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You are the perfect example of the stubborn american, who doesn’t even want to hear anything, sings la la la la la and continues to spew misconceptions. THE MASK IS NOT FOR YOUR PROTECTION!
Maybe this way you’ll get it, it seems Americans only speak gun language: The mask is not a bullet proof vest, it’s the safety on your gun!
And if you think 180K dead is not enough to be worried, then what would be your treshold? 1 million dead? 10 million? Everyone?
Like talking to a child. Virulent doesn’t mean everyone dies. The death rate is 2-3% so if every homeless got it, let’s say they are weak so the chance of them dying is two times bigger. Would you notice 5% less homeless? Of course not.
Currently there are 180K dead in the US thanks to the virus, if no countermeasure was put in place this number would be around 2-3 million by now. Of course it’s very hard to defend the the actions taken when the crysis is mostly averted, so common people have no clue how bad it would’ve been if we did nothing like most of them advocated.
Sigh. This is still talking about whether the mask protects the wearer, and a bunch of other misconceptions.
Did you even read the article you cite?
It’s purpose is to reduce the chance of you spreading the virus in case you are already infected just don’t know it yet!
That number is make believe.
the real number of DEATHS FROM the fake virus is less than 10k. The rest are people who were dying alredy from a real disease and caught a cold or DIED IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS. Fuck you retards will believe anything the lamestream media tells you.
The death rate is lower than 0.01%. Stop lying to yourself.
If I crop dusted your dumb ass you would smell it.
Methane is a larger particle than a virus is. Stop spreading the lies.
You clearly didn’t read it very closely or have completely missed the larger point.
The British Government has also zig-zagged. As recently as June 24, in a series of official pamphlets for reopening shops and services, the Department for Business and Enterprise said repeatedly: ‘The evidence of the benefit of using a face covering to protect others is weak and the effect is likely to be small.’
I can’t speak for the US, but in the UK we’ve gone well past the peak. Coronavirus cases are still going to linger around, of course, and will for some time, but wearing masks at this point is thoroughly redundant. At what point do you think the pandemic will be declared officially over? Are you willing to go around wearing a mask in public for the rest of your life?
If masks were effective at combating the virus, they would’ve encouraged them when the lockdowns were introduced. Mandating masks in the aftermath is exploiting people’s altruism and a form of social conditioning. The psychological effects are pretty clear, as people who are obeying are gripped with fear and are quick to shame and judge those who aren’t.
What and who are you arguing against? Again, no one here said wearing a mask completely stops you from getting the virus. You’re punching ghosts at the moment.
And how about you educate yourself before lying and accusing others of lying. Methane is composed of only 5 atoms. That is definitely not bigger than a virus you fool.
Like the guy above said:
Maybe this way you’ll get it, it seems Americans only speak gun language: The mask is not a bullet proof vest, it’s the safety on your gun!
If you still don’t get the purpose, have a look at these pics
Keep spreading the lies KOMRAD. I dont give a fuck what you idiots want.
This fake ass virus has killed fewer than 10ooo Americans. ALL of the rest of the numbers that the media is spewing are people who died of cancer, herat attacks, car accidents, falls, real causes of death that have all but vanished during the past 8 months cause the DNC needed a new scare tactic to steal an election.
Retarded fucks like you fell for it like a good little sheep.