The Disney Star Wars Scene that made me hate the series. What is yours?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Star Wars The Disney Star Wars Scene that made me hate the series. What is yours?

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    The opening crawl to TFA. With thirty seconds you’ve destroyed everything the previous movies have built up, set the universe back to square one, did the most lazy form of world building you could possibly do, and on top of all that confused your audience beyond belief (seriously, why is there a Republic AND a Resistance?!)


    I hated it since the Force Awakens. Not really because of any scene, but the state of the galaxy at the time. They totally regressed everything to what it looked like A New Hope. Luke is on a secluded world drinking colored milk (this time fishing instead of farming) and with no connection to the Force. Leia is a leader in a rebellion movement against a much greater military force running (or about to run) the galaxy. She also has a family connection the the second in command (father or son). Han is a loner running around smuggling with Chewbacca, only caring about himself. The Bad Guy Force is also building a Superweapon that can destroy planets and has just been completed. Not to mention we do not see a new ship in either of JJs movies. I hate the bombers from TLJ but at least he tried to create something new. Sacrificing story for nostalgia or spectacle seems to be the only thing they know how to do sadly.
    George tried to create something new in every movie, from the look of the planets, to the characters. He even made sure changes were made that didn’t have to happen, like Clone trooper armor or Jedi Starfighters being different. The lack of creativity was what made me hate Disney’s Trilogy from the beginning.


    The stupid radio Joke at the beginning of TLJ.  I am thinking what retarded shit is this….and the move was less that 5min in.


    The moment Luke threw away his old lightsaber and walked away from the plot.

    I’m a fair man. I gave the sequel trilogy every chance. I had my issues with the Force Awakens. I thought Kylo Ren losing so handily to Rey was ridiculous, and I thought Rey was heavily underdeveloped as a character.

    But Finn’s arc looked promising, and if Rey’s OPness could be properly explained, I was still willing to hear out the logic of the trilogy.

    But when Luke threw away his lightsaber, I was flabbergasted. The crowning moment of the previous movie, the moment that, to me at least, truly felt the most like Star Wars, literally got thrown away like trash. And the movie only got worse and worse. There was no explanation for Rey’s talent or abilities. Finn’s character development devolved, got built up again, then got trashed for a grade-school kiss from out of no where. Actual child slaves got left in bondage, but freeing space horses that are only going to get captured within weeks makes it ‘worth it’. Luke promises 3 lessons, and gives two. Admiral Akbar getting yeeted without warning. Leia turning into superman. Admiral gender studies ruining all established lore regarding hyperspace. Luke coming back, only not really, and he to dies from Force Skypeing.

    By the time I left the theater, I had turned to the damned dark side. There was no excuse for how bad The Last Jedi was. It retroactively turned The Force Awakens from mediocre to awful. How could I ever watch The Force Awakens again, knowing what Luke does in his first scene of the next movie?

    I never gave anything Sequel-related my money, after that. Never saw Rise of Skywalker. The plot summary was enough for me to know I’d hate it regardless of how much apologizing it tried to give. The Last Jedi took a giant dump on the franchise, and Episode 9 was just a slow-motion trainwreck. We could all see it coming, and couldn’t do anything to stop it.




    When Luke goes to kill Kylo Ren as a kid, I died on the inside. Luke went to the edge of death because he believed there was still good in his father, he would not raise his lightsaber to a kid.


      When poe and Kylo talked for the first time in the force awakens. Who talks first? Do you talk first do I? Fucking dumb


      Before that it was Yoda using lightning to destroy the Jedi texts.


      Luke Skywalker death in episode 9!




      Rey & Kylo Ren Kissing!



      In Star Wars The Force Awakens Han Solo death .It’s feel so sad watching it. I not watch Star Wars  The Fore Awakens again because of it.



      Me too.


      The scene with Ray And Kylo Ren kissing in Star Wars :The Rise Of Skywalker. Kylo Ren kill has own father Han Solo. Han Solo was one of my favorite character from Original Trilogy.





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      • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Verkano.

        Copy cat 🐱 Thanks for making me take out the barf bag again 🤮

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