Terrorists Hamas launches war on Isreal

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      “They propagandized a lot of us in captive audience, peer pressure classrooms”

      The hardcore overt propaganda has been going on since at least the early 90’s.  So even older folks believe so many things that are not true and consider them common knowledge.

      I will demonstrate.  The term “gender affirming care” is clearly a propaganda phrase.  And many people will detect that because it was only recently introduced into the lexicon.  But I often ask people whom are in there 40’s or older.  What did they call such a surgery back in the day?  They will answer a “sex change”.  Then I have to ask, can one change their sex?  No of course.  So even then as old as that term is, it was a propaganda phrase.  The subterfuge did not just start.  It’s been going on for decades.  The world did not all of a sudden go crazy, it’s been headed in that direction for a long time.

      No one organization or government body should delineate for us what is true or what is not. No social media company should be doing this either.  If idiots want to post moronic takes, good.  Then we will all know who the dingdongs are. We all need to learn to self evaluate information. Just like covid, herd immunity is best, even immunity against lies and propaganda.

      And yes, I know about the beaded babies issue being possibly untrue.  Does that matter?  No it does not. We all know Hamas committed atrocities because they showed us.  Whether it was 35 atrocities or 36 is of no consequence.

      Now you keep posting these anti-Israel memes.  Please explain that.  What are you saying.  If you are going to passively aggressively elude to something you might as well just plainly call it out.


      I have no idea about that sex surgery because it just sounds like grisly butchery to me, much like male genital mutilation or circumcision. After covid, I cannot watch the media. Anyone behind the pressure behind that lost all credibility but, beyond that, I consider liars like that dangerous and I will not listen to them or tune in to them, under any circumstances.

      The truth matters to some people. There was been ethnic cleansing and genocide against Gaza for generations and longer than we have been alive. The numbers are not comparable in any way. If people are willing to go along with a lie in order to stage a rampant slaughter, just be honest about it. Just say that genocide is the goal. Be upfront with it. This is a War is Peace and 2+2=5 situation when people will go along with lies to follow the herd. At that point, the transformation is complete. If Sweden or Serbia or London or Paris had a right to defend themselves and a right to exist, then there would be nothing to be so defensive about.

      There is nothing further to say. The memes speak for themselves. They are objective and neutral.





        “I have no idea about that sex surgery because it just sounds like grisly butchery to me”

        Well it is.  But you don’t need to know a thing about it to know that the words describing it are propaganda words meant to assert things that are not true.

        “The truth matters to some people. There was been ethnic cleansing and genocide against Gaza for generations and longer than we have been alive.”

        Ah, so you are anti-Israel. OK, well I am glad we established that.

        And I assume since you are declaring that truth matters that you are asserting you are aware of the truth.

        Please, do explain to us the truth. I myself find it difficult to assert who has more points on the “stolen land” or “atrocity” score board since that entire area has been in upset or conflict since Jesus.  And it’s not just 2 players in that game, there is at least 3 if you include the time around the crusades and before as Christians held those areas for some time (including Syria, Israel (I think) and Palestine) and then the crusades kicked off after  a few hundred years of spread by the Muslim Seljuq Turks and their empire.  I know the common thought is that was all religious but ,while that was part of it, I think it was more about politics.  But I digress.

        I find it very difficult to wrap my head around 2000+ years of back and forth, tit for tat, attack/counter attack and which atrocity was worse than the other. While I feel it is of great benefit to understand that history,  I see no value in acting upon it in present day as it’s all impossible to calculate and any assertion made will have counter assertions.

        But since you know the truth.  Please, explain it.  I would love to know it.



        Cutting off water to 2 million people with an average age of eighteen is far, far, far beyond an eye for an eye. There is no getting through to some people. How many times can a man say that he is not taking sides and is more concerned with his own country and his own flag? NATO failed the west. The demographic changes have led to these protests. The Western peoples never voted for this invasion. The youth do NOT support this war. The only people left who do are the Boomers. When Serbs told muslims to get out, NATO bombed them. Sweden, Paris, London and others have open gang warfare on the streets.

        The flippant remark about being anti-Israel is very weak. Israel-first politicians, all they had to do was serve their own people and secure their own borders. They couldn’t even do that and certainly, Israel did not help in any way with western countries maintaining their sovereignty.  Not sure how many times it takes to say that the truth I was referring to was the Atrocity Propaganda story about Beheaded Babies, especially when Palestinian kids have been getting shot for decades without any of the hysterical attention. I never cared much for what was going on over there until the media vilified westerners. Now, I will not blindly follow their warmongering orders.  It was this accusational tone against westerners that simply turned me against the institutions. Will say also, that the invaders imported today will turn your western nation into Gaza tomorrow.






          It was not flippant nor was it a remark, it was a statement of clarification.  For it to be flippant I would have to had taken a position opposite of yours and I have done no such thing.  I asked you what your position was here after you posted a number of meme’s comparing Ukraine and Israel.  I am still not entirely sure what it is you are comparing between those two.  And then after I ask you this, you come back with more anti-Israel talk.  So I can only conclude you are anti-Israel and I put that stake in the ground in my mind and mentioned it out loud.  And while you took the opportunity to refer to my statement as weak and flippant you did not refute it.

