The Last of Us Part II

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    Abby SMASHED





    This is the porn of nightmares

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Johnnhoy86.

    Imagine being this much of a shill. That you buy multiple copies to give to total strangers.


    I’ve been watching alot of the cutscenes of the game on YouTube…

    All I can say is… The scenes between Ellie and Joel, which there are few of in what I’ve seen so far… Are some of the most touching, well acted, heart warming scenes I’ve witnessed in a video game in nearly 30 years of being a gamer.




    Joel plays a significantly reduced role in everything I’ve seen so far, I’ve watched around 10 hours worth of scenes from the game.

    I’ve skipped through all the Ellie and dina stuff because honestly… Its boring to me.

    The sequel we wanted was to watch the relationship between joel and Ellie grow, to see a man who had everything ripped from him get another chance at being a father… And yes some of that is in the game and it’s beautiful to watch.


    The other characters I just don’t care about, abby is completely unlikeable as is all her group…  why would fans of the original game, myself included take to these characters? Characters who within 3 hours of the game starting kill off the main character from the last game. It makes no sense.


    I think the treatment of Joel in this game is absolutely disgusting



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