The Everything Christmas/New Year (2023/2024) Thread

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    How was your day yesterday folks?

    Got the usual: Clothes, tools and accessories – all useful and pragmatic. Compare that to the raw excitement you had as a kid, looking forward to the things you hoped you would get. How times have changed but still immensely thankful and grateful.

    More importantly though met up with several people I hadn’t seen in a while and well, not sure will meet up with again anytime soon. Really cherish these moments – you never know how many of them are left.

    After the hustle and bustle of the last few days looking forward to some downtime today then…it’s on to the New Year.

    And remember, just because it’s over, doesn’t mean “it’s over”.







    Really appreciate people who are practical in terms of wants and gifts. Pretty much the same.
    Food was good. Just seeing kids is a treat.
    One of my buddies has no family, so after that, we hung out and drove around on the outskirts of town because we kind of share that we both are sick of traffic and the confines of the city. The moon was really bright and full last night that it almost felt like day, even though it was night.
    We went to some country towns and looked at the houses with lots of lights.
    Some of the places were farms and ranches and the aptitude with which they put up so many custom designed lights was inspirational because they are people who are doing it for themselves in the spirit of the season since they live in places tucked away or further isolated from most people.
    You see the will and the spirit of their independence just in the lights they put up. Maybe it’s a reflection of their beliefs, too, but I don’t know, but that is what stood out most.


    Got a lot of art stuff including some cross-stitching yesterday. Currently working on one that I got a few weeks ago of Lady from ‘Lady and the Tramp’ which was part of Disney’s 100 Years celebration cross-stich line. I also got a box of stitch-your-own Christmas decs as well and my mum and I got a bit confused at first what it was because there was no notes on the box what was in it until I saw one that looked like a reindeer🤣.

    I was also able to get ‘Disney’s Dreamlight Valley’ for the PS4 because I wasn’t sure if it would run my low-res gaming laptop which was why I got hesitant in downloading it (‘Hogwarts Legacy’ is most likely pushing its limits as it is). Then of course there’s the whole microtransactions bs that probably goes with the desktop version too🙄.


      So being a single Dad, I don’t really get presents from anyone since I don’t see family often.  There is only a few of them and they are just uninvolved.

      But I have awesome holidays that I am thankful for every year as I attend them at my x-wife’s parents house (no she is not there) where I bring my daughter. Yes, I know that sounds real weird.  But it’s really great and I appreciate them to no end for it.

      So, I am very thankful for that and yesterday was no exception.


      A walking tour of Stuttgart, Germany
      Santa Village.

      I’ve never been to Europe.


        I was in the UK once over a decade ago for a week.  It was a “designed” city in England called Milton Keynes.  It was a pretty awesome place. Cool people, cool places and I had great fun at a pub one night. Steak and beer at a pub for the win!

        I suspect Milton Keynes looks different now.  The UK has been diluted so much with people from other places that the original culture will be a minority and the original countries will fade. And that was the point.  And that’s why they are doing it here in the USA as well.  They are going to have to deport people by the millions at this point to keep the country/culture from fading into oblivion.  They call Trump an insurrectionist, which is total absolute nonsense, but when you realize it’s the treasonous demons making that claim who are actively subverting the US you can see the landscape for what it is.

        I had a great Christmas and I hope y’all did too.  I hope you have a fun new year!



        What are your New Year’s Resolutions folks?

        Personally I don’t create “resolutions” anymore since they carry with them a sense of obligation and as such automatically become stressors…especially if you go off track or don’t hit certain milestones.

        Nowadays I just make general guidelines for a path that I’d like to follow. If I stay on that path fine, if not that’s fine too because life happens.



        nyd 3





        Not sure yet, but have a rough idea on Resolution.

        What are resolutions you made in the past that worked or were good ones?
        I remember one year, I kept hearing people complain about how people used to dress well instead of bums, like they do these days, so my resolution was to wear a collar shirt every day. People would sometimes say “you look nice.”
        A few years ago, I made a resolution to go hiking and that one really stuck. Got used to the surrounding trails where I lived. It was eerie because my very first day, I met a flight attendant who told me about AllTrails app where there are rankings and comments. I didn’t go crazy like her, because I have to be practical, but she showed me the hiking world.

        At the downtown ice rink I go to, they cut off the Christmas music immediately, the following day. It makes sense because some people say the music starts too early.


        One year I made a commitment to “get in better shape” and successfully did so. The key to such resolutions are the underlying motivations, if they’re not solid you’ll fall off the wagon very easily.

        #3 – Live and let live.







          In 2010 my wife left.  I practice the same resolution every year since and it’s been very successful.


          New TNW Skull SMALL


          • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Vknid.



          I never make resolutions either. The only “one” I made was last year which was to workout more and basically stop being a “couch potato” 🤣! I admit that I did stick to that as I’ve been out walking this year more than I have previously done.




            I know many folks talk about going to the gym, working out and so on.  I believe in taking care of yourself in general.  Your body is a gift God gave you so you should take care of it.  But the over focus on working out at the gym seems fairly silly to me.  You don’t have to pay a gym to get the exercise you need.  If that is something you enjoy then great.  But working out in some sort of obsession with self I find not healthy spiritually.  Our lives are ours, but we are not intended to live only for ourselves or even mostly for ourselves.  Joy and appreciation for the self happens through loving and doing for others.  And our very segmented and isolated society is why many many people are so unhappy.

            Happy New Year everyone.  Please have fun but please be safe.

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