The Mandalorian finale. reactions. spoilers

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Star Wars The Mandalorian finale. reactions. spoilers

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    First off, thank you. Your longwinded response proves my point exactly.


    No, thank you for continuing to reaffirm my point that the masses are willing to play selective memory games the moment Disney dangles a single crumb of something that resembles actual Star Wars. Forget all the bad and compartmentalize only the perceived good in order to feel good.


    Who said Star Wars was saved? Not me. Must be confusing me with someone else. I’m just a guy that enjoys good Star Wars. And the Mandalorian so far has been really good.


    My friend, you basically say it in every response you give on this subject matter in your pattern of speech and context. You are a major cheerleader for all this stuff, while constantly denigrating those that refuse to buy into it, though in quite the passive aggressive manor to make yourself seem reasonable.  Mando has not been good, it’s been average that looks good because of all the crap surrounding it. Good is subjective, because normies will swallow almost anything and quickly move on to the next thing. I continue to use the metaphor that any glass of water will taste like ambrosia when you have just walked out of the desert.

    Mando is that glass of water. Tastes good going down because one was desperate.

    Sequel Trilogy made people desperate.

    You go right on ahead and keep enjoying what you call good Star Wars along with everyone else who is, but it’s time to stop ridiculing and telling those of us who have not and will not buy in.


    If you were an actual continuity nerd rather than a Legends one that no one has to follow anymore, you would remember that in TLJ, Luke’s robotic hand still has the blast mark on it. Therefore, he presumably never got it fixed, so it actually makes sense for the glove in Disney canon. Not sure why he wouldn’t have fixed it, but that’s canon. Maybe it reminded him of his father or something.


    This is not an EU discussion, so don’t try and use that to paint me as a “hater” stuck in his “rigid EU ways.” I’m talking pure marketing logic here, and if you cannot see that, then I suggest you take your blinders off and realize what is going on there: Member berry maximum overdrive steroid pumping juice….imagery to trigger the perfect response, because that is the last true image of Luke Skywalker the world saw in 1983. This is the kind of stuff I learned in my Communications Masters program. This was done purely to drive a specific response with perfect image placement. It’s all marketing, man. All marketing.


    I pity anyone who can see the real Luke on screen again and not feel anything. I wish you could have, it was such an amazing moment to so many. It really is sad what Disney did to so many fans.



    Don’t pity me, because there is no need and nothing to pity. I don’t need you to wish anything for me, thank you. Perhaps our previous engagements may have given you a certain idea, and from that you may like to try and paint me as “dead inside” while you pretend to be reasonable, but I am far from it. I am not as incensed as my other friends here who share my side of the argument, because I made my peace with this garbage two years ago when I discovered the Fandom Menace.

    Much like Jeff from World Class Bulshitters, I never bought into TFA from the start. I knew it was garbage, and yes, because they threw out my “precious EU” I was completely biased and full of rage at that time. Then I found the Fandom Menace and discovered I was not alone in my outrage and fury.

    That’s when my healing began, and then in early 2019 I discovered I could sit down and watch the OT and PT without flying into a depressive rage that my greatest and most beloved fandom was ruined. I could even look at Mark Hamil and see a young man not corrupted by Hollywood and suffering terminal TDS. I saw real Star Wars (because yes I have both Original and Special Edition cuts) and remembered all my joy and what Star Wars meant to my life as a whole, because guess what…I’ve basically been there since the beginning give a few years between ANH and RotJ. I’m that first gen Star Wars fan that helped build what the masses walk around in today and blindly take for granted with so called “good Star Wars” in this Disney Era.

    And now I will bring my EU Flag out.

    You can take your pity and leave it dumpster, because I had years of watching a real Luke Skywalker do awesome things. I didn’t need to see some stunt dude CGI’d up as Luke to fill me with that kind of joy. I already have that joy in my heart, and two years ago I finally realized there is nothing Disney nor those who are Disney apologists can do to take that away from me.

    What Disney did is sad, but it’s sad for those who are still angry to the point of rage and those in a camp that continue to take what they give them and say  “Thank you, sir, may I have another?”, because just saying the Sequel Trilogy is bad and Mando is good is not all right, because such an argument denies reality that it is still all being cooked in the same pot. I will continue to live in reality, not ignorance, even though there are many a time I would love that kind of bliss, especially after 2020.

    My pity remains for the masses, and I guess that includes you, who needed that moment to find that joy, a joy which I’ve been warmed by for over two decades. I’m not gonna say I don’t tear up at emotional moments in movies, because I do. I’m a big softy for certain movie scenes, but to see grown men crying like this…like simpering wimpering betas…I’m going to have to ask for their man cards, because they need to be retested to remain in the club.

    Girls…they can do whatever they want, cuz I’m not a girl, and I’m not dumb enough to wade into those waters.


    As much as I hate to say it, Disney owns Star Wars. They decide what is canon. All we, the fans, have left is head canon. Sorry, man. None of us can change this, as much as we’d all like to.


