The Fandom Menance Strikes Back

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    Apple made a huge profit during 2020

    Disney lost over 2 billion during 2020 but made millions during the great depression of the 1930’s which was a worse economic time than 2020.

    Gina Carano toys are selling during a pandemic but Disney would rather cancel her character and stop selling toys which make a profit for them.

    If you look at yahoo stock info for Disney their stock is overvalued as it has a -59% return rate, from two days ago. Yahoo is owned by Verizon which Disney has partnered with to sell Disney+, Ouch!

    I wonder how much money Disney would have made in 2020 had they stuck to the George Lucas Star Wars canon laid down over the past 40 years?

    A quick summary of the real Han Solo backstory:

    Han’s family name of “Solo” is in fact a Corellian name. Corellia is a planet in the Star Wars Universe. The Corellian shipyards designed the Corellian Corvette class ship Princess Leia was on when Darth Vader’s Storm Troopers blew the door and started shooting everyone in the first scene of “A New Hope.” Han’s family was at least somewhat wealthy and had relatives that were wealthy but as a child he lost his parents and was unaware of his heritage or even his family name. He was raised on a pirate ship that kidnapped children and brought them up as thieves. During his captivity a female Wookie, Dewlannamapia, took Han under her wing becoming a mother to him. She did some research and told Han about his family name, Solo. This is where Han learned to speak the language of the Wookie’s. Later this female Wookie gave her life to help Han escape. Han did join the Imperial academy but was later kicked out after coming to the aid of a Wookie, Chewbacca, who resisted being taken prisoner by the Empire. Chewbacca swore a life debt to Han Solo for freeing him from a life of slavery to the Empire.


    Edit: corrected spelling of canon in post :)

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by darthhawk.

    The only canon


    Should also have provided the website reference, here it is:

    I read the book also. Back when you could find this book in your local library, before the dark times, before Disney Star Wars.



    On the same website,

    “Although Dewlannamapia first appeared in <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>The Paradise Snare</span>, the character’s origins can be traced back to George Lucas’s 1974 rough draft of what would eventually become Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.”

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