The Best Star Trek Movie?

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      The Best Star Trek Movie?


      Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan


      The Voyage Home.


      The Wrath of Khan, if we’re talking about the original cast. First Contact for the TNG cast.

      I rewatched Khan last night on Netflix and I noticed how Kirk received the book A Tale of Two Cities at the beginning of the movie and throughout the movie, any time you see the book again, the book mark has been moved closer to the end. After Spock dies, you see Kirk finishing the book and then he quotes it as the movie ends. Now the original Trek was great with the social themes and commentary, in that they didn’t beat you over the head with it and Wrath of Khan is no exception. When you watch the movie, you’re basically watching two different themes play out. On Kirk’s side, you see themes from A Tale of Two Cities play out and on Khan’s side you see Moby Dick play out. Khan being Ahab and Kirk is his white whale. And just as Kirk’s last scene features him quoting the Charles Dickens book, Khan’s last scene has him quoting Ahab’s last words.





      Wrath of Khan without a doubt. There is a live stream record on Critical Drinker Live between CD and Gary from Nerdrotic on it which I would highly recommend. It goes 4hrs but the movie deserves that. There is just so much depth to it. Especially when compared to present day ST.


      All of the original cast films are good to great with Wrath being the standout and Final Frontier being at the bottom of the pack mostly for budgetary reasons. It has some really great moments though, and if JJ Abrams had any sense, when it was clear Demian Bichir wasn’t going to be his Khan in Into Darkness, they should’ve asked for a little more time, shifted gears, and made Cumberbatch’s character Sybok. A terrorist Vulcan on the heels of the destruction of their home planet would’ve worked much better than trying to shoehorn Khan into the mix saving us from that stupid “Hey, remember this?” ending. I could never warm up to either of his entries and still haven’t watched the third despite owning it on digital.

      The Next Generation films aren’t much better, Generations felt rushed and an uninspired team up which should’ve included Spock. First Contact was a blatant rehash of Jim Cameron’s Aliens despite a great time travel story tacked on. Insurrection, my favorite of the bunch as it felt the most like an episode of the show, but at the same time a story not really being movie worthy. Also, the less said about Nemesis, the better.

      So yeah, Wrath is by far the best, as is the trilogy of films it starts with The Voyage Home coming in second scoring points for its unique premise, and being super quotable…but man, does it ever have a weak score outside its main theme. Undiscovered Country is third and a great swan song for the original cast. Wish we could get the franchise back to the quality of those at some point and cool submarine battles in space.


      Regarding the ST trilogy (ST 2 through 4), a major surprise for me when I watched Search for Spock was Christopher Lloyd as the Klingon captain and John Larroquette as his subordinate. Both did a fantastic job in their roles, despite how short they were. When I was younger, The Voyage Home was my favorite just because it felt more like a fun movie than a serious movie. As I got older, Wrath became my favorite.


      Any with Jean-Luc Picard before they turned him into the biggest bitch alive.



      Mr. Roy

        Wrath of Khan


        Wrath of Kahn was great.  Ricardo Montablan comes across as terrifying but also with some charm.  The back and forth with the ships both taking damage was like watching a boxing match go back and forth wondering who will hold on.  This was not just a great Star Trek movie, it’s just a great movie.  I like Search for Spock as well.  Christopher Lloyd plays an OK villain, and it’s the first time we see the Enterprise blow up.  Now when Abrams does it every movie it’s boring.


        Star Trek the undiscovered country

        Star Trek First Contact 1996

        Star Trek 4 The Voyage Home

        Star Trek 3 The Search for Spock

        Star Trek The Wrath of Khan

        Star Trek The Motion Picture





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