The Last Of Us Part 2 Reviews!

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    With 1.94M subscribers Just dropped a video that talks about the take downs and gives his thoughts on what has been going on.

    He is a good guy.  I am glad to see such a large channel cover this.  I remember you saying you had hoped some bigger channels would start to cover this.

    The word is getting out.  FUCK NAUGHTY DOG FOREVER!








      The Metacritic user review is super bad. I see people on other forums already dismissing it as “alt right manbabies” hating on the game. Its always the first card people play when dismissing criticism. I hate that you cannot be critical or dislike something now a days w/o being labeled some kind of -ist.


      Last Jedi all over again


      23587993-3A96-47CE-A85A-83D5AEED9724Next YouTube video, Jeremy?


        Over 11K ratings now, same average user score: 3.4

        Jeremy and Az (HeelvsBabyface) have both responded with videos already.


        I appreciate the memes and discussion here. Continue to hate Naughty Dog and Neil Drunkmann. #FandomMenance


        TLOU2 in a nutshell.


          I don’t hate them, honestly; but “karma is a…”, erh, a female Naughty Dog.

          Edit: Nearing 17K User reviews on Metacritic, the avg. rating has dropped to 3.3.



          Watching the dumpster fire today has been amazing. I love the first game and loved Naughty Dog as a developer, but now both are ruined. It’s just sad and all I can do is keep laughing. Some of the memes have been legendary.


          @Mink_Car, I am right there with you. Watching this unfold in real time with some rather delious treats and drinks has cheered me right up. And yes, whoever is leading the meme war requires A freaking medal.


          TLOU II has proven what people saying during the height of the Gamergate: There was a radical left-wing infiltration of the industry which would eventually corrupt it from within if it went unchallenged or ignored. Maybe if more people had listened back then we wouldn’t have this current dumpster fire.

          I doubt anyone in Gamergate could’ve predicted it would get this bad, though. The entire game seems like Neil Druckmann’s own personal ego-trip, burning down the whole building and everyone in it just to spite the “toxic manbaby’s.”


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