The Everything Christmas/New Year (2023/2024) Thread

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    I’d be very surprised if that Nativity was real. Not sure about you guys, but there was a time when Nativity and even saying Merry Christmas was deemed offensive by the weirdos.

    None of this really stood out to me until I started hearing Beta Males saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. You could see the leftists get off on the fear and intimidation. It only made the praise and worship that much more cool because it felt like you’d have to gather in the secret caverns away from the state thug jack boots. I still see the bootlickers say Happy Holidays and it kind of makes me chuckle. I get a bit of a buzz off it. Makes me want to hand them a mask and warn them about covid for another tag to the laughter.


    Guess this is the other one that goes with @Maverick’s video.
    Did not mean to put it off page.



    What’s something that y’all really wanted for Christmas but never got? For me it was a either a Batman or Spider-man Remco CSF Copter (it also came in a Hulk version as well). Man I remember praying so hard for one but…it just wasn’t to be. However, I can still live vicariously through others on YouTube.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Maverick.


      People who say happy holidays are like the men that sit with their legs crossed as if they have no ballz.

      The world does not suck because of the people with people who want you to say happy holidays, it sucks because of the people that do because they will compromise what they believe in to make it easier on themselves.   Society was built by people who would sacrifice for the greater good, and destroyed by those whom prioritize the self above all.


      My parents did a great job.  They were weird and awkward (who isn’t) but they cared and almost always made for a fun holidays.  I have no Christmas regrets beyond the one I was an a-hole for.

      That was a cool arse commercial though.

      I got this one Christmas and I wanted it bad.  I had the yellow buggy!


      I just like putting on sweaters and parkas and beanies and drink hot coffee, eat expresso beans and go stomp thru nature like a bear.
      Real physical hiking out under the stars in the woods. Sometimes, I’ll howl like Logan.


      I had a tank with a wired remote like that. The very same year my brother got an R/C Car and we spent the remainder of the holiday in a pushing game to determine which was more powerful. Ah yes, good times.

      In general advertisements from that era were in a class by themselves. In keeping with the Snoopy theme here’s a neat little item which one of my siblings received. Sadly it wasn’t of high quality but we did get a few batches before it bit the dust.


      It ain’t Christmas until you hear this…


        The chipmunks!  I still have a custom made green elf suit from when I was maybe 6 where I was in a play with that song!



        This is NOT a tradition for me, but I know that it is for some, as well as the soundtrack. It is very seasonal. I’ve come to appreciate the classical education and classical training and have a very high view of ballet, due to all the stretching and the posture and physicality. Been around for centuries.

        George Balanchine´s The Nutcracker – Waltz of the Flowers
        New York City Ballet



        ‘The Nutcracker’ has some of my favourite classical pieces in it. I like the story but I’m more into the actual score. Never seen the actual ballet though.

        I found this playlist a few weeks ago. Still chilling to it now😂. Some of the songs in there are familiar but I’ve never heard of some of the others. Makes a nice change from some of the other more repetitive lists out there.


        IMG_4646Favorite Christmas movie to watch and reference with my family


        Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer along with the other Rankin-Bass specials spark instant nostalgia or those who grew up in that era.

        Never saw any incarnation of the Nutcracker but online reviews are suggesting the 1986 movie as the best of the lot. Think I’ll give it a go this year.

        Christmas Vacation is pretty funny but they could’ve taken the crassness and cussing down a notch to make it a more family friendly film.

        This is me current favorite Christmas Family Film:



        Trying to think of other things. Like maybe dog-sledding with huskies or something like that. Winter stuff.
        You people out there who still do the 5K events are the real ones.
        Thank you, DragonLady and Vkind for those long-form musical videos. Those are cozy. I do seek that certain feeling, when you have like a book, coffee, or tea, sometimes, there is like a deep altered state that goes with it that is just really blissful. Always wanted to be able to tap into that. Seems not easy to attain, but when it hits, it feels so perfect.


        Only if we happen to run across anything. I never saw this one, despite being a fan of Jim Carrey at one time. More of a fan of Alan Silvestri and the other top composers. Man, do we need more composers. I miss big orchestras and big stage performances. They used to show stuff like that. Now, I wouldn’t even know because commercialism destroyed TV. Just too many mixed unwanted messages that it became more trouble that it was worth, TV programming.

        And some Harry Potter. I didn’t even know John Williams made a song called Christmas at Hogwarts.
        First, some footage from the Wizarding World, which is a theme park I’ve never been to, but the footage from it looks great.
        I know the GnG crew said it was a really good experience going there.



        I’ve been meaning to watch that version of ‘A Christmas Carol’ for years at this point. My favourite version of the story is the Mickey Mouse one from the early 80’s Back when Disney was Disney and they weren’t ran by Bob Idiot and Bob Clueless.

        Also, I could’ve told you years ago Mr Williams did the score for the first three Harry Potter films 😏. If you listen very closely you can hear bits of the Star Wars score in it. Never noticed that before until a year or so ago.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by DragonLady.
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