Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Star Wars The Last Jedi Was the GREATEST STAR WARS MOVIE OF ALL TIME

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    I thought The Last Jedi was a good film and everyone enjoyed it.
























    I am not trying to change anyone mind. Also not worth the 4 paragraphs you replied with.


    True.  Disney had no idea what they were doing.  Some don’t know a damn thing about quality storytelling or character development.  But if bad writing seems to work for them, no wonder they’re illiterate morons.


    You can say that again.


    Only weirdos like the Last Jedi. #DaretoChangeMyMindAndFail


    The opening of TLJ took me out’ve the movie, it was just dumb. Hux instead of a young quasi- Tarkin of TFA we last saw, becomes one of the dumbest characters in SW. They have another old fat British guy commanding the dreadnought but he’s dumb as a brick too.  I really come to believe that like Hydra in MCU, these are less “Nazis” but more just Republican caricatures being used by Hollywood Libs for target practice.  The Empire and the First Order are so genderly and multi-racially mixed, in some cases the Empire and FO even had different species in its ranks and as allies, one wonders why exactly are rebels belling against the Empire for in the first place?! The Empire is the Republic still in but name, its just militarized like it was during the The Clone Wars.


    As bad as the TLJ was/is, its more watchable as a Star Wars movie than TFA.  I don’t mind so much that Luke became a burnout sucking on the lochness monster’s tit(and milking Nessie was retarded mind you),  main problem was they killed him off in the movie soon as he becomes interesting again in a really stupid manner. They set Luke up in TFA for this?!  Its not really a Rian(who is a)  problem, entirely, it was something the “Lucas braintrust” came out with, they wanted Luke to be basically shit and put Leia and Rey forward.


    The casino scenes just failed the moment they pushed the animal rights and slavery angle. Jurassic World basically does the same thing, set the creatures loose to kill the evil rich humans and damn the consequences or morality of it all.


    DJ(Don’t Join) was another weirdo character played by Benicio,  there is no point for this character, he’s never developed. He’s like a bad substitute and imitation for Lando that we previously saw in ESB. He could’ve been interesting had he been perhaps Ezra or a Knight of Ren flunky. But he’s just profiteer jerky one-off character.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Joseph.Fara.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Joseph.Fara.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Joseph.Fara.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Joseph.Fara.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Joseph.Fara.

    I’m gonna need help from another franchise for this:




    Right….and I’m the King of England and I have a talking magic sword named Phil that makes awesome bacon…..sure The Last Jedi is the….best Star Wars movie ever.


    If it wasn’t for fans like you guys, I would never revisit any recent SW movie. At first glance, I thought it was Return Of The Jedi. What I remember about those older ones is that there would be shows on TV talking about how much fun they had making certain scenes like the speeder bike scene. With the newer movies, I don’t recall any of that. Instead, it was like, “just pay me.”

    Speeder bikes are cool just because they are like anti-gravity motorcycles. Anyway, do any of you recall anything leading up to the newer movies where the cast or crew pointed out a specific scene and saying how fun it was to make?

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