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I see many people and politicians talking about how homelessness and the mentally ill are massive issues in our times. I completely agree with that. But unfortunately all the politicians want to do is throw gobs of money at it because that’s all goverment can do and so they can launder money and skim off of those budgets they create. In many cases it is very profitable for some for there to be a large homeless population. I think this is what’s going on in California without a doubt.
Now it is not just the politicians here at fault. People seem to also think the best way to address these situations is to have more shelters, more free this, more free that more mental health care resources and so on.
But this attack angle on the problem is 1000% incorrect. We she not be asking ourselves “what do we do with all these homeless and or mentally ill people” we should be asking “why are there so many homeless and or mentally ill people”.
That question seems to get avoided entirely and I believe that is because those answers end up exposing how those situations are due to corrupt politicians and corrupt corporations and their relationships with each other. And I do not mean just expose some poor decision making or a few backroom deals. I am talking about answering those questions would lay bare how most of our politicians and corporations do not care about people and to the point of intentionally causing problems so that we pay them to fix those issues.
These deeply concerning current issues are not due to recent changes or shifts in culture, society or decisions made. These are systemic problems that are results of decades of corruption, theft and violation of the public trust.
Understand that many of the very people right now asking you vote for them as they promise to make it all better, are the very people who caused the issues in the first place and intentionally so in most cases.
Take immigration for example. For decades politicians (on all sides) have run on solving the border issue with all sorts of different thoughts and ideas. And in the end they all agree it is a serious problem and have since as long as I can remember. But through all that time almost nothing was done. In fact when someone (Trump) attempted to do something he essentially had the entire establishment try to stop him. The politicians are not going to fix it because it’s broken exactly how they want. They want this country to have a large pool of near slave labor for some of the large corporations to have access to and in general to suppress all wages. The politicians claim they are trying to solve it but it’s such a complex and difficult issue to solve. No, no it’s not. That’s all lies, they like it exactly the way it is.
Absolutely agree. It’s amazing how, whoever has their turn in charge, things just keep on getting worse and worse. Bigger tent cities, more failed small businesses, more wars, declining mental health, and on and on.
With regards to the homeless and mentally ill, they are often the same people. It’s not hard to see why, living in the most propagandized false society in the history of the world, so many people would end up broken and homeless. No one in power is very concerned about that. Breaking people, communities, and families is just the cost of doing business in the evil empire.
“Breaking people, communities, and families is just the cost of doing business in the evil empire.”
I think that statement (which I semi-agree with) glances over the issue. There is nothing inherently evil in America or it systems as they were laid out originally. In fact, I would say they were invented to do good. I am not at all saying they were perfect but the reality there is that nothing is perfect, we just do the best we can.
What has turned America into an evil doing machine is corruption. Corruption from within and corruption from forces outside of America. And this now to the point where I think evil is launched against the world from America for the goals of gathering wealth and power for those who now control America.
The Constitution and the ideas it was built from was an amazing system. I believe it set out to do the most good for the most people by making everyone equal and ceding all authority to God. Through this method people were granted freedom and rights not by any goverment but by God himself. And as such those rights could not be taken away.
But there was/is one weakness. To understand or think your rights and freedoms were granted by God you have to actually believe in God. Without that linchpin or cornerstone, the whole thing falls apart. This was figured out post WW2 by the communists and has been attacked ever since. The one thing that tied us all together no longer does and now society falls apart because God is no longer seen as the arbiter of morality or rights and freedoms.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
–John Adams
I think that statement (which I semi-agree with) glances over the issue. There is nothing inherently evil in America or it systems as they were laid out originally. In fact, I would say they were invented to do good. I am not at all saying they were perfect but the reality there is that nothing is perfect, we just do the best we can.
What has turned America into an evil doing machine is corruption. Corruption from within and corruption from forces outside of America. And this now to the point where I think evil is launched against the world from America for the goals of gathering wealth and power for those who now control America.
The Constitution and the ideas …etc
I agree with that entire post. Every word.
It’s being used as an excuse.
From a policy point of view, the politicians are latching on to this because it gives them an out i.e. there’s only so much they can do, the individuals themselves must want and accept help. As things get worse they can always blame the patients.
I’ve also noticed a trend where politicians, celebrities, and sports personalities are opting out of public appearances for “mental health reasons”. In all instances so far they avoid these engagements because they do not want to be challenged on their questionable behaviors.