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it gets worse
Film Threat founder Chris Gore recently appeared on Gary Buechler’s Nerdrotic channel after seeing the upcoming The Flash film and revealed that Ezra Miller’s character is “naked a lot” in the movie.
“And then there’s another scene where the other version of Barry is completely naked,” he revealed. “And not just for a little bit of time. Like a lot. He’s naked a lot. You see his butt very clear. You don’t see the twigs and berries.”
Thanks for saving us seeing those small details.
Gore then revealed his reaction to this scene, “And I’m sitting here in a room with 7-year-olds watching this film thinking, ‘This is kind of inappropriate.’ The amount of nudity. One quick thing like a Coppertone ad. And I’m like this is going on like this amount of nudity is a little too much.”
“Now, it’s all played like innocent and goofy and fun or whatever, but it’s alarming,” he added.
If we are talking LOBO, then yay. But for The Flash?
“I will say this that the director definitely is not a hotphobe. Like in the Justice League action opening scene, you see a very clear shot, it might have been because I was in the front row in IMAX, of Wonder Woman’s ass. Basically her mini skirt kind of flips up and it’s like, ‘Did we just see Wonder Woman’s ass?’ And he lingers a little too long Supergirl’s ass too…”
Sexualizing woman’s bodies? Where is the uproar?
(Box Office Pro) predicts the DC film will bring in between $115 million and $140 million in its opening weekend at the domestic box office and go on to bring in between $280 million and $375 million in its entire theatrical run at the domestic box office.
And what does it need to make Worldwide?
“According to people, not one person, we’re going to say two people, who worked directly with Warner Bros. in this realm of superheroes this is the most expensive movie ever made. Now, I did not get the distinction of by Warner Bros. or in the history of Hollywood. Your guess is as good as mine. Realistically, we’ll probably just say Warner Bros., which would still be pretty impressive.”
“There’s a reported budget, but that’s not it. That’s not it. So I was told by these two people it needs to make $1 billion to turn a profit,”
Too many people don’t see this film will make that much at the box office.
And it does not help that:
‘The Flash’ Receives PG-13 Rating For “Sequences Of Violence, Some Strong Language And Partial Nudity”
Nudity, even partial nudity, does NOT belong in mainstream DC comics/IP.
This is another FAIL and will NOT help the film make money.
Mt. Baldwin
Her reaction starting at 5:22 is hilarious.
J Root
5:00 Gary’s face was PRICELESS!🤣
I’d actually argue and say that there’ve been nude scenes on PG rated films before as well as adult jokes. ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’ anyone?
The Flash breaks a negative DC film record…and almost Marvel’s
Thus, after grossing $55 million worldwide in its first weekend, the second weekend drop was no less than 72.5%, the largest in the history of DC movies.
And how about compared to Marvel?
In fact, it’s almost the biggest in superhero movie history, were it not for Morbius’ 73% drop last year.
So, this is (as the legacy media is claiming) superhero fatigue?
The contrast with Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse, which grossed $300 million in one month, is especially painful.
Nope, just shitty movies won’t make the money none shitty movies get.
Fortunately for The Flash, it still has time to make the $200 million it cost to make, but at this rate… it seems hard to believe it can.
And now the legacy media refuses to report the TRUE costs, which include all those extra reshoots and marketing costs, and how the studio only gets HALF the money as the other half goes to the theater owners.
Lying by omitting FACTS, the legacy media is.