The conservative church is the problem

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    In writing this title, I don’t want to say that the liberal church is completely innocent, because they have their fair share of the blame, as those who have so blatantly and even proudly denied the faith they claim to represent.


    But the focus should be put on the conservative church, those churches that at least put on a show of having correct doctrine and beliefs, who at least say they believe in, for example, the divine inspiration of the Bible, the trinity, and salvation by faith in Christ.


    These churches should be focused on, because they have no lived up to their beliefs, and this is  having an effect not only on the churches, but outside the churches.


    In can see four problematic areas in the conservative church.



    Outside of political taxing and spending, nothing is more emblematic of greed than the thing called “Christian television”. Many TV preachers have made themselves filthy rich (emphasis on the literal meaning of “filthy”) by crying and begging and threatening on Christian television for people to send them their money, even their last farthing. But perhaps the most blasphemous example of greed is how the “gospel” far too many churches preach is the “prosperity gospel”, the gospel of having your best life now, the gospel of living the high life, of having all your dreams come true.



    Church is no longer church. Church is theater. Perhaps its the old-fashioned hell-fire-and-brimstone preacher who stomps and snorts shouts and bellows all across the church stage. Perhaps it’s the more modern rock band playing praise songs followed by the preacher giving a combination comedy routine and motivational speech. Throw in some props, and a Sunday service may well be the best free show in town.


    Power and Abuse

    How many denominations or church networks have had sexual scandals in the past decade or so? How many individual ministers have been involved in sexual scandals? How many cover-ups have only made these scandals even worse when they finally came to light?


    No Gospel

    I’ve mentioned one false gospel, the prosperity gospel, but one of the biggest problems in churches is that the gospel isn’t there, or it’s just barely there. I’ve listened to sermons where the “gospel” is little more than an “ask Jesus into your heart” bit right at the end.


    Why Is This Important?

    How can the church speak against greed and financial corruption when the church itself is filled with greed and so many ministers are corrupt in their finances and fundraising?


    How can the church speak against a culture that is none-too-slowly amusing itself to death when the church itself is filled with pastors whose main concern is turning the church into a place of fun and games?


    How can the church speak against a culture that is supporting, embracing, and even celebrating sexual immorality and perversion when the church itself is filled with ministers who are themselves immoral and perverse?


    How can the church speak against a culture that wants to hear only pleasant lies when the church itself downplays the truth, the gospel that Christ died for our sins, from its own pulpits?


    How can the church claim to love God while it is preening and parading itself before the world’s eyes? How can the church claim to be pleasing God while it flirts with the world that itself is the enemy of God? Does the church really think that it can do the impossible, that it can win the approval of both the world and of God? Can a church that looks so much like the world, that is greedy and shallow and corrupt and abusive, really think that God is impressed with its works?


    It can boil down to those ministers and preachers see it merely as a business. Men create churches, and men have agendas. But the issue is the awakening that you brought up; dont give your time or money to them. Focus on the message yourself, spread the message yourself, and those who know will see through the veil as well.

    “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”—John 13:13-15



    I find it is the “liberal / modern” church that is the REAL problem/threat, not the conservatives.


    The greed of those “preachers for profit”.  And their “Do as I say, not as I do.”  Hypocrites!

    Places of worship trying to get and keep the attention/membership of attention deprived youths… demean the message/places of worship.  I heard places bringing in drums and trumpets and bring more rock/jazz music to replace more traditional songs/music.  A theater production over solemn worship.  And I have heard that some places of worship before the start have to make announcements for people to please turn off electronic devices during the services, but some are so attention deprived they for that hour still can’t turn it off/be unconnected for even that short period of time.

    Just like those in a movie theater or at a concert or a play/performance, they just have to stay connected, letting their phones ring and annoy everyone.  And talk loudly into them, too.


    When one of the teachings/commandments is “thou shall not commit adultery” and yet are fully pushing for not just allowing such deviant lifestyles/sins, but promoting it with banners, wanting ministers to be openly members of such sin, and performing such weddings and such within the church.  Going completely against the teachings of the Bible and of Christ.

    I have heard stories where so called pastors don’t even believe in God, yet are preaching in places of worship.


    One of the things people have feared (call it a conspiracy) but we see it in business and governments and institutions.  When corrupt/evil people get in, move up in positions of authority/power, and spread their cancerous agenda.

    Ministers of Satan (knowingly or unknowingly) infiltration the church to corrupt it from the inside.

    When I hear what “liberal” bishops in the US and in places like Germany are trying to force into the church,  corrupting the church, I find disgusting.

    Love the sinner, not the sin.  Now they want a “you must promote and celebrate the sin and the sinner, or you are the evil one” is pure BS! in my books.


    More and more people are wanting to go back to the Latin Mass, where it is all about worshiping God, and not about being “entertained”, while the Pope is cracking down on such “conservatives” for not believing in the modernization/liberalization of the church.


    The Reformation was caused because moral people could see the corruption taking place, wanted to address them and correct them, and as a result a schism happened in the church.  I can see another happening is the church (not just Catholic, but all Protestant ones as well) if they continue to move away from God and His message, for their own agendas/personal corruptions.


    We live in an age of instant gratifications.  Things like eternal life, life after death, etc. are concepts no longer being recognized by too many today.


    Such good posts and comments here. Really thoughtful. I just think there is a lot of bribery and payola. There are also rumors of certain churches and hospitals simply being bought out a while back. Still, I am hooked on watching church footage now. Never thought this would happen to me, where I am watching bunch of services and even old televangelists just for chuckles, but it’s something that I feel was like a blind spot even though I did go in spurts for a time.

    Respect to some of you guys here, the real deal.


    “We live in an age of instant gratifications. Things like eternal life, life after death, etc. are concepts no longer being recognized by too many today.”

    Because people are wisening up to the fact that it’s a bum deal. “Submit to my authority for life, I’ll pay you for it in the next life.”   Best scam ever. Whoever came up with that is a genius.

    Now if only people wisened up to the fact that government is a scam, too, then we’d be getting somewhere.


      I find it just as silly to believe that everything in the universe is here, including us, because of billions of years of “happy accidents”.

      HOWEVER, I find similar issue with religious organizations.  Those are made of people, so they are imperfect as those people and often as corrupt.  That does not make it less likely that God exists in my opinion.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Vknid.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Vknid.
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