Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Entertainment › YouTube › The Day I fell asleep livestreaming DIABLO 4
I was going to take the video down but I figured maybe people would get a kick out of it.
I was livestreaming for almost 2hrs & at the last 40 minutes, I started dozzing off until I inevitably did fall asleep.
In this video, I clipped All the moments that led up to it. Blizzard needs to pop this game because the game is mostly all dark & all the enemies blend together into the world which is what caused my sleeping on the video. Also they buffed the Elite enemies & their minions so if you pay attention you will see how long it takes to kill them now & check out the damage numbers I deal them lol.
I added a few rage moments at the end to contrast the rest of the video.
(I only ask that you guys click on LIKE in the video so Youtube MIGHT recommend it more.)
Thanks for watching.
Haha so relatable bud. Been there, but with WoW. Which btw, I got back on WoW recently. Forgot about the grind lol
Dude, you need to clip the falling asleep part. That shenanigans would go viral. Just title it something silly like “D4 is so boring, watch a streamer fall asleep playing it!”.
In all honestly that says a lot more about that game than you.
If that clip goes viral I am going to start a rumor that only happened because the grind in D4 is so painful you had to do some heroin right before you played. :P
I wouldn’t exclusivity consider because D4 being boring, excessive gaming for hours at a time can make you sleepy. I’ve fallen asleep playing video games many of times. I relate to the pass out gaming.
Ok ok, I made a short clip of 1 minute. Would be great for a viral moment @vknid but my channel doesn’t get that kind of exposure…for some reason. Here is the clip if anybody wants to share the crap out of it & help me turn youtube into a career or part time.
@salvince for me the game got very boring with the last patch. They buffed some good things but they gave Elites more health. Our attacks do so little damage. I popped Diablo 3 in last night & had a blast.
Dude, excellent clip. Very funny editing man I enjoyed that. You should make a short out of it maybe?
Call it “D4, so easy you can play it in your sleep” LOL!
@vknid I did make a short out of it but that did not get pushed out at all, it was only shown to 345 people out of which 115 people watched it. But the Clip was shown to 10k people & 2K watched it for about 25 hrs. The algorithm is no longer pushing it even though more than 10% of people still choose to watch when presented. Apparently anything higher than 5% clickthrough rate for small channels is good but you know my channel, they don’t want my “Influence” out there lol
On the plus side, it does seem like my channel is getting pushed out more recently. Hopefully this trend continues.
“On the plus side, it does seem like my channel is getting pushed out more recently. Hopefully this trend continues.”
That is good news! I hope it continues.
Have your tried or are you on other platforms like Rumble or Kick?
If someone wanted to dentate to you how would they do that currently?