and while we should be aware of it there is no sense dwelling on it.  It’s a fruitless task.  We should move on with where we are now in good faith and equal regard for everyone.  And there in lies the issue with Israel/Palestine.  They hate each other and equal treatment is not going to happen.  If they want to fight, let them.  We should not have our hands in that pot.

            Anyway man, I agree with most of your take and I am not trying to pick a fight.  I just don’t see Ukraine and Israel as the same things.


            Fights, being admonished, chastised or corrected doesn’t bother me at all. Az made me laugh the other day when he said “modern day” and “California Shit” because, unfortunately, that’s how it was in school. Patrick Bet-David the other day talked about how being on the right, or being a conservative in blue territory is up there with being a Christian in a Muslim country in terms of cruelty that one may face. They propagandized a lot of us in captive audience, peer pressure classrooms. Now that we are out, some of us will be in de-programming for the rest of out lives. Hillary Clinton talks about re-education camps, but some of us were already raised in them. I am hoping that Generation Mask and Generation Lockdown produces youth with even more animosity and edge that the millenials and zoomers that impress me so much.

            Also, it’s OK to Booo or curse. I was actually like that when younger and would have screamed at the views that I have today because the media is entirely propaganda and, as Americans, we still think we are saving people in WW2, which is pretty primitve. Not sure if you saw, but there is high skepticism about the “Beheaded Babies” story. It’s something over the course of time that you need to ask yourself, which is, how many lies will I go along with? After “Brought to You by Pfizer” media, I will not give another chance to anyone who ran those ads or who is a part of that.

            It’s something to think about with anyone online or in TV media or Print media who ran with that “Beheaded Babies” story. Live NOT By Lies.




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