The Mandalorian finale. reactions. spoilers

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Star Wars The Mandalorian finale. reactions. spoilers

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  • #202033

    Sure Jan


    At least none of their new shows take place in the Disney Trilogy era. That is probably a sign that they know no one wants to see more of it.


      Writing a comment is not caring and you have no clue what I watch and do no watch.


      I am just amazed by how you and the weird cowboy can get through your days when literally everything you see makes you cry about being SJW communist gay tranny woke shit. Stop overreacting.

      You guys laugh at SJWs who are complaining about everything being racist and __phobic and fear mongering covid and and global warming, while you get triggered and complain about everything being woke and controlled by chinese lizard communists and keep fear mongering about the planet getting destroyed because Biden got elected.

      Both far left and far right psychos should calm down for a second, they are equally crazy.


        lol…. you are such a fool.  Go away soyboy.  Typing for a few seconds is not caring.  By the way, if you cannot see the Chinese mounting control over America, then you are a complete and absolute moron.

        I am not joking.  You are stupid as fuck.  Where the hell do you live? How old are you?  Because I promise you, it will impact you.  There was just released a list of 40,000 agents in America alone that we know of.  They just released a virus on you.

        Yet you are over there jacking off to whatever it is you jack off to thinking there is nothing wrong.  I hope you are not male because you are a fucking pussy.


          Except that Grogu goes off to be with Luke where emo boy eventually goes crazy and kills him.


          Truth hurts.
          I dont give a fuck about him. Never have never will.


          Yet you are over there jacking off to whatever it is you jack off to thinking there is nothing wrong…

          In Soibois case its gay bondage porn. That bitch using dookoo as an avitar likely does the same.


          All of these shows take place in the rat franchise timeline you stain. THAT IS WHY THEY ARE problems.


          Dude, you have written that you are done with Star Wars in these forums four times that I have seen the past week alone. That means you’re either lying to yourself about being done with the franchise, since you watched the Mando finale, or you’re a snowflake that needs their opinions validated by others and hoping that if you write it enough times you can find that validation. Neither is a good look.

          Since you don’t know the definition of the word ‘done’, I’ll spell it out for you, kid. It means you don’t care about the franchise anymore, that you’ve walked away. You wouldn’t have watched the Mando finale, and you definitely wouldn’t be in Star Wars forums talking about it afterward. Lethal Lightning is the perfect example. Yet, here we all are talking about it.

          As for Dragonbane, I’ve changed my mind, keep the insults coming. It is a constant reminder to everyone on these forums to not take you seriously. You’re just crying daily about Star Wars in your mother’s basement using insults as your only defense against facts as she makes your food and tucks you in at night telling you everything is going to be ok. All good bro. You live in your world, I’ll continue to live in the real one.


          Read my post, my dude. I said Disney Trilogy era, not the Disney timeline.


            I hope you are not male because you are a fucking pussy.

            Dude, why are you ok with females being pussies??


            If anyone actually thinks Disney will kill a character that’s their creation, a character that’s super over with the normies and one of the few cash cows they still have in terms of merchandising, not to mention someone they could pimp for 800 years of canonical storylines or more, they’re either dumb or didn’t pay attention when we were told not all of Luke’s students died when Kylo went apeshit. Some followed him (and were killed), but that doesn’t mean Baby Yoda won’t be revealed to be sitting off to the side of Luke and Artoo when he’s mourning the loss of what he built in the flashback we were shown. I Imagine the first chapter of the eventual Chronicles of Grogu film series (you know it’s coming) will show Luke taking him back to Mando, the leader of the restored Mandalore for safe keeping until he can join Rey, Finn, and Broom Kid to further his training.

            As far as the finale goes, another great episode in a season of great episodes, I think 3-4 shows running in the same continuity might be a bit much next year though. Hopefully they’ll announce exactly what “Book of Boba Fett” will be next week. Season 3 of Mando? Another series? A limited series? A D+ movie? Whatever the case, hope they can keep the quality up and not CW it.

            My only complaint is not having Sebastian Stan take over the role of Luke if they couldn’t CG his face half as good as some of the random joes on YouTube with lesser tech. Disney REALLY needs to call Trey Parker to Sassy Justice-up Luke, Leia, Tarkin, Solo’s Aldenreich & Glover, as well as Jeff Bridges in Tron 2. It’s embarrassing they got all that money, and that’s the quality stuff they put out. That god damned ReFace phone app even delivers comparatively better results.

            Back to the shows though, really interested in the reveals of who got Grogu out of the Jedi temple during Order 66, what happened to him after surviving Luke’s school, if Hondo’s men were guarding him in Chapter One, and the biggest one…WHY THE HELL BOBA WAITED FIVE YEARS TO GET HIS ARMOR BACK AND TAKE OUT BIB FOR TUNA!

            Star Wars is back, baby.


            Posting again as the forum apparently ate it…

            If anyone actually thinks Disney will kill a character that’s their creation, a character that’s super over with the normies and one of the few cash cows they still have in terms of merchandising, not to mention someone they could pimp for 800 years of canonical storylines or more, they’re either dumb or didn’t pay attention when we were told not all of Luke’s students died when Kylo went apeshit.

            Some followed him (and were killed), but that doesn’t mean Baby Yoda won’t be revealed to be sitting off to the side of Luke and Artoo when he’s mourning the loss of what he built in the flashback we were shown. I Imagine the first chapter of the eventual Chronicles of Grogu film series (you know it’s coming) will show Luke taking him back to Mando, the leader of the restored Mandalore for safe keeping until he can join Rey, Finn, and Broom Kid to further his training.

            As far as the finale goes, another great episode in a season of great episodes, I think 3-4 shows running in the same continuity might be a bit much next year though. Hopefully they’ll announce exactly what “Book of Boba Fett” will be next week. Season 3 of Mando? Another series? A limited series? A D+ movie? Whatever the case, hope they can keep the quality up and not CW it.

            My only complaint is not having Sebastian Stan take over the role of Luke if they couldn’t CG his face half as good as some of the random joes on YouTube with lesser tech. Disney REALLY needs to call Trey Parker to Sassy Justice-up Luke, Leia, Tarkin, Solo’s Aldenreich & Glover, as well as Jeff Bridges in Tron 2. It’s embarrassing they got all that money, and that’s the quality stuff they put out. That god damned ReFace phone app even delivers better results.

            Really looking forward to seeing revelations to the mysteries thaty’ve sat up such as… Who got Grogu out of the Jedi Temple on Conruscant during Order 66? Was he being guarded by Hondo’s men in Chapter One of Mando? How did he survive the “massacre” at Luke’s school? Oh, and most importantly… WHY THE FUCKING HELL DID BOBA WAIT FIVE GOD DAMNED YEARS TO GET HIS ARMOR BACK AND TAKE OUT BIB FOR TUNA?!

            Star Wars is back, baby. Haven’t been this excited for the series since 1999 before I was letdown by TPM.


              Posting again as the forum apparently ate it…

              The forum must’ve been hungry 😂

              • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by DigiCat.
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