The most convincing argument against the existence of God

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    > So dreadful that for 2000+ years people have waged wars in order to avoid confronting it.

    The more I study history, the less plausible the “religious war” narrative looks. For example, in Macaulay’s history of England, he describes how when Puritans were in the political ascendancy, everyone with political aspirations pretended to be Puritan. When the Puritans lost power and were persecuted, all those fair-weather “converts” left for whatever religious profession would give them the best chance at political power.

    Similarly, in Gibbons’ account of Roman ecclesiastical policy, he describes how many of the elites didn’t really believe any of the religions practiced in the Empire, but they tolerated most of them, and while giving public respect to the religions, used them as a tool to manipulate the population.

    In short, people who are greedy for power will use anything available, including violence and pretense of religion. Trying to imply that that greed is somehow a unique product of religious belief, and that if only people would stop believing in religion, the lust for power would go away, well, let’s just say I find that absurd. :) (Even the Bible points out that the Pharisees crucified Christ for political reasons, while religion was merely the excuse they used.)

    What seems more likely to me is that elitists don’t want people believing in anything greater than the elites, like Fauci claiming “I am the science”. While Rome may have been pragmatic about religion, it’s evident that in more recent history there’s a trend among tyrannies to treat religious belief as competition.


    What seems more likely to me is that elitists don’t want people believing in anything greater than the elites, like Fauci claiming “I am the science”. While Rome may have been pragmatic about religion, it’s evident that in more recent history there’s a trend among tyrannies to treat religious belief as competition.

    Just like the Emperor’s of Rome or China, or the Pharaohs of Egypt, etc.  these elites/ruler/tyrants wanted the citizens to worship them and their rule.  Their word is law, and they are above the law that they dictate to their serfdoms.


    @ Vknid “That is not true in the least. If it was we would not need laws to provide consequences for breaking morality because it would be universal and everyone would follow it. Sure, some of the most egregious things are widely agreed on but even then you can find places that think differently and do differently. And again, if this was true morality would not morph over time and sometimes dramatically. ”

    Whether or not individuals adhere to universal morality is irrelevant to the fact that it exists and manifests itself through natural law. Human laws can either be in accordance to natural law or not. If they’re not, sooner or later that society will collapse. This is what we see in the US and the West currently (as well as most of the world).
    Universal morality has never morphed over time, nor can it. Humans can decide to adhere to it, or come up with their own morality. Maybe we’ll get it right on the 100.000th attempt. Spoiler: we won’t.

    “That is the question for the atheist and one I assume they fear quite often. If I am wrong, I go to sleep and I have lived a good life while doing good for others and never trying only to please myself. If the atheist is wrong, they possibly suffer for eternity.”

    How do you know your religion is right and not Islam? Or one of the tens of thousands of forms of Christianity who consider you a heretic? Or Hinduism? If Islam is right, you won’t be spared eternal suffering either. Belief in god is no get out of jail free card either. You have to believe in the right god, and you can’t know which one that is, since not one religion has so far offered any evidence that they’re peddling anything more plausible than the tooth fairy.


    It’s just the decline in quality of sound in the secular world. The thing is that we always here the arguments against and the people that they are from tried to lock you down and poke you. I like seeing the humble, faithful people away from the strife and quarreling.

    The OP does have a point, but I see riot protest footage and fire all the time. The aftermath of Minneapolis and George Floyd truly looked like Napalm hit it.

    Screenshot 2023-06-04 at 04-00-13 quotes god exist at DuckDuckGo




      “How do you know your religion is right and not Islam?”

      Why do you believe all people of faith think the same?  Why do you assume that I believe unless I do X as prescribed by a religion (which is in most cases is a organization created by people which therefore makes it very imperfect) I fail and or end up in hell?  As I have described previously I do not think God is in heaven with a giant checklist marking down X’s and checks as we move through life.  The reality of Christianity is we know for a fact we will all fall short and only by the grace of God do we make it back to him.  It’s not about saying the prescribed words at the prescribed time or anything to that effect.  It’s about loving God and doing so enough to follow his laws and morality as you understand them to the best of your ability.


      I like your approach, but as you see a few posts earlier, it conflicts with viewpoints like “There’s one christianity and 49.999 heresies”.  Let alone the even more radical approach that most forms of Islam (except Alevitism) have.

      “It’s about loving God and doing so enough to follow his laws and morality as you understand them to the best of your ability.”

      That’s almost like the Jewish approach, where righteousness is measured in deed rather than faith, and can be attained by unbelievers, too.
      If that is the standard, then I suppose even I got my ticket to heaven, since I’m acting as morally as possible within my ability to understand morality.

      Sadly, religions, much like government, tend to demand more submission than you do.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Wisdom.

        ” it conflicts with viewpoints like “There’s one christianity and 49.999 heresies”.”

        Well yes it does conflict with it technically.  But then again it does it.  If that person is following God’s morality as they understand it because they wish to please God, then that is all God is really requesting.

        “That’s almost like the Jewish approach, where righteousness is measured in deed rather than faith, and can be attained by unbelievers, too.
        If that is the standard, then I suppose even I got my ticket to heaven, since I’m acting as morally as possible within my ability to understand morality.”

