the best or favorite Alfred

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Movies the best or favorite Alfred

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    I finally got to watch The Batman over the weekend. Mostly enjoyed it.

    While I’d guess these are debates and opinions about who anyone thinks has been the best Batman, I want to add a bit of a twist to the question: who has been your favorite Alfred, or who has best portrayed Alfred in your opinion? Btw animated Alfreds are also allowed into the debate.

    Jeremy Iron’s Alfred in the BvS and Justice League may be the one most different from the others. He sometimes seems less like a servant and more like a partner in crime-fighting.

    I think my favorite may still be Michael Caine’s from the Dark Knight movies.

    In one of the recent animated movies, I think it was Bad Blood, Alfred was a part of the team in the finally big fight, and even took on a some of the baddies. I wasn’t a big fan of the movie itself, and it’s probably not one I’ll try to rewatch, but I did like that part of it.


    I think my favorite Alfred is either Michael Caine in the Dark Knight trilogy, or Michael Gough in the Burton movies, despite his limited screen time. I haven’t watched much of Batman: The Animated Series, but I’m sure that version of Alfred is very good too.


    Michael Caine Batman Begins Alfred is one of my favorite .

    Alan Napier 60’s TV Series Batman

    Michael Gough as Alfred in Batman 1989 Movie


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