The Misassignment of Responsibility

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      The United States was founded on a number of precepts that are integral to the experiment that is the USA.  The most important of which is that your rights and freedoms (laid out by multiple founding documents) do not come from the government but from God.  This means the government cannot take away something that a higher power has granted and is actually charged with protecting those rights and freedoms.

      I think over time for a myriad of reasons people have abdicated their freedom to the government in exchange for being relieved of personal accountability and responsibility.

      This seems to be so prevalent now any time their is a tragedy, an accident or something bad happens all you see on TV is people asking why did the government let this happen.  This is usually followed by days of news stories talking about what the government can do avoid this in the future which is then followed by the government asking for your tax dollars and freedoms to “solve” whatever it was.

      Society and community is not built by government. While the government might play some role in the maintenance of both it is not responsible for either.

      What makes both society and community are people getting together, taking things upon themselves and making their community what they want it to be.

      Your happiness is your responsibility

      Your security is your responsibility

      Your health is your responsibility

      Your success in life is your responsibility

      Yes, things are often unequal between people, we are all dealt different hands in life but the responsibility for you is yours regardless.

      If you want a better community, a better society, a better country then stop relying on self absorbed bureaucrats to solve your problems. Because that will NEVER happen.

      It sounds like a big job.  And it is.  But all the little things can and do help.  Smile and wave at your neighbors, helps folks when they might need it, be kind for the sake of being kind. Take responsibility for your life, teach others do the same and help each other succeed.

      “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” –John 13:34

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