          I am not even sure what you are so flustered for.  I have not disagreed with anything you asserted outside of saying Ukraine is equal to Israel.

          At this point I cannot tell what you are for or against as you are all over the place calling out every one in the situation but Hamas.  Which is odd because you wish to make clear atrocities that occurred and you say that matters but you leave what happened to Israel out entirely.

          And if the truth ,as you call it, is that the horrific story of beheading babies is false then what are you saying?  So 1 story is false.  So one less atrocity committed, are we to ignore the others?

          Personally I think Gaza and Palestine and even Israel are not the beeswax of the US.  If we wish to consider them an ally for strategic reasons OK but just because they wish to launch a war does not mean we have to participate.  To do so means we have to put our noses where it does not belong.

          I do not even attempt to take a position between Israel and Palestine.  I am not there, I am not from there and one would have to be a historian to be able to pick apart all that back and forth.  It’s near impossible to know the whole sordid history of all that happened there even just since Israel was established much less hundreds of years before.

          As a Christian I do not want to see Israel harmed, but also as a Christian I do not want to see anyone innocent harmed period. One can be sympathetic and even helpful without picking up a sign with a flag on it or posting many memes for one or the other.

          Nothing Israel did called for torturing and killing innocent people.  That was of zero strategic value, it was simply striking out in anger and causing as much damage as possible with no goal beyond what was done.

          Does that mean Israel can retaliate?  In my mind yes. They are allowed to defend themselves, but that does not give them license to commit atrocities of their own.  Do they need to run everyone out of Gaza?  I have no idea I do not pretend to be an expert of what any of that calls for.

          Speaking of propaganda, I see you too mention how much of an issue that is.  But then you make a statement and post a poll from CNN to back it up.  If CNN posted a poll that water was wet I would question it.

          I just do the best I can sort through info and take it as it comes.  I assume anything reported to possibly be false and I look for reasons for it to be true and go from there.


          “And yes, I know about the beaded babies issue being possibly untrue. Does that matter? No it does not. We all know Hamas committed atrocities because they showed us. Whether it was 35 atrocities or 36 is of no consequence.”

          “Not sure how many times it takes to say that the truth I was referring to was the Atrocity Propaganda story about Beheaded Babies, especially when Palestinian kids have been getting shot for decades without any of the hysterical attention.”

          From what I’ve seen it hasn’t been dis-proven.

          There was a fiery interview between Pro-Palestinian influencer Mohammed Hijab and Piers Morgan yesterday wherein the former kept asking “What’s your source, what’s your source” for evidence of the atrocity. Piers continually directed him to the media houses that investigated the story but Hijab failed to acknowledge them as legitimate. The interesting thing was that he didn’t out-rightly deny  the be-headings either, he just kept insinuating that the “sources” were suspect and so too must be the story’s veracity.

          And that is the type of intellectual dishonesty you’re seeing from a lot of those who are trying to defend/justify what occurred on October 7th — cast aspersions upon the reporting of the incident(s) in an attempt to misdirect and obfuscate.

          Honestly, that’s not helping their cause.



            “From what I’ve seen it hasn’t been dis-proven.”

            That’s my point thought.  It does not matter.  There is zero to be had in anyone arguing over it, it does not change the situation. It’s just a talking point right now for those supporting terrorism to claim it’s all about nothing which is an insane assertion.

            “There was a fiery interview between Pro-Palestinian influencer Mohammed Hijab and Piers Morgan yesterday wherein the former kept asking “What’s your source, what’s your source” for evidence of the atrocity”

            I saw that.  Piers did a good job because that guy appears to be a propagandist and was laying traps for Piers and when he did not step in them Hijab had to resort to attacks and asking for a standard of discourse he did not hold himself to.  Like that asking for sources thing while not providing any for what he claimed.

            Hijab was not there is good faith.  He was there to defend what happened.


            Being tactful about sources, and not being personal at all, the picture released by Ben Shapiro is highly questionable. Yes, a Poll from a mainstream source is as well, since they mainstream has a track record of lying and hoaxes. That much is true.

            Isreal and Ukraine are getting billions while NATO fails the EU and the UK, so what Ukraine and Israel have in common is that they are fleecing the west for billions.

            Piers once got upset at Ben Shapiro when Ben argued that people stood on the graves of kids at Sandy Hook in an attempt to malign any American who was pro Second Amendment. This is much like what is happening now, where people who do not want genocide, ethnic cleansing and the cutting off of basic necessities to an entire population are maligned as somehow being anti-Israel or Pro terrorism. Coming from the right, I always supported Israel until dual-citizens in government and media refused to defend borders and insisted on insulting and belittling the western countries, so I suppose I went from a supporter to either neutral or someone who no longer supports.

            And now, A Jew asks, Do I Support Israel?

            Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 06-18-23 0d1f795ef8c476e8.jpeg (JPEG Image 568 × 784 pixels)



              “Isreal and Ukraine are getting billions while NATO fails the EU and the UK, so what Ukraine and Israel have in common is that they are fleecing the west for billions.”

              On the face of that I agree.  But Israel gets a about 3.5 billion annually and Ukraine got 110+ billion last year.  But your point is valid.  And we can also say we have tinkered with both situations.

              “This is much like what is happening now, where people who do not want genocide, ethnic cleansing and the cutting off of basic necessities to an entire population are maligned as somehow being anti-Israel or Pro terrorism. ”

              Ultimately, it is none of our business.  It is not the job of the USA to police the world. If Israel and Iran want to fight it’s not up to use to make decisions for anyone.  Sure we can have opinions on it but they are the ones who have to live with the consequences because they are there, we are not.

              You seem very one sided and dismissive of atrocities prior to Israel retaliating. There is much more going on under the surface of “cutting off basic necessities” and you are claiming genocide and ethnic cleansing and I have no evidence of such.  We can speculate about what would/could happen but it has yet to happen.

              “Coming from the right, I always supported Israel ”

              I don’t support anyone or anything unconditionally and I don’t judge a body of people by the actions of their government.  I call good what is good and what is bad as bad.

              Yes that is a 1947 map.  Israel was established in 1948.  What are you saying?  Are you inferring that Israel took much of Palestine and kicked the Muslims out?  As in most of this it does not seem that simple to me.  From what I gather at the time of your map, 1947, there were indeed more Muslims in Palestine than any other group, but if you add Jews and Christians together then 65% of the population was non-Muslim.

              None of this is simple, it’s all very messy and complicated and as someone who does not live there I will not pretend to know how the rubber meets the road as it were.  I take no one’s word for anything as all of this is rife with propaganda and most everything is framed in favor of the ones claiming it.



              The violence prior to the Hamas attack on the molly orgy rave was largely one sided. In fact, the Palestinians have lost far more than the Israelis have. It is said that Gaza is an open air prison. Eventually, I’ll find the graphic that shows how many have been slain and there is nothing like even comparable to the two.










                So it’s obvious you are very one sided. You essentially just blamed Israel for the atrocity that happened to them and took the time to insult the people that died.

                You act with spite and anger and then at the same time claim you have the moral high ground because others act with spite and anger.

                Hate who you wish, but you do not have the moral high ground.



                • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Vknid.
                • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Vknid.

                None of that, but it has come to the point where the questions and thoughts become overwhelming. In fact, you make a good point in that anyone who starts to even question the Israel First worship agenda is pummeled with labels in a furious manner and everyone knows this and I think that they live in fear.
                It is very uncomfortable talking about this subject. Friends and family turn on you and, if conservative, you will never fit in with the Arab or POC world. In fact, to be a conservative, at least have the pundit class was pushing that Israel idolatry agenda, so I was exposed to that at the earliest ages. That’s just the thing, the point you make is so good because I am not one-sided at all since I spent most of my life on that side where we basically worship Israel and turn a blind eye to the dual-citizen crimes that are occurring.


                Has anyone noticed that the more Israel expands, the more your own country is invaded and that this relationship is almost direct?

                Not sure if people will understand this, but as the Palestinians are diminished and removed from Gaza, the English, Serbs, Scots, French, Americans, Canadians, Australians are all being replaced and diminished just like they are from their own western nations.

                Hate and anger are mentioned, but as hyperinflation gets bad and Larry Fink starts buying the homes of westerners who are evicted, will people realize that they are being treated just like Palestinians in academics, employment, real estate, living space, farmland  and other sectors?


                Don’t know why I continue to post clips because it’s clear they are either not watched or they are deliberately ignored.

                In this one, Stew Peters tells unpleasant truths to Alex Jones. Even I was cringing and wincing at some of the things stated, but he’s not wrong.



                  Sure, there is an issue with immigration in the west.  I have droned on about it quite a bit and even posted that is the number 1 threat to the USA and the west and it is 100% intentional.  But that has nothing to do with Israel and you trying to connect the 2 seems like propaganda to me.

                  Your view of Israel and Palestine is entirely one sided and overly simplistic.   I am not sure there has been any conflict in the world where one side was entirely innocent or blameless.  So the thought that Israel is guilty because they are not innocent appears to me to be mental gymnastics.  If we are going to play that game then Hamas and or Palestine is also guilty.

                  In the world currently there appears to be those whom support Israel unconditionally.  And conversely there are those whom support Palestine unconditionally. It’s not that one is right and the other wrong, they are both wrong.  I support nothing or no one unconditionally, I judge every action for what it is and I do not put any loyalty into that calculation.

                  You are everything you claim to rage against. The assumption there is a required binary choice where you must hate one or the other is simply incorrect.


                  I’m sorry, I can’t…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

                  Would love to see her protest about “climate change” over there. She won’t last two minutes there. There’s a reason why this lot don’t protest over there. Also, BS; Greta DOESN’T have autism, that lie was put out by her parents to cover up the fact that Greta was too lazy to go to school and to make her sympathetic. They said that during their very first interview.

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