    Oh my god how I hate that argument, because it is the simplest, most cop out thing to say to anyone who doesn’t like this stuff.

    I think we’ve finally reached a point where I would like a definitive answer from you. You have repeatedly thrown out the argument of how even the EU had bad stories, so EU people can’t criticize Disney for being bad.

    For someone who likes to talk down to EU guys, just how much of the EU did you read? If you are going to continue to berate EU fans, then I’d like to know just how versed you are in it. What is your full experience? Did you just read the Thrawn Trilogy and call it a day? Did you just read Prequel Era stuff?

    If we are talking main storyline timeline wise, I went through everything starting at Truce of Bakura to Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse (I could not buy/read Crucible at the time because I was so angry). I did not read Prequel Era stories, no comics except for Dark Empire, and I didn’t do Rogue Squadron, either. I list this, so that it is on the record what my EU knowledge is based on, ie. EU street cred.

    So once and for all, I am seriously asking for my benefit, so as we continue to interact down the line, just how much weight I need to give what you actually say in response to anything I do. Your fallback argument of how EU people need to move on, how what we still love in our hearts is just our “head cannon” and that we have to “accept things as they are” because “there is plenty of good Star Wars” has really run very thin at this point. Just like I may sound like a broken record, you are one too.

    And yeah, my posts may be long, but I’m a writer, and I have deep thoughts and a lot of things to say. I am not a pithy person, so if you have an issue with that, that’s a you problem. I’m not going to change how I respond to what I disagree with coming out of your mouth or anyone else’s.


    This is not in my latest response, because I first watched it a few minutes ago.

    True and sincere fan reactions here. It’s what we all wanted to see out of their Trilogy and we finally got it. The best possible season ending Jon and Dave could have given us.

    When the hater’s best defense is “it still doesn’t matter because of the TLJ”, you know they hit it out of the park.

    First off, thank you. Your longwinded response proves my point exactly. -DarthGregius



    Sooooooooo, Jeremy is hater?

    Jeremy likes Mando, for the most part. Praises many points of it, in fact.

    Yeeeeeet, he’s echoing everything people in my camp are saying, because he is an HONEST voice. No bullshitting.

    Your argument just lost all its air. Blanket statements never win the day.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Roas.

    Typing for a few seconds is not caring.

    Sure, you don’t care. Yet you have started hundreds of threads crying about different movies, perople or whatever being woke SJW shit. Talk about conservative snowflake behaviour. Quit whining on a forum and get medical help.

    Here, let me help you:


    Yet you are over there jacking off to whatever it is you jack off to thinking there is nothing wrong…

    Yes, very wise words from the crazy cowboy once again… for fuck’s sake 😂😂 educate yourself


    That’s bold of you to assume he can read


    My dude, you need to take a chill pill so you aren’t so defensive all the time. You’re also doing that thing again of putting words in my mouth. Much more than usual this time. You can’t make up things I have “said”, then defend yourself. That’s pointless. And for the record, I don’t think anyone would say either of us are having “deep thoughts”. Good on you for having high self esteem though.

    First off, yes, I do forget all the bad Star Wars. That way, I don’t turn into a crybaby like you going on to Star Wars forums saying everything is awful every day even though there are a ton of stories out there I enjoy. That is not someone who “made peace” with the franchise two years ago. You definitely wouldn’t have been crying in the forums the day new shows were announced like you did.

    You don’t like Mando, I do. We’ll never change our minds on this because we’ve both seen it and made up our minds based on the story itself. Totally fair, I would never say you have to like the show, even though you are saying I can’t. I will only argue with you when you say a show is bad before anyone has the chance of watching it.

    For Luke’s hand, reread your post. You say you’re talking only on marketing? Your paragraph begins with “as a continuity nerd”, so way to change your point after I proved it wrong. We all noticed. Who cares if it’s for marketing or not anyway as long as there is a canon explanation for it?

    Let me clarify since this is one of my “arguments” that you have fabricated. I have never gotten into an argument with you for simply liking the EU. On the contrary, if anyone came into these forums claiming “the entire EU was garbage and anyone who thinks of them as their canon is an idiot”, I would defend you guys. However, I will also defend myself and others here whenever you say “everything Disney will ever put out will be garbage and anyone who thinks of them as their canon is an idiot”. See the consistency now?

    I have always said, like what you like, throw out what you don’t. A simple and effective way to view contradicting canons like we have in Star Wars now. I leave it to each individual to decide what they like in Star Wars. You just said if I didn’t like the Trilogy, I can’t like the Mandalorian because it’s all Disney Star Wars. That policing of opinions is an SJW move there, buddy. I’d try to steer clear of things like that.

    I have also always said that both the EU and Disney have good and bad Star Wars. This is not to hate on the EU like you think it is, it’s just to show that I view them equally. I go in unbiased to everything new in Star Wars. I let the story decide if I like it or not, rather than just looking at who made it. That’s why Disney canon can be both good and bad at the same time.

