The Food Farse

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      I am shocked that people still believe marketing around food.  Although I guess that it’s so ingrained now and some of the lies have persisted for so long we have most of the population believing lies that were told since before we were born.

      I think some people feel lies were told in the past or science changed but we have a handle on it now.  No, no we don’t. Not even close.

      Even now many people think natural fats are bad for you inherently.  This was a HUGE fad in the 90’s where everything was low fat or non-fat which just meant that everything was either entirely composed of forms of sugar or some form of sugar was added to improve the taste.

      That entire phase in the 90’s and the whole idea that fat =bad was predicated on a study by Harvard performed in the 60’s THAT THE SUGAR LOBBY PAID FOR. Yes, it was BS from the start and almost 60 years later many people still believe it.

      Do you really think that was the only time that happened?  Do you think that still does not go on more often than not?

      What’s the rage now?  Plant based diet?  Another total farse trying to push a fad.  Do you really think processed “food product” coming out of a machine that contains some plant material is a good thing?  No.  If you want to have a discussion around being a vegetarian through eating only actual plants I will listen but I know scientifically that is nearly impossible to pull off without supplements and processed stuff.

      And now we see lab grown “meat” coming around claiming to be eco friendly.  Think about how insane that is.  Do you really believe it is more eco friendly to have acres of labs and processing vs. fields of actual living breathing animals?

      Many people are confused about the dietary stuff and it seems super complex.  Well it is, but only if you listen to all the disinformation in ads. But the reality it, it’s very simple.  We have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to eat plants and animals in naturally occurring quantities.  Any deviation from that is bad for us and the further we deviate from it the worse it is.

      The obesity epidemic is not due to the lack of gym time.  It is not even always due to over eating. Most of it, as I understand it at this point, is due to processed foods containing things that we would never normally consume or containing things in amounts we would never naturally encounter primarily carbohydrates and sugars. This leads to situations like insulin resistance which causes you to gain weight and have a VERY hard time getting it off.  This explains why the drug that is all the rage to lose weight is Ozempic as it combats insulin resistance.

      If you need proof of this, simply look at pictures or videos of people say at like music concerts in the 60’s and 70’s or before.  You will see thousands of people not obese. Yet they did not really have gyms to go to and they were eating lots of things now considered bad for you like bacon and other natural fats and proteins. And of course this was prior to all the modern “food science”.

      A few years ago I asked a doctor who specialized in weight loss about a diet.  He was a young guy but he was pretty driven by the truth and actually cared.  He literally took the time to give me a 45min dissertation from the 60’s on to the present about how we have come to the point we have.  His ultimate advice? He said to control your calories and to “eat only plants and animals”.

      Anyone curious on this topic should watch this.  It explains it all quite well.



      • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Vknid.

        Many people are confused about the dietary stuff and it seems super complex

        What is so complicated and confusing?

        Humans are omnivours, we need a balenced diet of protine, fat, vitamins, fibre, calcium, carbs, sugar, yes even carbs and sugar, and i’m sure other nutrients, also the amount each human needs can vary slightly based on matabolism, allergies, intollerances, ecc.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by DigiCat.

          “What is so complicated and confusing?”

          That was the point of the post.  If you listen to marketing it’s never ending waves of misinformation and confusion.  But the reality is it’s very simple.


          Well, their job as marketers is to sell product and they’ll stretch the truth as far as they can to do so.

          No doubt they rely consumer ignorance which is why it’s important to do your own research.


          Even so there’s only so much you can learn from external sources. Your body knows best.

          Notice how it reacts to certain foods and adjust your eating habits accordingly. For example, coconut oil — which was once vilified by the vegetable oil industry — tastes

          better has been scientifically proven to be healthier. Unfortunately I’m allergic to the stuff.


            “Well, their job as marketers is to sell product and they’ll stretch the truth as far as they can to do so.”

            It’s not just stretching the truth it’s outright lies.  Just like the study that started the whole “(natural) fat is bad for you”. Decades of people over consuming sugars and carbs because of demonizing fats and proteins.  And look how that has affected us.

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