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Vivek doesn’t stand a chance against the incumbents, but you gotta admit he’s as sharp as a razor.
I have watched several of his interviews and the man has a handle on things. Clearly he is intelligent but I believe he also cares for the country and has put a lot of thought into many issues we face. I have considered voting for him.
The spread of dysphoria is I think simple to understand. Young kids and teenagers feel uncomfy in their body like everyone does at that age. I think for some that is more severe than others. And if you’re unhappy and uncomfy its now easy to gain attention and favor by wearing the fashion that is LGBT. But beyond that there seems to be a lot of young people who are very unhappy with themselves and take it to the extreme with the hormones and the surgeries all to find out that all that did nothing to help and now you have marred your body for life.
I have listened to many of the detransitioners and their stories are beyond sad and infuriating because they were lied to or misled by the adults and doctors they trusted.
Thanks for posting that video. It’s amusing to see a beneficiary of nepotism and privilege go up against a legit Valedictorian. You can see why they want to eliminate the honor of being Valedictorian. Vivek is as good as any politician ever, but does not need the teleprompter.
Everything about the gender thing sickens me. It’s a combination of things. Peer pressure, political points, attention-seeking drama, etc., but the damages done are irreparable. A person that intentionally ruins their sexuality is ruining life itself. Sometimes, one must wonder if the cruel people snicker behind the backs of the suckers they tricked into it. Probably.
Culture can’t cause or spread an illness. It can only push people towards pretending to have said illess for gaining benefits. But it won’t cause actual gender dysphoria, which is caused by the maternal immune system producing antigens that inhibit normal fetal development. Culture can’t cause or prevent that.
That being said, it’s possible that the number of legitimate cases of gender dypshoria are rising, due to environmental toxins. That theory hasn’t been proven, but it would be worth looking into.
I had similar thoughts when I saw Guardians of the Galaxy 3 yesterday. Sure the message was how bad animal cruelty is, which is something we can all agree on, but I thought of this due to how much I’ve been seeing it recently.
The reality of transgenderism they don’t want you to see
…24-year-old Prisha Mosley, a young woman who detransitioned after undergoing severe social and physical changes to make herself appear more like a man.
What did she experience?
Her story is gut-wrenching. Having suffered from mental health issues from a very young age, Mosley struggled with self-hatred and self-harm for years. At 15, she discovered transgenderism and thought it would be the solution to the bodily discomfort she had been battling. By 17, she had been prescribed testosterone. At 18, she had both of her breasts removed.
What else happened?
Now, Mosley has deep scars across her chest that remind her she’ll likely never be able to have children of her own, and across her arms from the moments her despair and confusion drove her to attempt suicide. She also suffers from vaginal atrophy and dryness, which make basic bodily functions painful.
Why is that not being told?
… the activists running influential institutions such as YouTube recognize the threat that stories such as Mosley’s pose to their ideology. Gender activists belligerently insist that social and medical transition are the only options for gender-confused youths, regardless of any pre-existing mental health challenges. But as Mosley has shared, transition is no solution at all — it’s a living hell.
So the cure is worse than the disease?
“They lied when they told Mosley she was actually a boy; they lied when they told her that injecting testosterone into her body would solve her numerous, profound mental and psychological health problems,” a lawsuit filed by Mosley against her healthcare providers says. “They lied by omission, withholding critical information from her about the long-term adverse health consequences and permanent damage these treatments would cause her, and failing to inform her of alternative courses of treatment for her psychological problems.”
Of course they did. That is the MO.
This is the reality of transgenderism that activists try to hide — the reality of loss, regret, and lifelong pain as a result of choices made by confused and vulnerable children who were too young to understand what they were doing. But the stories of detransitioners are too powerful to ignore, and they will only become more and more frequent as the effects of gender ideology start to take their toll.
Any why such evil acts on vulnerable children must be STOPPED.
The more I look into this and the more I think about it the more I find myself focusing on the words. There are so many lies, so many half-truths and so much subterfuge that to me it makes no sense in arguing any of the points they assert. The argument is not complex it is very simple.
Human beings are not Legos. You cannot swap around a few bricks and transform into something else. Humans are very complex organisms and simply lopping things off or fashioning skin to look like something does do change who or what you are. The very assertion that you can be something else is the the cornerstone of that entire tower of lies.
And as I have mentioned before lets stop pretending forcing other people to act as you wish them to or use the words you wish them to has anything at all to do with a personal identity. If your self perception is not self sustaining you need to look inward for answers not force others to behave the way you want.
How about some real numbers;
Study Reveals Concerning Outcomes of Transgender Genital Surgeries
According to researchers from the University of Florida and Brooks Rehabilitation, a significant majority (81 percent) of individuals who underwent genital surgeries within the past five years reported experiencing pain in various areas, including the lower back, groin, pelvis, chest, or shoulders, even long after the procedures.