    Lastly, Disney decides what’s canon since they own the IP. I think you took that statement as me defending something. I wasn’t arguing anything, I was simply stating a fact. Cowgirl David there said the EU is canon: opinion. I said that Disney decides what is canon: fact. We can all have our own head canon, or “real Star Wars”, but no one can dispute that canon will be up to Disney as long as they own the brand. Let’s not argue on what it means to own a company.


    As someone who is older and saw SW in the theatre back in 1977….I loved it. I felt like a kid again. I had tears. This was the Luke I knew, though I think they should have used Deepfakes technology (which does better, every single time) instead of bad CGI. I don’t understand why they can’t use Deepfakes, makes no sense to me. Despite that, it was just a great thing to experience after having so much garbage since Disney took over. It was kind of cool to see all these people experiencing this together, it’s something we all needed.

    I watch SWTheory, and think he is a decent guy but sometimes he seems far too blinded by his fandom. His pal from DenofNerds is way worse. Can’t really stand him personally, that guy has said some just ridiculous things imo. DO NOT have DenofNerds on Friday Night Tights!

    SWGirl, she is ok. She get’s on my nerves sometimes too. Her tirades are a bit ridiculous frankly. I’ve had to turn her off a few times when she starts flipping out and talking 100000 miles per hour nearly hyperventilating.

    But, in the end, we are all SW fans and finally got something good in the cesspool of rotten bacta.


    SWGirl, she is ok. She get’s on my nerves sometimes too. Her tirades are a bit ridiculous frankly. I’ve had to turn her off a few times when she starts flipping out and talking 100000 miles per hour nearly hyperventilating.



      imagery to trigger the perfect response, because that is the last true image of Luke Skywalker the world saw in 1983. This is the kind of stuff I learned in my Communications Masters program. This was done purely to drive a specific response with perfect image placement. It’s all marketing, man. All marketing.

      I’ll give it to Favreau and Filoni, that was good marketing 💴💵💶💷💰

      But i can come up with a logical reason for why Luke would still be wearing his glove even after getting his hand fixed, simply so that there’s less chance that he’ll have to fix it again, assuming that the “skin” is made out of some sort of rubber/silicon, it probably isn’t that much more resilient than real skin, so rather than have to fix it every time it gets damaged in battle, he just made the glove part of his battle gear

      Girls…they can do whatever they want, cuz I’m not a girl, and I’m not dumb enough to wade into those waters.

      What waters??


        Here, let me help you:

        I need to learn how to f***ing read, i swear i read “heterohelp” instead of “heretohelp” 😂😂


          Well, looks can be deceiving… 😅


          This thread is getting intense



            SWGirl, she is ok. She get’s on my nerves sometimes too. Her tirades are a bit ridiculous frankly. I’ve had to turn her off a few times when she starts flipping out and talking 100000 miles per hour nearly hyperventilating.

            Instead i love watching Anna’s tirades, she’s my favorite youtuber, maybe it’s ’cause i can relate to her, i flip out just as much 😹


            I guess the forums ate my response too. Here it is again.

            First off, take a chill pill. I would also once again ask to stop putting words in my mouth. You making up things I have “said”, then defending it doesn’t do anything for your argument or for anyone reading.

            1. “Forget the bad and compartmentalize only the perceived good”. Yes, this is what I’ve been saying from the beginning, “like what you like, throw out what you don’t”. You said in a previous topic you were no Sith, but you sure love holding onto your hate for Disney. But I’m gonna blow your mind here, people are allowed to like things that you don’t. You haven’t learned that yet. That’s what the Fandom Menace stands for, the group used to be anti-SJW, not anti-Disney. I would never tell you that you aren’t allowed to like something. You just told me I can’t like the Mandalorian solely because I don’t also like the Trilogy. That is a SJW thought-policing move. Steer clear of those in the future. I judge Star Wars based solely on how good the story is, not solely on who is making it.

            2. Reread what you said on Luke’s hand. You started the paragraph with “as a continuity nerd”, now you’re saying you focused only on marketing. Don’t worry, we all noticed. And to be honest, I don’t care if it’s for marketing as long as there is a canon explanation too.

            3. Someone who “made peace” with Star Wars two years ago would not be in it’s forums crying the day it announces new content. Face it, dude, you’re still as angry as ever at Disney.

            4. I only ever bring up the bad in the EU to show that there is good and bad in both continuities. No one has ever attacked the EU here like you guys have attacked Disney canon, so I have had no need to bring up the good. You, again, seem to be under the impression that everything EU is great and everything Disney is terrible. I don’t deal in absolutes like that.

            5. Disney owns Lucasfilm, so they choose what’s canon. You’re saying it’s a bad defense or something, all I was doing was stating a fact. Let’s not argue on what it means to own a company.


              I cried too, I am right there with Anna and SWTheory. Watching their videos back made me all weepy all over again.

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