        I am not very knowledgeable of the Jewish religion so I cannot speak to that part but that is not what I am saying.  I am not saying if you are moral by your own standards you are good to go.  No, not at all.  I am saying you must believe in God and know, understand and love him enough to want to do as he requests.  You have to want to do what is moral as you believe God has laid that out and not just when things work out for you but also when being moral works to your detriment.

        At the end of the day we do the best we can and when your life is over God judges you.  And this happens on a per person basis and there is not some template or standard one must conform to.

        This activity I see some Christians participate in where they yell at people and express hatred for them and tell them they are going to hell is antithetical to the Bible. We have no say in whom is going where.  And if we are to love one another as Jesus commanded then you should not have hatred for a person but only for their sinful actions and your reaction should be not to condemn but to try to help them.

        “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” –Exodus 33:19


        How do you know your religion is right and not Islam? Or one of the tens of thousands of forms of Christianity who consider you a heretic? Or Hinduism? If Islam is right, you won’t be spared eternal suffering either. Belief in god is no get out of jail free card either. You have to believe in the right god, and you can’t know which one that is, since not one religion has so far offered any evidence that they’re peddling anything more plausible than the tooth fairy.

        This belief that “religion must be wrong because there sure are a lot of ’em” is not an argument.  There are a great many things there are a wide variety of viewpoints on, but that does not mean there is no truth.  And the idea that no religion has offered any proof for their beliefs is absurd.  Go read the full Summa Theologica and get back to me when you finish it in 2030.

        Religion is not flavours of ice cream. It is not a personal preference. It is an explanatory framework for the entre metaphysics of existence. People who take it seriously do not just go to churches, synagogues, etc. because they like the ambiance.  Your strawman argument that “no religion offers evidence for itself” and your unstated assumption that all are equally invalid are not the amazing mic drops you think they are. They could not overcome C.S. Lewis, let alone any of the Church fathers.

        What one would expect in a theistic universe where free will exists and evil has entered creation would be that people would, mostly, have a religion. This would be baked into them from creation. One would also expect controversy over this , both from our fallen nature and evil in the world.  One would expect that there would be large amounts of agreement in some respects, as the baked in part of belief would latch onto truth. One would expect that, despite this, one of the religions would likely be the actually correct one, as a god would at some point make himself known.  Finally, one would expect atheist societies to die off and atheists to be mostly sterile. This would be sort of anti-virus software baked into creation to make sure wherever the most untruthful and hurtful belief gained any traction it was removed from the system before the infection could spread and cause real problems.

        Near as I can tell, this looks precisely like a theistic universe.


        An olive branch to atheists, from my 2nd favorite atheist (Christopher Hitchens was first).  It’s 14 minutes you won’t regret (and a recommended subscribe to boot).




        Screenshot 2023-06-04 at 11-02-23 8cbe33cc4f34ab3f.jpeg (JPEG Image 568 × 554 pixels)



        Outside God, universal morality is meaningless. Entropy may grind slowly, but it grinds small, and in the long run it renders the universe into maximum uniformity.

        We can’t change that outcome, and thus within the bounds of entropy, morality and choice are an illusion. No matter how “good” or how “evil” one might be, the final result will be exactly the same.

        That’s why the Bible defines the knowledge of good and evil as death, and contrasts that knowledge with Life.


        Outside God, universal morality is meaningless. Entropy may grind slowly, but it grinds small, and in the long run it renders the universe into maximum uniformity.

        We can’t change that outcome, and thus within the bounds of entropy, morality and choice are an illusion. No matter how “good” or how “evil” one might be, the final result will be exactly the same.

        I am interested in his reply to your question here.  He has stated his morality is based on what is valuable to life, but life in a materialist universe is doomed to die in the heat death of the universe eventually. So why exactly value things based on usefulness to life? Life is only a transitory state of some matter some places. There doesn’t seem to be any objective reason to value it in a world tending unstoppably to the eternal void.

        The living being is only a species of the dead, and a very rare species.– Friedrich Nietzsche


        –How do you know your religion is right and not Islam? Or one of the tens of thousands of forms of Christianity who consider you a heretic? Or Hinduism?

        Simple questions to answer.

        In all other religions, the responsibility to save oneself, however that may be defined, is on oneself. You, whoever “you” might be, have to improve yourself or do some great good works, in order to win the approval of your god or gods–die gloriously in battle against the infidels, numb your desires, give your newborn children to the flames, go through zillions of reincarnations, chants the right mantras, or whatever else might be imagined.

        In Christianity, it is God who does the work. Right at the first, man cannot save himself. Man is the sinner, man has broken God’s laws, and if man gets what he has earned, he will be the object of God’s just judgment, and he will end up in Hell. Salvation, then, must be the work of God. God is the one whose laws we have broken, and God is the one who has provided the way for law-breakers to be forgiven. God is the one who has established the penalty for breaking His laws, and God has Himself paid the penalty for breaking the laws, so that through repentance and faith in Christ men who are lawbreakers may be washed clean of their sins.

        Christianity is the only religion that looks at man rightly. All others, even your atheism, are just ego-manipulating claptrap. Christianity paints man in the darkest colors because man’s soul really is as black as night, and it offers man the brightest hope because that hope is a gift God gives, not a wage man can never earn



        I love Hillsong Worship.  King of Kings is the most perfectly triumphant telling of The Gospel I have ever come across (outside The Bible, obviously).

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