81 percent ! ! !
More than half (57 percent) of these patients experienced pain during sexual intercourse following their surgeries. Additionally, nearly one-third (29 percent) reported urinary incontinence or an urgent and frequent need to use the restroom.
What else did they find?
University of Florida professor Meryl Alappattu stated that many participants reported musculoskeletal pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, and difficulty moving.
When you perform surgeries on healthy bodies and mutilate them into something they were not meant to be naturally…
Biological males with neo-vaginas often need to use a “dilator” daily to maintain the depth of the reconstructed vagina. Failure to do so could result in gradual shortening, potentially requiring lifelong reliance on the device.
That is because the male body is trying to repair the damage of this unnatural vagina in their crotch area is. It is trying to seal up the damage.
The study’s findings underscore the necessity for additional research into the long-term effects and potential complications associated with transgender-related surgeries.
More studies are indeed needed, and better communications to the potential patents as to the long term side effects these evasive surgeries will have on your body.
But the activists will never tell you the true about those side effects, long nor short term pains.
“More studies are indeed needed”
No, more studies are NOT needed. Mutilating people’s bodies due to mental issues based on lies is evil. You could compare this to the brutality and lack of effectiveness of lobotomies which began in a fever pitch because it appeared promising and they ran with it until they realized the “cure” was worse than the sickness. In 1949 the doctor who invented it got the Nobel Prize for the surgery. Now? Well here is a quote from the below article and it could very well be said again today.
“Mr Marsh, who is now one of Britain’s most eminent neurosurgeons, says the operation was simply bad science. “It reflected very bad medicine, bad science, because it was clear the patients who were subjected to this procedure were never followed up properly.”
Doctors at Karolinska Institute, one of the best-known medical schools in Europe, warned that puberty blockers used for gender dysmorphia are still considered “experimental.” In November 2021, the same institute claimed that “transgender children” who had been prescribed puberty blockers experienced severe side effects.
Warnings the west/legacy media refuses to mention.
The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare advised in 2022 that puberty blockers and hormone therapy for trans youth should only be prescribed in “exceptional cases,” claiming their use is backed by “uncertain science.”
“uncertain science”? oh my!
Socialstyrelsen’s Thomas Lindén claimed that The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare did not “draw any definite conclusions about the effect and the safety of (puberty blockers) based on scientific knowledge.” He added that “the risks… outweigh the possible benefits.”
And we hear story after story of those risks… that most were not told about before they agreed to it.
One of Europe’s top 15 medical schools, Karolinska Institute, analyzed studies and concluded: “GnRHa (gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs) treatment in children with gender dysphoria should be considered the experimental treatment of individual cases rather than standard procedure.”
Experimental treatment!
In limited research, the scientists from Karolina Institute found that GnRH analogs can delay bone maturation and mineral deposits…
When you interfere with a body’s natural development…
Ricard Nergårdh, a pediatric endocrinologist and researcher at Karolinska Institute, said on TV in 2021, “What we call GnRH treatment is chemical castration. And it can affect mental health in an unintended, undesirable way.”
I thought this was to help mental health?
Nergårdh believes in full transparency, saying, “It’s very important that the patient and the patient’s family are informed about this.”
That so far is NOT the case. The less you know the better for those profiting from it.
In 2022, Sweden’s laws from 2015 were adjusted to be more restrictive when giving blockers and hormones to children. The board shared, “It is not yet possible to draw any definite conclusions about the effect and safety of the treatments based on scientific evidence.”
But my feelings! Don’t feelings TRUMP facts and science?
This does not mean that GnRH treatment is (un)safe, it merely says it is less secure than scientists initially thought.
Less secure or not secure, unsafe, etc… it still sounds experimental to me, and they want to experiment on you, your kids, etc.
And the left’s desire to depopulate the world… what better way than voluntary castration for males, and females to become infertile, next to abortion.
Join the trans-community! No natural offspring for you! Depopulate!
Puberty blockers are absolute bullsh!t. They are drugs meant for other things, in part to sterilize, they have side effects we know of that are horrible and not enough research to know just how horrible.
But ultimately puberty is a phase of life. It is temporary and short lived. For X amount of time certain things happen in your body as you develop. If you take some harmful drugs that disrupt that you don’t develop as you should. Even if you we say the drugs are harmless outside of their intent and you take them for half your puberty phase and then you get off them, you NEVER fully develop because puberty is a phase.
The entire thought process that puberty is simply placed on hold is such an evil lie that I think most people think it can’t be the case because the lie if true would be insane.
We must stop entertaining the radical lefts arguments. Because they are not arguments, they are lies.
Because those are nothing but social constructs/imaginary and not based on science/medical facts.