The entire trans thing is a poison pill

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      The entire trans thing is nothing more than a method for 2 things to happen.  It is being intentionally used to allow multiple agendas to get their foot in the door and the entire thing is BS based on nothing and assumptive language.

      The first goal of this push is the obvious one, to normalize pedophilia.  We all see it coming, we all see them trying to get access to children it’s happening in front of us.  The arguments for normalizing homosexuality are being used (and they logically work) to normalize pedophilia.  The only wall blocking that moving forward is the age of consent.  Well, if we say very young children have the autonomy to choose their sex what do you think the next step is?  Clearly it will be they are sexual and can consent.

      Many of the left accuse anyone not agreeing with that agenda of being hateful (I don’t use phobic that’s not how you use that word).  But prior to trying to gain access to children no one cared about trans or drag queens.  People used to actually like drag queens as it was entertainment.   So this push against those things are not based on hate it’s a defensive reaction.

      The second goal of all this is more cloaked.  And that’s pronouns. Why is that a big deal?  Well first off, it’s not as it seems.  The pronoun thing is not about having the freedom to be what you want.  That is a freedom we all have.  I can right now put on a wig and a skirt and go out.  No one will stop me.  I can consider myself a non-binary alien gay furry with the pronouns of zzzzzzz/buzzzz.  Nothing stops me from that.  What they are actually demanding is not the freedom to do as they please but to force others to treat them as they wish.  This is not a right or a power anyone has as it’s not a freedom it’s removing freedom from someone else.  This is a huge deal because the demand is also for laws to support this.  This is the goal.  Once you have laws that can compel speech and or action, there is no putting that cat back in the bag.  And from there the governments can make laws to force you to do whatever they wish.  Ask Canada how that’s going for them.  Ask the UK if that ended up being negative.

      No one should give into this and not doing so is not a sign of hate and it does not harm anyone.  No one cares what adults do, up until the point you attempt to force them to behave as you require.  That is not a rights issue.  That is tyranny. And that’s the point.

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Vknid.

      Trans is also about controlling reproduction and making BILLIONS for the medical community.

      By destroying the reproduction organs (removal of male genitalia) those people can no long procreate, and it will be a lifetime of medical treatment$.

      Just like abortion (as it was introduced/promoted by the racist eugenics founder of Planned Parent Hood) to control the birth rate.

      This is all part of their sick agenda.  All interconnected.

      And since even with all the treatments, deep down in your DNA, you are still the sex you were born with.  So if you have sex/get married with a trans, you are committing adultery (a man having sex with someone not his wife, a woman have sex with someone not her husband).  Your may externally look to be a different sex, but your DNA says otherwise.

      Yes, this is part of the agenda.

      And as you wrote, there is an issues with consent:

      Liability Waivers for Minors

      Since minors lack the legal capacity to sign contracts, liability waivers commonly require a “parent/guardian” signature on the minor’s behalf. However, at law, while contracts can be enforceable by a minor, they are not enforceable against a minor.

      This standard should also apply to live altering decisions like trans, sexual consent, marriage, as it applies too to their mental development when it comes to drinking, driving, voting, smoking/vaping, tattoos, etc.



        “And since even with all the treatments, deep down in your DNA, you are still the sex you were born with.”

        It’s not even deep down.  The hormones, blockers and surgeries do not change your sex.  They just make you look a little more like the other sex.  When they fashion you a fake hoo-ha or fake man business, it’s not a functional organ it’s merely the surgeon’s best effort to make some skin look like one.

        “Trans is also about controlling reproduction and making BILLIONS for the medical community.”

        Trans and abortion etc. are about depopulation.  So is the push for LGBT.  All 3 cases = no children.  The medical community are just complicit supporters because they are making bank.

        If you look at the macro, EVERY tenant of the left (the WEF) ends in one thing, less people.

        This goes for climate change as well.  Yes it’s a way for them to make money and exert control.  But why get rid of fossil fuels?  Because cheap and abundant fuel creates population and industry.  Check out the jumps in population post fossil fuels being used around the industrial revolution.   And people think there will be cheap energy in the future?  No.  If we continue forward as we are there will never be cheap energy available to people.


        Ya know, the funny thing is that I used to say “live and let live” and if they wanted to do that to themselves, they had a right as an American to do so…. UNTIL I SAW HOW THEY WERE BRAINWASHING PEOPLE AND GETTING TO THE KIDS, THEN I GOT MAD.


        Not anymore, not ever again. Ban it all, push this agenda out of our society, stigmatize it to death, shame people who believe in it, and dismantle the arguments, teachers, and businesses who support it, one by one.

        It’s time we take our society back.






          “Ya know, the funny thing is that I used to say “live and let live” ”

          I am fine with live and let live.  But that is not what is being demanded. They want to force people to act a certain way and say certain things.  That is not live and let live and that is not a right or freedom anyone has.

          We all have freedom in the west.  I can sit in my house and smack my own arse all day long. But if I go into public and smack someone else’s arse I go to jail.  Your freedom ends when it steps on the freedom of someone else.

          “Trans rights” is just one of a million propaganda words/phrases they use.  Forcing someone to call you what you want or treat you a certain way is not a right. Mutilating children is also not a right, that’s called abuse.  If 10yr old Little Johnny went to his parents and says I identify as disabled I want to cut off my left arm.  If they did it, they would be in prison.  But somehow if it’s his genitalia it is ok.

          Puberty blockers are another one.  They will tell you those are harmless and reversible.  Both lies.  Look up the drugs they use for that it is God awful.  And you cannot pause puberty. Puberty is a short span in someone’s life that allows their body to develop their sexes attributes.  It’s a period of about 5 years.  So if you take “blockers” for 3 or 4 of those years your puberty window is all but gone and you do not develop naturally or fully.

          I hear a lot of these things being defended with one sentence.  “Well we don’t have the numbers or research on that yet”.   There is no research on what the results would be if I wished to have all my limbs cut off because I identified as a stump.  But research is not required because invoking common sense allows anyone not an ameba realize that is horrific.    Medical or scientific advances are researched and tested and proofed before implementation.  In this case the opposite has occurred.


          • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Vknid.
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